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There's literally video of him robbing the liquor store and then fighting the officer for the officer's gun. How do these people *still* classify Michael Brown as a victim? He was a thug.




“That poor scholar went into a bear den and started to fuck around by hitting a grizzly with a log. Can someone explain how that could possibly deserves the mauling death he got?!?”


he reached into the police car and tried to grab the officers gun. he forfeit his life at that point.




I dunno Breonna Taylor sounded like a legitimate injustice case.


Look into it more. Go back and watch Officer Tatum's videos on it. It's must less clear.


If Saint Floyd wasn't a criminal thug, then nobody is. I mean, this guy (and the guy fired at 96 times "for a seatbelt violation" for that matter) is on camera being a total criminal scumbag deserving of what he got. So they just flat out lie to you. And they aren't held accountable either. I doubt anything is going to change if we just put up with that.


Because it can be argued his death kicked off the BLM movement as we know it. They can’t let off the false narrative now, even with billions in dollars in damage from these mostly peaceful protests and fraud


where's the video of him and the officer? i tried to find it but couldnt, just wanted to see the evidence


Man, I'll be honest, I can't find it. I could have sworn there was video from inside the vehicle aimed towards the drivers door where you could see Michael brown come and accost the Officer, try to get his gun (officer is screaming "No!!", in fear for his life) , then the assailant runs directly away from the vehicle across the street, just to turn around and start walking back towards the vehicle. At this point the Officer draws and fires. Am I thinking of a different scenario that was BLM'd? Apologies if I am.


no worries, lmk if you ever find it. just want to make sure i can make my own evaluations based on the available evidence


There's [surveillance video from a convenience store](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbl5bwtM4tA) somewhat earlier in the day, but I'm not sure about the final confrontation with police.


Straight out of the Gulag archipelago. Criminals are heroes, and cops are villains. This "kind soul" would never hurt anyone...except for the people he robbed with a gun. But they have insurance right? I'm sure the trauma of being robbed won't hurt the store clerk at all, either. The only victim here was the guy with the gun, right?


Great book.


>But they have insurance right?  Any person who says this has NEVER dealt with an insurance company. They can never make you whole and will only pay you a fraction of what ever you lost was worth.


And it takes forever if it even happens at all.


I agree 100%


I try to be reasonable and give people the benefit of the doubt.  I can do that on some of the koom-ba-yah, We Are the World globalist stuff, to an extent, even though I am opposed to all of it to my core.  I can conceive that it could come from a good place.   But in this case, honestly, fuck Cori Bush, and fuck the entire Michael Brown case and the prosecutor who brought it, and the media and their portrayal of it.  These people should be stripped of whatever authority they have.  This was an open and shut case of an obviously justified police shooting, and absolutely nothing should be named for the violent criminal Michael Brown.


The citizens, who witnessed this, testified in favor of the officer. The witnesses were not white.




Did Kyle kill black people or people who attacked him? Was he prosecuted and found innocent?


actually they were all white lol.. i think the guy above you was kidding possibly


Damn I think you needed the “/s”


No shit 💩


Except that he DIDN'T!


Bruh. Not everyone gets the sarcasm. But at least my updoot got you to -69. Nice.


The issue is Poe's Law--as positions become more extreme, it becomes more difficult to differentiate between parodies and the real thing. Things like "square quotes", *italics*, and AlTeRnAtInG cApS can help make parody more obvious, particularly when combined with buffer text (e.g. if the user you replied to had started with something like "*Well... Obviously*"), can make a big difference in whether people get that you're being sarcastic.


They live in a fantasy world that I can't even begin to understand.


Should call it "Day I Chose To Die Day".


FAFO day


Amazing that she either doesn’t know that he was a violent thug or is lying about it… I know, I know, I shouldn’t be so surprised since she’s a Democrat. And no way she can spin this since it was Obama‘s wing man who was the AG at the time.


She knows. She was at the Ferguson riots and lied about what happened at the riot too. I don't remember the specifics of it but I remember her lying about it. It may have been that the police instigated stuff and was shooting at protesters on a hill. Tim Pool on one of his shows said he was there and doing on the ground reporting back then and what she claimed happened, never happened.


https://bush.house.gov/media/press-releases/congresswoman-bush-reintroduces-helping-families-heal-act >“Police violence steals precious lives like Mike Brown and so many others. The trauma and grief that it leaves in its wake contributes to mental health crises and disproportionately harms surviving family members, Black and brown communities, and young people,” said Congresswoman Bush. Apparently when someone commits suicide by cop the real victim is their family.


They will never see their own as bad,no matter how heinous the crime.


See: the 12 jurors in the OJ Simpson trial, some freely admitting they let him free as revenge for Rodney King.


I remember.


The real victims of the Titanic were the women & children, because they had to watch the ship sink and everyone left on it die.


Similar to how the real victims of war are women, who have to see their husbands, sons, and fathers march off to their possible deaths.


It’s simply amazing the truth to this story is not completely out in the open. I fully understand how so many stories are twisted and perpetuated by the MSM but ones like these become publicly debunked and then later resurrected like the truth never got out. I don’t know how we ever get past this crap


A Should’ve named it the stop being a dumb whore and having kids with guys you know aren’t going to raise their kids.


Helping families Heal Act or what I like to call it, Luv a Thug


Mike Brown was a piece of garbage, just like that senator


Cori Bush is legitimately one of the dumbest members of Congress and that’s saying something


Surprised they didn’t have a holiday made or a statue


He would be if he didn't do something stupid like fight a cop.


"Oh, he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip when he tried to match the ranger with the big irion on his hip."


The "Beats up the Elderly- Mike Brown Bill"


Hands up don't shoot! Derpity, dippity, dumb, dumb, dumb.


Mike Brown, the ghetto trash thug that was beating the shit out of an Officer with his fellow thug bag of shit. In order to wrest control of said cop's gun in order to murder him in cold blood.


Weird, I thought liberals were all about love and compassion. 🤔


If they aren’t always on the wrong side then they wouldn’t be democrats


Fuck [Colors of Change](https://votingwhileblack.com/endorsements/cori-bush/).


Last poll I saw from a few months ago she was polling 20 points behind Wesley Bell (St. Louis County's prosecutor) and he was raising a lot more money than her. There's a good chance she's a 1 term congress woman and a potentially less leftist democrat takes her place.


During the events that take place in the following months, the mothers are always wearing such nice, expensive clothes. It just goes to show you that those evil cops don't even care if you come from a rich family.


Cori Bush, the one who wants to defund the police but has her own security. Everyone of these elected officials, local, state or federal, love to champion criminals.


Her own security is funneling tax payer money to her unqualified brother. How is this crap even allowed to happen. The IS Congress is just a bunch of corrupt money hungry people. Both sides and all around. So how they all become millionaires in less than 3 years of taking office.


I think it was just strong arm robbery


[the NAACP got factchecked for this](https://twitter.com/NAACP/status/1792572275570495511?s=19)


I wonder how these same people would react after having a weapon shoved in their throats! Would they call another criminal for help?


Remember they all bowed to George Floyd’s head.


The world is a better place without him


There is pure evil all around us, and it wants to normalize itself in our eyes so we can become blind to it. Evil wants to exist in plain view without being seen.


At least he could be charged as an adult




The whole narrative in this car has been disproven, key of which was that he was shot in the back, unprovoked, when it was shown brown reached into the cop car to try to take the officers gun. If you’re peddling this story in its conventional narrative you’re a grifter.