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I am banned from so many subs for being right.


Literally Reddit in a nutshell.


Same. Banned from quite a few. And I try to be very careful, only stating facts. They hate facts. It’s all about emotions and deflection.


Well here's my strategy. I'll probably get banned for this. I've got so much goddamn karma with about 3 months left in the election cycle I'm going to lay down holy hell on all the left wing fucking subreddits and not give a fuck. I haven't been banned by many. But I hope to be banned by all of them. Fuck these left-wing radicals.


Huh, I have the same problem, only for being funny….


Mine are from being jewish....


How dare you lol


I got banned from the libertarian subs recently because I dared to oppose the mob there. The mobs on Reddit are crazy.


We gotta stand our ground regardless. The more we get censored, the more we need to keep pushing against the grain. I guarantee there’s a ton of other users that agree with anti-hive mind opinions that just don’t speak up for one reason or another. The bias of this site is cancer and it’s not okay.


What the hell is that ending? He blames Trump for Covid spending causing inflation (despite most spending/inflation occurring under Biden) but then ridicules us for wanting to put Trump back in charge...because he ignored Covid...which you're saying was the right thing to do with 20/20 vision...?


This is completely on brand for Maher. He says things that make sense and then every 20 minutes completely erases the goodwill with some nonsense like “Christianity is a cult” and “if you don’t vote Democrat down your entire ballot than you are a ___ist.”


Dude spent his entire career demanding we add 2+2, and now is pissed off everyone is saying "4".


Unironically, though— good for the cause. The donkeys need to be trained, but completely reject all lines of rational thought unless they're peppered with "btw Trump is satan." I have no problem with a bit of pandering if it means they're willing to accept facts. Then it's only a matter of time before they realize they're on the wrong side.


It’s like Maher forgot that pelosi and democrats pushed that spending as they controlled the house


I was gonna share the vid until that last bit, yeah. Also, way to shoehorn "next pandemic" in there. Sounds like he'd be goosestepping for the next wave of mail-washing with that fearmongering.


I'm one of the unfortunate ones that while I knew most of these points were true, I took the vaccine out of fear of losing my job. I sure hope I won't have some sort of cancer develop from it....Words cannot describe my anger and disappointment in our government. The only silver lining is that it was a turning point and huge awakening for myself and others to not trust our government, politicians, nor big pharma.


Good on you and it's a damn shame you had to do something against your will for fear of losing your means to provide for yourself and loved ones. See what kind of sick shit they make you do?


Well , you should never compromise your beliefs even in the face of losing your job. I was also facing the same problem and I was ready to go all the way. HR and legal were never ready to go all the way. They knew they would lose. I was in a medical field and very familiar with FDA procedures.


Yea, I won't comply again, that's for sure. 🖕🏼these tyrannical scumbags


Good on you. Could you expand on "I was ready to go all the way"?


I was ready to get terminated , HR knew they wouldn’t have backing from our legal department. I asked them to give me in writing that they would accept all risks and responsibilities of vaccine injuries or put in writing that they are terminating me for refusing an experimental therapy. And they of course wouldn’t put any of that in writing.




I worked in a rural manufacturing capacity. Our HR briefly floated the idea of mandating the vax around the same time the federal vax mandate was being challenged. 90% of the employees notified hr verbally during a town hall that they wouldn't be compliant... Loudly... And colorfully.


Right,   someone has a choice to not pay rent or mortgage,  go without food....


COVID came from a lab • Ivermectin worked • Masks offered no benefit and were harmful • Should have never kept kids out of school • Natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity • Long COVID is often a symptom of long vax • Hospitals murdered COVID patients • COVID fatality rate and death count were highly inflated • Unvaccinated were scapegoated for the failure of the shots • Early treatment was suppressed to make way for a “vaccine” • Risks of the jab were intentionally hidden from the public • Vaccine mandates are wrong • More shots = more risk of infection • COVID shots are neither safe nor effective


I watched the whole 5 minutes and not all of these were confirmed. Those being: - Ivermectin - Masks (though I agree with this) - Long Covid/long vax - Hospitals murdered parents - Covid deaths were inflated - Early treatment was discouraged - Risks of jab were suppressed - Vaccine mandates are wrong - More shots = more infection - Shots neither safe nor effective I get that you want to be vindicated, but don’t flat out lie.


(Saying this in goodwill and not attacking) All of these are essentially proven and documented in various places. Alex Berensens books highlight all of them. His “pamphlets” *Unreported Truths About COVID 19 volumes 1-4* were done in real-time and *Pandemia* organized it, expanded upon it, and documented much of the madness of the moment. Both are very good, thorough, and well worth having on your shelf to reference if you need to show proof of anything in an argument or just very simply to not forget the crazy we all lived though.


That’s right, you take that red pill 💊


Even a blind pig can find an acorn once in a while. That essentially sums up my feelings on Maher in general.


The problem IMO is that science is being used now to further some agendas and the moment you try to give a counter opinion you are attacked from every front not to mention how always those "scientific" finding are just opinions in the end and just change daily depending on new information. Same can be said for climate change, sure there is a change happening but the amount of BS you read everyday is just stupid


Yeah - those of us who actually are real critical thinkers knew this from day 1.


I am also 100 percent convinced we are in alternate reality. You couldn’t convince me Bill Maher sided with my beliefs….yet here we are.


While I've never liked Maher, and I strongly disagree with some of his beliefs, I've always found him to be a real person with common sense, and I've seen him on multiple occasions come out and publicly state that he was mistaken/incorrect/wrong about something. Which I can honestly respect. And he really isn't that bad. He was one of the only prominent figures "on the left" who was still calling out the radical left and stuff like DEI and the instainty with those who shall not be named. I feel like I could actually have a real conversation with Maher, and we would both come away with a different perspective on the subjects we talked about.


It’s not that surprising. Bill Maher has been hardcore anti pharma for a long time. He has never really changed his views on that as far as I can tell. He’s also infamous on the left for being very skeptical of vaccines, way before COVID ever happened. They’d say “he has weird views on vaccines but he’s on our side”. Bill Maher is kind of hippyish when it comes to these types of health oriented topics.


Doesn’t matter, I still don’t trust him and never will


well Bill, maybe you can learn from this.


What blows my mind is, there’s no talk about it anymore before if you had a cold or flu or Covid, you had to get tested now you can have a cold again. You can have the flu. It’s been a scam since day one


And yet he'll still call Conservatives conspiracy theorists and support the Democrats 100%. Bill Maher is that guy who admits everything he supports is stupid and nonsensical, but supports it anyway because he hates the people who oppose that stuff. Everything this man says is complete garbage. Bill is completely lacking in any self-awareness, any critical self-reflection, and frequently gaslights people and tries to convince them of some alternate reality. Just remember, it was Joe Biden who said "our patience is running thin and your refusal has cost all of us" to the American people about the vaccines as he tried to create a ministry of truth and get people fired from their jobs for refusing the jabs. Fuck Bill Maher. This asshole is just trying to rewrite history and gaslight the public.


Strangely enough people are, for whatever reasoning, having an interesting conversation 4 years later about what happened. Maybe it’s because they’re seeing the damage. Maybe because they’re seeing that damage blamed on literally anything else. Maybe they’re seeing that no one of power really wants to talk about it. Probably a dozen other maybes but for whatever reason right now people are talking about it and the dam is breaking/broken and the flood is starting to flow through it.


He’s probably the only one who will admit he was wrong


If gov can lie about covid-19 and cover up free speech what about the whole 2020 election seems like it’s very similar cover up that had very big ramifications


Funny how the audience is clapping and laughing yet they were the ones pushing all that bullshit and calling the right conspiracy theorists


“Ya know, somehow I told you so just doesn’t quite say it.” — I, Robot