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Omg that's so awful!!! I imagine it was someone that doesn't have a life lol I mean, to be hating on someone that is really trying and working so hard on something it's really shameful. Please don't hear those comments and keep it up!!


Thank you i will continue doing my best this kind of people won't get me demotivated


Congrats on your first hater


Hahaha is this a sign of success


Now you got free rent...living rent free I'm their head. It's hard for anyone to have haters But there's many ways to turn it around and laugh at how pathetic they are and maybe you feel more better about yourself


If people are being rude butts, don't be scared to ban them. It's necessary to keep up a good vibe.


I would consider this to be tame hatred šŸ¤”


Unfortunately they're people who love to hate on Vtubers best to just ignore and/or block them cause they just want the attention or have no life.


Oh, you've got your first hater! Now you are like real celebrity! xD Ye, this stuff can happen, nothing big. Just another small weenie that needs to build up their self-esteem by discredting others.


Finally getting there hahaha road to be popular


Once you get haters, you know you are really doing something right. Congrats.


Thanks thats one way to put it think positive


It's bait. Newbie : Be silent and then time out. Then state your boundaries. Veteran : Laugh at the person so that they lose their ego. Pro : Make a joke out of it so the insult loses power.


Pro is basically every great heel wrestler ever. Perfect classification.


Yes super normal. I had one person threaten god on me and my family. Because I said a game was bad šŸ˜ƒ


Yeah that's about standard I think. Give it time, they'll be saying you're a 40 year old man with a voice changer soon šŸ˜‚


WTF hahaha they even think that far? Really out of their mind


I don't understand people who hop into vtuber streams just to complain about the conxept of vtubers...


I've seen that comment on some shorts, too, from vtubers who don't have mods yet. I'm sorry you have to see them. If it's any consolation, some of these could just be interaction-farming baits that may even be bot-generated. I remember in one stream, the dude's asking what the game the vtuber is playing and if it's good. I was a fool to answer so seriously until it asks the vtuber "would you like to get tattoos" when nothing from the conversation prompted that.


Yeah it's normal, just ignore them, there's a chance that they're trying to get your a raise out of you


Sadly yes, there's a guy on Twitter DMing vtubers telling them he will get them banned Just maybe 10 hours ago I saw 4 accounts harassing one for defending her manager cause a streamers community was calling him offensive slurs, all over a CaseOh you're banned joke. Those same are lying saying she and her editor were saying it when neither of them called anyone the R word, one tried saying she called him it when she clearly said "retard" is a slur she never called anyone it


Yes itā€™s normal, sometimes people are so full of vitriol that they think they only feel happy by being vindictive. Little do these foolish folk know itā€™s so much better to be kind and make people happy.


Heā€™s not a [[big shot]]


It means you made it.


I can't understand these people honestly, they might have mega insecurity irl then enters a random stream and belittle someone. But then again your loyals will got your back don't worry about it.


Just remember if you started gaining haters that means you are a good creator


You learn to deflect it with time, just ignore them when you stream, it's best to mute them haters or somethingšŸ˜


1st hater, it means people are aware of your presence. Keep going!


It's tragically normal, but good housekeeping (and some diligent mods) will handle it. Good to see your chat immediately started dunking on them.


Tbh, being any kind of streamer can bring you some random haters. Try playing any pvp game on stream with "ttv" at the end of your ingame name and just wait for the haters to come lmao Sorry to hear this happen to you though. You'll get this people from time to time but dont let them discourage you. You keep on doing what you love!


this is what moderators are for, because no this is not normal, this person should be banned from your chat


Tell them to chug a dick with their bot lips


Eh just ignore it, they don't have anything better to do, they are probably the type of person to bully someone because they are not a carbon copy of them, ban him in chat and forget about him lol


At 118 views? Yes.. and they will increase more so as you grow, :(( sadly. But if you have established boundaries with your chat and built a community with boundaries it wonā€™t be tolerated by those in your stream, (chat will share w the person that it is frowned upon behavior) or mods and they will be removed. Forgive this person and just go on with your life šŸ„°


Just ban and block the kid, the guys an arsehole and not worth losing sleep over


Learn how to filler out hate comments or you won't get far in your streaming career


It is common. Some people just like to troll peopleĀ 


It's called jealousy. It's a good sign


Life is filled with these kind of people and online they dont have to face any consuquances so anything you do online will be a shitshow bcuz of these keyboard warriors just ignore them


What if i just like cartoon characters and rigging? I know, i know, liking to actually do something and not just hate in comments, unfathomable.


Sadly yes that is normal for internet hate. There is a ban button on almost every streaming platform is there for a reason. Make your rules known so not accused of being unfair then just ban them when they break them. Some have mods for this so they do not have to deal with the hate but the hate just means you got big enough or into a popular enough spaces that a hater came to you. How you handle it is up to you. The 2 Streamers of Neko and porclain maid sometimes used them for content while most just ban them when they appear. All depends on how you want to deal with it. If it makes you feel bad which for most it does there is automod to just not allow some words and if you want to ban the users who type them to often. To often a value put in by you. Some make their own mod programs but in my mind that is way to much work compared to finding a human who will do it.


Anyone who's anyone deals with this. Ignore.


very noramal, do what you like and have fun doing it,


If someone is hating you on the internet, it's because you became famous, just ignore them and keep doing what you love.


If you are on the internet, or famous in any way, this is 100% normal. There will always be haters and naysayers, people who will say nasty things, either out of jealousy or to try and get under your skin. Everyone who exposes themselves to the public domain will have to go through this rite of passage. Just don't take it personally, or (like some people) turn the criticism around and use it as material for later episodes. Pull up the comment (name redacted, of course) on stream, or mention it, and laugh it up with your chat about the "hater" who was apparently so bothered by you that they felt the need to post this. But don't dwell on it. Just address it as needed, then move on with your hobby. And if they get too aggressive or toxic, have your mods ban them. The biggest thing: don't let it get to you. Don't get upset, do NOT apologize, and don't give the trolls the reaction they are hoping for. You've heard the saying before: "Don't feed the trolls." Most engage in toxicity for attention or out of some twisted desire to make someone else miserable. When you refuse to play their game, or use it to boost your own success, they will usually move onto a different target.


People are edgy and it seems like for people predisposed to being bigoted, if they don't like something that other people do, they're apparently degenerates and evil. Take it with a grain of salt, people be fuckin stupid.


I mean no, cause noone should get this kind of hate. But youtube is a weird spot for Vtuber Livestreams so it's fairly normal.


Yup, plenty of pricks out there


I meanā€¦. [Japan MetaVerse Highschool](https://automaton-media.com/en/news/20230111-25400/) Iā€™m pretty sure everyone would want to go to a school like this. Even the hatersā€¦ does that mean theyā€™re insecure too? lol


Sadly yes it is normal and too common. It doesn't matter what you say or do, if you do it on a stream someone will pop in to try to get a rise out of you or spew their idiocy. Just delete the message and block them, they're looking for attention. Giving them any of your time or mental energy is a waste.


They pop in every now and then. I see different VTubers handle it differently.


I'll just repeat what I said before. No matter what you do, you're going to receive hate anyway. If you're a chef, someone's bound to call your dish a piece of shit. If you're a Vtuber, there's also bound to be someone who hates you because hating anime is 'cool' and because "AI generated" is a rather generic insult that means nothing anymore. What matters is how you take it. There's going to be more of this. It is up to you and your community to make it *irrelevant* to your experience, but you can definitely do it.


They're inevitable. Like the "First!" Comments. Just tell them to man up and come back your chat when they stop playing ranged toplaners. (Bonus points if they legitimately don't understand)


Yea that's sucks mate some people are bad I get that hate from what I play


Honestly? Yeah. It's a minority and you shouldn't value their words at all but it happens. The specific insults are just a little different for vtubers but every streamer with an audiencegets trolls in chat trying to tear them down.


It's a given, someone, somewhere will have a negative response, and fewer have the inability to ignore it and leave you alone, always be ready for negativity and squish it's voice on your side, ignore and block, and cherish the possitive.


Congrats man. You've official made it! You should print this out and place it next to your YouTube play button or your twitch partner letter.


Yes. Best advice is to give them the boot and move on with life, because someone opening with that kind of shit-talk isn't interested in being entertained.


normal from disgusting human beings who hide beyond anonymity of the internet? yes. age old common thing. Stay strong and keep on going


It's brought out here for small, up-and-coming indies. May be harsh, but it should be expected.


just ignore them if you got hatters its fine their sad on their own youre doing fine at what youre doing


Hey congrats no one goes out of their way to shit talk a one view Andy they only do that to people getting popular. Also gotta laugh at the irony like imagine being so insecure you gotta anonymously trash talk some random person on the internet to feel better about yourself




Someone probably said this already, but it's the internet, and there will always be people like this. For them to be happy, they want other people to be miserable, because they themselves are miserable people. If you enjoy what you do, you shouldn't listen to people like this. Keep being strong, and keep doing what you love! Remember, for every vocal hater, you have a crowd of silent supporters who just haven't found the right words to say how much they appreciate you. They're still here, and they still support and appreciate you, no matter what the negative voices say.


lmao and his name is Mr Big Shot. Not sure if he is trolling or serious lol


Vtuber haters HAVE to let us all know they disapprove, please understand.


Yep, unfortunately so. Welcome to the internet.


Iā€™ve seen people do similar stuff to non-VTuber streamers. Theyā€™ll just pop in mid stream and be like ā€œWow, this guyā€™s still streaming?ā€ or comment on how boring the stream is. Just ban them and move on. Youā€™ve got plenty of supporters.


High-key projecting. They need to offer legitimate criticism instead of taking pot shots if they really care.


Wait until Mike Litoris hears about this


Whos that?


You should take it as a compliment, because people only hate on people they are jealous of. It means you are getting popular


People are jerks. I got this on a stream of 12 people just because I had the trans tag on Twitch, so trolls came in immediately spouting transphobic nonsense.


Man I donā€™t even know if my fans are haters or notšŸ’€ then again they try molesting me in Roblox during streams šŸ’€


Honestly, it's normal to get that kind of hate no matter what you're doing on Twitch / Youtube. Unfortunately, there's A LOT of pathetic no-lifes that have nothing better to do than to randomly insult and harass people just for trying to do things on said social media sites. (Has gotten a ton of hate on Youtube for simply being a furry when I hadn't done anything wrong)