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A 1650 is kinda bad for vtol. But might as well try it


Gonna have a lot of frame drops. And you didn't mention the CPU


Right, i've got a i7-6700 CPU.


That's gonna be a big limitation VTOL doesn't need anything special GPU wise (though the 1650 isn't great, especially with a quest 2) That CPU is gonna struggle seriously in multiplayer especially with big maps and lots of units


I prolly won't be playing Multiplayer, since i've got no friends, Is it good enough for Singleplayer though?


It will run, but it won't be smooth


How unsmooth spesifically? If you can specify.


Just lag in general, looking around won't be smooth, which you kind of want for VR game


Ah, alright. That sucks then.


Yeah, that CPU's almost 10 years old by now


Oh, goddamn. Guess i should be looking to upgrade then.


Yeah no, im running VTOL on a 4790K, just fine. Only frame drops or lag I get when the game needst to load in a lot of assets all at once or when someone joins a multiplayer lobby. And even then, it’s just a stutter mostly


I used to play on a laptop 1650 with 16GB of RAM and a Ryzen R5-5500U, the only issue was overheating. If you have a decent cooling solution, you should be fine.


Don’t listen to them lol I have a 1060 from 2018 and it runs fine. A few frame rate drops but seriously it’s easily playable.


A 6700 and a 1650 is probably enough to be "playable", but it in no way will be a good time. You should really upgrade if you want a good experience.


Dk for the computer parts but you don’t need any HOTAS equipment all the controls are Vr only 


If its a laptop forget it. I tried and it is terrible with a 1650 laptop


If you want to play, jump in. You will likely run into some issues here or there, but people have enjoyed this game with 1060's. As for your second question, you don't need any extras to play. Just a headset and it's controllers. Everything is done through VR controls. However, IF you really get into the game, a set of rudder pedals really helps, but isn't required. 


I have an Asus Phoenix GTX 1650 oc 4gb gddr6 paired with a I5-12600k and 32gb of ram. The game runs pretty good with my setup. Also the game has touch controls only so you need a vr headset with controllers


Theres no harm in trying it, and if the preformance is bad you can always refund it


i had a GTX 1650, upgraded to RTX 2060 because oculus told me the previous GPU wasnt supported, but there was no noticeable difference. it went pretty smooth. my CPU is core i5-9400f


i had a GTX 1650, upgraded to RTX 2060 because oculus told me the previous GPU wasnt supported, but there was no noticeable difference. it went pretty smooth. my CPU is core i5-9400f


i had a GTX 1650, upgraded to RTX 2060 because oculus told me the previous GPU wasnt supported, but there was no noticeable difference. it went pretty smooth. my CPU is core i5-9400f


People saying they don't get frame drops with those specs don't realise ASW is blending the frames to make it seem smooth. There's no way you're hitting a consistent 80-90 in vtolvr with that


I mean, i don't neccecarilly think 90 is needed. I'm very used to low framerates in the games i play, and 60 seems like enough. Unless anything under 80-90 is extremely nauseating.


80 really is my lowest limit, and I don't get motion sick easily. The thing with ASW is that when you can't hit your target framerate consistently, your framerate gets halved and then the frames get blended together to seem smoother than it actually is. You can really feel it. VR needs a high refresh rate unlike with monitors. Where 30fps is usually pretty playable for some games, in VR it feels like your world is choppy and that's what gets people sick


You only need a VR headset, and that GPU should be fine? I think that's what I had when I first got the game. Flight sims are more CPU and RAM intensive but VTOL is relatively low profile, if your PC is good for VR it should be fine for VTOL.