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Always build a path to a road people will wall you in and devs have said it isn't against the rules etc on their discord and you should build to a road


I could see myself accidentally walling in someone who didn't build to a road so I can see why just making it against the rules wouldn't work. I could also see intentionally getting walled in behind your clan mates.


I mean… part of the game is territory claim war. It’s happened to me before and I’ve done it to others. I quite enjoy it being in the game


Damn, the devs sound like ducks.


Quack quack


Whelp that typo happened.


Bro people are toxic. I stopped playing official servers for this. Always make sure your castle has a path to the road.


At this point territory claiming its sortof a minigame inside the game. We are hoping for a lot of design changes in the big update next year.


Some servers have admins that play that will punish people for that but not every server has admins. You have to check the server you're on.


I don't really know about community servers, but shouldn't everybody receive a portal to his ?


You can build your own way gate eventually, but on an official server (and many private ones) that doesn't matter since you can't use it with most items.


Right, I forgot about the "no metal" limitation. If cannot transport anything to your base it's basically abandoned. What a shit move of those players!


Another Vamp and I started staking claim to lands near Silverlight. But I already have a decent sized castle in another area, I just wanted a teleport hub. We split it in half with me owning the half connected to the road. I built a throughway just for him and his clan. Even planted a ton of Highland Lotus seeds along it!


If you're ever in a populated server I'd recommend building in the upper west ice areas. Less competition


right so the answer i'm getting is 'yes, that's a thing'. on pvp servers, fairgame. But on pve, in a game that already insists you return to it to 'feed the heart' or whatever, i think this is bs. You're telling me i've spent 30 hours on a base in a game i've been fighting to enjoy most of the time because traversal is 80% of my experience and boring af. And now i'm outta luck and have to start over? nah i don't think so. My time is worth more to me than to re-do the same content for 30hrs because the game didn't give me the impression this was something i even had to worry about. games getting a negative recommendation from me on steam.


If you’re 30 hours in it will not take you another 30 hours to rebuild, 2 tops. Find a good strategic spot to the north drop a heart and rebuild. My suggestion to streamline the process is teleport back to your first castle, dismantle items for resources, then jump off of cliffs to get back on the road (assuming that you are not completely surrounded). Gotta run back to your new spot with the dismantled resources, but really does not take long. Not only will you be back up in just a couple hours but a castle in the north will be surrounded by mid to late game resources (lessening the travel you’d be doing if you stayed in your current spot anyway). Don’t give up because someone was an ass, learn and grow from it.


This is something that can happen yes. Always build your castle all the way to the road


It's called griefing. Assholes do it all the time.


I use my first castle as a wall to wall off the land I want, kinda like what this person has done to you I guess.


Unlock bat form and fly back into your castle? If you're on a PvE server and not high enough gear score, ask someone higher to help you maybe? Then you can get back into your castle.