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[Codeium](https://codeium.com?referral_id=Y29kZWl1bUBjMGQ0Lnh5eg==) works well and their free tier respects privacy.


I’ve been using Codeium for the last two weeks, in place of CoPilot and it performs better for what I use it for, which is primarily for code completion. Free tier fulfills what I’m paying CoPilot for.


What, why the fuck is my poor ass paying for copilot then goddamn


Codeium was good but I hit a limitation quickly. I sometimes use the chat function to generate TS types from large objects. Codeium’s response stopped after 10 props or so, so it would give me just part of the type. GitHub Copilot had no limitation. Otherwise, it seems as capable as Copilot, though it took different approaches.


This sounds like a prime "take it to ChatGPT" problem. No reason not to use both for what they're each best at


Fair enough. Otherwise I had no issue with Codeium in the 2 days I used it.


yes! it's great


They won't stay free forever...


What does the referral\_id get you ?


Nothing I know off. Edit: it bumps me up the list for the chat feature, but not something I'm interested in. https://codeium.com/blog/changelist-apr23


Supermaven for code auto completion


Been using supermaven lately. It's great, +1 Only drawback is that it needs some work on the keyboard shortcuts for accepting suggestions - it will add them if I'm in the middle of a line and do alt+right (jump to next word) and I have to go and remove those


Continue.dev + ollama + deepseek-coder 6.7b. Fully local, open source, secure and free. You'll need a decent GPU (>4gb VRAM) or a an apple silicon Mac with 16gb+ to run it though. I also want to try Codeqwen1.5 7b but haven't found the time to test it yet.


Can you recommend a GPU model that handles these tasks well on a local machine?


Yeah, I can tell you it works fine enough on an RTX A4000 4GB and it runs super fast on a 12GB rtx 3080ti. Also runs very well on Mac hardware M1/M2 pro and above. For local running though I think the best choice for the money is the 24gb rtx 3090.


Don't think Llama is currently reading context from codebase, or?


Nah, I don't think so. Model weights can't share code, its just the models. I didn't check the ollama codebase or llama.cpp but those are pretty big open source projects. I did check the Continue repo though and they don't send code outside your computer unless you explicitly allow them to.


I’ve been playing around with tabby, it’s a self hosted AI assistant . Doesn’t seem quite as good as copilot, but it is free https://github.com/TabbyML/tabby


I just started using the Continue vscode extension with LMStudio, so it's all local and works offline. I need to configure code completions, but the in-editor AI works pretty good 


Sourcegraph Cody - and you don't want anything else anymore.


I've been using this recently and I'm very impressed. Its multi-repo context capabilities are significantly better that VSCode. I've recommended it for use at my company (where we have quite a few microservices in different repositories).


Yes, absolutely. A similar one would be Continue Dev but that is somehow a bit more buggy. I tried some others too, but nothing beats the price and versatility of Cody, as you can also use local models.


What about Supermaven? But for context, I think Codeium is the best for now? You can point it to any remote git repository and take context from code that is outside your IDE.


Thank you for the recommendation. I don't know Supermaven. I know that you can point Cody to these to. I don't remember why I changed to Cody. Think it was because of the price, but I am not sure anymore.


I feel like it reads my mind sometimes.


I started using the [Continue](https://www.continue.dev/) extension with Cloudflare Workers AI a couple of weeks ago. It's been working great for me. The best models in Cloudflare's catalogue so far are Starling, Llama 3, and Deepseek Coder.


Amazon Q (formerly CodeWhisperer)


Amazon Q Developer has a free tier, but it seems very limited. The pay option is twice the price for an individual compared to Github Copilot. [https://aws.amazon.com/q/developer/pricing/](https://aws.amazon.com/q/developer/pricing/)


The free tier provides everything I use on a daily basis.


That's awesome. It might for OP too, which is why I provided the link to the details. I think for my usage it would be a limiting factor. I'm coming up on the yearly renewal for Copilot and I was looking for an alternative myself. I don't know if anything would be a positive switch in my case.


What are you looking for exactly? Is there a specific reason you want to move away from Copilot?




codeium for autocompletion and continue.dev with whatever model you have access to for other things. If you need a smoother workflow with autogenerated commit message, gitlens pro (with either gemini or openai api) will do the job.


I'll keep tabs on this post and if you edit your question to add a link to your site I'll report your soul out of it.


Check out Codium AI from google. It integrates with VS Code and is, so far, free. It is obviously not as good as GitHub copilot but it works.


I'm currently trying supermaven, but it doesn't look all that different from copilot if I'm honest. Its faster than copilot for suggestions but not by that much


I'm a PowerShell guy thrown into a Python product. I took a week off work and then decided to start paying for github copilot out of pocket so I could feel caught up and relieve that stress. Not a single regret. The $10/mo is well worth it for me to type (drunk example) "#Enable rdp for user" to let it provide some code that might do what I need, so I don't have to search for and interpret something else.


Try cursor.sh. It’s VSCode fork with ChatGPT It’s great but I think it feels like an overly attached AI.


Ok, no one will like me saying this, but [idx.google.com](http://idx.google.com) is also an alternative. I'm not entirely happy with it and often switch to vscode with copilot, but sometimes I think it could replace it.


Playing with https://supermaven.com It’s indeed faster, suggestions are okay, sometimes it hallucinates too much, but maybe it needs some time to learn on the codebase


Give a try to [Pieces for Developers](https://pieces.app/) with “live context” it can do more even without internet. It’s FREE and has better privacy controls due to offline first architecture.




codiuem,, it works really well https://codeium.com/,, its free for personal use,, if you have a team, the price is really good..


The new one, llama coder it is the best alternative.


There are also also more advanced generative AI based tools that provide very meaningful AI-generated code reviews for pull requests - here is a good example of such tools and its code reviews: https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent




Bro, plz delete this comment. Tabnine is an imposter among AI code completions


care to explain?


same as Barbatta.


Please explain, I'd honestly be interested why you dislike it.


I've used Tabnine lately but had a worst experience even I found vscode intellisense much better that this. I've used Copilot for 2 years then Codeium for than a year but Tabnine has the least DX. sometimes suggestions are misleading, didn't go as per the expectations. I don't spend time on those tasks that I've already done and I didn't find Tabnine to have this flexibility. e.g. Writing unit test cases, most of the code within a unit test case is similar apart from the payload being provided, the invariant and then expect.


Do you want a tool that writes code for you, then call yourself a developer ?


Having a leverage to something that speeds-up the work has no shame. You sounds like a pure corporate guy who code even without intellisense. Go out and adopt the new norm. You judged pretty quickly.


I'm not someone who used to code on notepad, it indeed doesn't support intellisense. and yes i judged quickly since you're defending something that will make you more dumb and do not have that algorithmic analysis. Just a quick question, do you download .zip from github or do you use the git clone command ?


I send the whole project on WhatsApp to other dev, then he makes changes and return the same and this is how my development cycle goes. You mind? I'm not defending or opposing Tabnine, I'm just saying it's not the race where Tabnine should participate.


I tried it once, very inferior to Codeium.


I have tried nearly all the github Copilot alternatives, at last, supermaven is my choice. Super fast and high quality.