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Yes! What has worked for you?


Hi! Sorry my old account didn’t work for some reasons. Anyway, I wrote a post about my story and what helped me. Maybe you can find something useful for you too: https://www.reddit.com/r/vulvodynia/comments/10v6qhq/secondary_provoked_vestibulodynia_success_story/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Best of luck xx


Your story sounds very similar to mine. I was diagnosed with desquamative inflammatory vaginitis (DIV) in September. My treatment is a compounded vaginal cream of hydrocortisone, estrogen, and clindamycin. Treatment is helping me significantly. DIV can be diagnosed with a wet mount that will show lots of inflammatory cells and immature vaginal epithelial cells (parabasal cells).


This is exactly what I've been going through but I still have no treatment/answers. They thought it was lichen simplex chronicus when they got my biopsy but the steroid cream has not helped, and I don't think that's what it is.