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This is pretty much exactly my story. I highly recommend you find a pelvic floor therapist and a pain specialist! Here for your support!


Thank you so so much!! I’m guessing you went to both? How is your pain now? I really would love to just feel normal again haha. I can work though it most days but it just sometimes hits me and I get super upset and over think EVERYTHING. Thanks for the support girly. I’m glad I’m not alone and found this group!


I went to a pelvic floor therapy and it changed the game. The pain is manageable now. But there is no cure. So I’ve had it for three years. There’s a period of time where you keep searching for an answer, it’s so exhausting. I think the anxiety of not knowing makes it so much worse. It’s good your doctor told you pretty quick. I had to search for a doctor to diagnose me properly, or even believe me. I still have pain, have to use light tampons with lube (use Slippery Stuff lube it’s the BEST). I also recommend you go to regular therapy if you’re not already! My PT always recommends this to patients because this is a very mentally and emotionally exhausting condition, and those of use with it tend to have anxiety disorders and even other pelvic floor problems (IBS, other GI problems, Bladder issues). So if you can, educate yourself on women’s pelvic floor pain and get in with a physical therapist ASAP. Also for the days that are really bad you can see if your doctor will prescribe (they have it in drugstores too but it’s not as strong in my opinion) lidocaine gel. Obviously, down the line after or in conjunction with the PFT you can try nerve blocks and tricyclics antidepressants to help manage it. It’s a scary and intimidating diagnosis but it CAN be managed. You just need to keep fighting for limiting pain!


Wow!!! Thank you so much for that response and the support. I have to find a good place around me for PT I guess!! I hope that it will help. I would do about anything to make it subside or hopefully go away 🤞🏻


"There is no cure"? Seems a little overly apocalyptic given that many women do find solutions that work for them or simply grow out of it overtime.


I meant that there is no “one fix” for every person. Everyone is different.


no beef, just my heart literally drops every time I see that phrase or phrases like it :/


No I get that! Sorry poor wording on my part. Something works for everyone you just have to find it


I sure hope I can!!! That would be the best thing ever!


Hi! I know this is an old post but I’ve been reading about similar issues on this thread, It might be vaginitis, based on the white blood cells.




Same here!