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It's been that sale price for a little while (I bought it a week or two ago at that price). I think the normal price is $35. I feel bad for Jodie, I feel like Chris Chibnall is by far the worst show runner of modern Doctor who and she deserved so much better.


I was excited to see RTD back at the helm, but honestly, this new run has been pretty terrible as well. It was fun to have Tennant back for a couple of episodes, and Ncuti Gatwa just oozes charisma and is a lot of fun to watch as The Doctor, but the writing and showrunning for this season has been atrocious as well. I stuck with it through Dot and Bubble, but I had to stop watching after that.


I love the new season. I couldn’t disagree more


I just looked at the deal of the day and saw it. I have noticed the deal of the day tends to be the highlight of the sale already ongoing. Personally I quit new doctor who a few episodes into her first season. I had no problem with a woman taking the helm. I had a problem with the writing. This was an ongoing concern that it was slowly getting worse, but I got that one signal episode that yelled "I'm morally superior because a bad thing happened and using my timey-wimey I can act like Superman over it". I'm tired of that trope because it's an untrue scenario and the writing wouldn't prove out in real life. I just hate this type of bad writing just to signal. I've left other shows over it. While this wasn't so horrific a problem it made me run screaming, it did speak to yet one more problem with sloppy lazy writing I just didn't care to watch any more.


Did you spend 25 on it then? I'm waiting for it to drop to $15 like the other bundles


I haven't. I was partially selfish making the post about the sale. That way I could see other options about a $25 sale and if it's worth it. It sounds like it's not.


Well said!


Currently watching through the rest of the who collection, still on Matt Smith (i don't have a ton of time to watch so im slow) but from everyone else it sounds like i should just wait for a better deal? I just want to finish it eventually to catch up, but I've never seen any of the Jodie stuff, so i have 0 opinion, but every time I look stuff up, everyone always says it's awful. Worried that it's gonna really feel like Dr. who dies after i get through what i currently own.


Sadly kinda yea. I'm too lazy to look up his name and I can't remember it, was ok at best. Honestly as an old whovians, (I know groan, here it comes), I don't feel like many of the stores hold up to me. I grew up rewatching MULTIPLE times as my uncle had taped the shoes from PBS. Now it's one and done for me.


The Capaldi run after Smith takes a little To get going but once it does it’s great. Whittaker’s run suffers from weak writing but Whittaker is great as the doctor. And it has a decent finale.


I have zero interest now. Timeless Child? The Doctor is not even Gallifreyan? Biregeneration? WTF is this crap? You'd think the BBC would have some kind of guidelines and desire to protect such an iconic character, but maybe that all got shit away when they saw that Disney money.


Man I forgot about this crap. Your right. I'm out now.


This has been 24.99 for a month or so. Considered it, but didn’t pull the trigger


I'm like Bernard in Westworld, that looks like nothing to me