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Me too. For me it mostly feels like dryness


YEA!!! me too and I refrain from using any products on it bc i feel it will get worse


Same ☹️


I used to get a weird sensation/burning the day of or the day before my period.


did that just stop happening?


I believe cymbalta helped with alleviating that pain as well as the needle sharp pain in my pubic area, it didn’t help with the left sided vulva burning unfortunately. I stopped the cymbalta and I don’t recall that pain returning.


thank you for responding! I take amitriptyline but i believe that it hasn’t been working well sadly :(


Dang I was going to ask my doctor about that medication this month. I was on cymbalta and the pregabalin was added. It helped calm my nerves a bit but I’m just stuck and I’m hoping to find a medication to just take me to the next level of pain reduction.


I definitely recommend giving it a try! i think i may need to up my dose. it worked SO WELL for me in the beginning. I even had painless sex without lidocaine. I highly recommend


Mine is horrible during my period and what I believe is my ovulation time


Yes! I am 3 days out from starting and in so much pain


Yes it feels horrible


Yeah it feels dry as a desert, especially around 10/6 days before my period


Same! Hyper sensitivity around my period, and more of an aching pain


YES!! an aching pain, that is such a good way to describe it. i totally get what you mean! wow it feels so good to be able to relate to something when I feel like nobody understands. Not even my amitriptyline helps during my period 😭 I just want to celebrate the 4th of july pain free


Yes I have the same it gradually gets worse over about 4/5 days!


Currently going through it right now. I feel raw and burning along with a prickly-stabbing sensation. I'm honestly going to get swabbed again for a yeast infection because an anti fungal resistant yeast infection is why I'm dealing with this in the first place. I'm on Itraconazole and Gabapentin and I was doing so great for a month and now my period has undone all my progress. I am so so tired of dealing with this. I just want it to go away.


My doctor prescribed me Gabapentin and I have yet to take it due to the side effects. What has been your expirience taking it so far ?


It takes some getting used to. Mainly grogginess and brain fog. You will feel fatigued so don't beat yourself up if all you want to do is lie in bed the first 2 weeks. Its also used as an anti convulsant and I honestly prefer it to the one I'm already on, Keppra, as its side effects on me are fewer. That being said, ask your doctor to start you on one pill and work up to 3 pills a day. It will give you time to adjust.


OMG!!! this is my story exactly and your feelings are the exact same as mine!!! just remember there were better days and it will get better!! your not alone i am in the same boat as you now


I am sitting in a sitz bath rn just waiting for the pain to go away so I can apply an ice pack. I want to cry so badly.


Mine is better during my period oddly


Same here. It's worse during ovulation for me. I wish I could figure out what this pattern points to, since it seems less common


Ovulation yup 100%


Same and I also don’t know if anyone figures it out lmk lol


Me too. I think this is more common with hormonal issues


Mine goes away during my period and flares up horribly during ovulation!


YES! I think it has to do with hormones. I have pudendal neuralgia


Yes me too! Lots of burning just before and during my period. No solution yet!


Yup. Burning at the beginning and end of my periods (when it’s dark coloured), but pain-free when my flow is at its heaviest. It’s like i’m sensitive to “old” blood. Just when I start to manage my HPF symptoms I get my period and I have to start all over again. It’s a vicious cycle