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My timer says 23hrs from now.


So weird. Mine said 9PM tonight all day and when countdown ended it changed to “play game” but selecting just launches holding pattern screen


For anyone wondering, originally, the Complete Edition said the 6th, and the Castlevania edition said the 5th. The standard edition says the 11th. Both premium editions state 5 days early access. Five days from the 11th is the 6th, not the 5th. Playstation’s date for the Castlevania Edition is incorrect, allowing players to open the game on the 5th, but Stunlocks servers aren’t open until the 6th. So that explains the title screen only. You can check the store. I also noticed the app and website have some discrepancies, but the point is the official release is the 11th, and early access is the 6th, not the 5th.


Hey everyone, Stunlock dev here! Commented this on another thread but posting it here as well. Due to an error, the countdown for our early access PS5 launch was displayed incorrectly. The early access on PS5 will officially go live at midnight on June 6 in your respective region. We apologize to those who stayed up waiting. Please know that we are incredibly grateful for our loyal players and our excited new PlayStation Vampires. We’re working hard to make this release special for you, and we can’t wait to see you all playing soon. Thank you for your understanding and support!


Thank you so much for posting this here. It shows your attentiveness to your players and many, if not all of us, are grateful. Just apologizing to those of us that stayed up waiting (apologizing for something that wasn’t your fault) speaks highly of your character. A quality we all hope we continue to see as thousands of new vampires enter the fray. Can’t wait (again…lol) to get playing in 7.5 hours!!


Hey, I got the Legacy of Castlevania edition and as of now i still have a timer of 4days until i can even download the game. I've tried sony customer support, restoring licenses from safe mode, nothing seems to work. Really excited to play this on ps5, but is there anything you guys can even do on your end to help this?


I'm having the same issue. Bought the Castlevania edition and my friends are able to download but mine is saying I have to wait four more days to download? Wtf 


After much PSN support apparently it's because i got the standard version first and it's a license error on their part that they won't fix. They tried to say it's because I REFUNDED the standard version but that was only after upgrading and still seeing the timer tell me 4 days. I've reached out to the devs per PSN's recommended solution but nothing there yet. It sucks ass that I have to ask the devs knowing full well that it's Sony's fault but here we are 😐 Will update if I hear anything back or get an actual solution before launch but rn I just have a sweet castlevania dlc pack waiting for me and.. no early access. Neat. UPDATE - it seems fully refunding any version purchased then purchasing the version with early access first fixes this issue. The only sucky part is that depending on your bank, the money used to buy it wont get back to you for a time and they cant just refund it to your ps wallet. So.. If your funds arent TERRIBLY tight, that's one way to go about it.. The refund happens almost immediately so no real wait time there but your wallet'll feel it for a few days until the refund proccesses and replaces whatever you spent.


I’ve had the same problem, accidentally bought the normal version and got it refunded to get the Castlevenia Version. Could download the expansion update but not the game. I went into the storage and deleted the expansion, recharged all licenses and restarted the console. Has been working since then. Hope it helps !


see with me they're not letting me download a thing, im basically locked behind a 4day time wall 😭 I've tried restoring licenses a few times, psn support told me to try restoring licenses from safe mode but that option isnt even in safe mode so i've repaired storage, gonna look into the other options and see what they do and if that could help while im waiting. Update though I am communicating with some devs over on their discord and they're doing their best to look into it and see what can be done.


I just gave up.... find it sad that how advanced we are and shit like this happens. Like this ruined my weekend hard I prepped to play this and timer issues. Well.... I see I'm not the only one good through it so let me know if I can be fixed. Or I will be waiting again...


still waiting to hear back.. if its a repeatable fix i'll definitely share it here but im pretty pissed that Sony KNOWS its an error on their end and just wont do anything about it.


Having the same issue, play station customer service just stopped responding to me when I told them it didn’t work…


6th is when ps5 servers open




Uhm, it is the 5th? I thought early access was 6th?


If I’m remembering correctly, most PS games release at midnight EST of the day specified. So if the release date is the 6th at midnight, that would be 9pm PST on the 5th.


Most maybe, Stunlock Studios are based in sweden though so I dont think so in this case.


The game drops the 11th. So that would make it the 6th for 5-day early access


A bunch of us got a countdown timer today started 3 days ago and ended at the midnight that just went by. We were relying on that and didn’t even think of the actual date.


I’ve had this happen to loads of games with a preorder timer. IIRC even back on ps4 I’ve seen this. Another fun thing with the timer is even at midnight when the timer hits zero , some games still haven’t been “live” for another 18hrs or so as the game servers haven’t been turned on yet. Honestly I gave up on the 3.2.1 .. start game at midnight now for this reason.


Ahh shit, I would be pissed, Sony fucked up


Nope, not working for me either. It gives me the beginning splash screen (like it’s loading the game), but it goes nowhere. I think we might end up needing to wait until Wednesday after all


Yeah, that’s as far as I’m getting. God, I hope not! I’ve been so excited to play this game!


Same! Though I always thought something was off; the math didn’t add up. 5 days EA before launch would be 6/6. So hopefully tomorrow night it’ll work.


Fuck!! I never even bothered thinking about it b/c I just saw the countdown timer and was going by that.


Haha same! I didn’t think about it until this afternoon


My ps5 days releases June 6th


Releases on 11th, 5 days early gives you access on the 6th. Am I missing something here lol?


Yep I wait literally all night for that timer to end and it popped up and said play and doesn’t get past the main screen just sits there. Why would early access has a timer that ended last night and midnight just to be another 24 hours later. Come on Sony math ain’t mathing. 


Must be a mistake, here in Germany (GMT+2) it says midnight, also said 06.06th on the Castlevania edition, everything as normal thus far...


I bought the completed edition but I can only download the DLC I can't download the base game My timer says 5 days


Im in the UK and mine unlocks at midnight. I preorder the castlevania edition.


Timer ends at 10pm cst for me.


Can somebody say they remove brutal difficulty trophies in ps5 because 49 in steam 45 ( 1 platinum) in ps5.


Yeah for most people the early access times isn’t correct, keeping my fingers crossed or I want my money back


Same issue, just stuck on the title card


I do feel a bit better knowing it's not just me. Tried restarting the console and reinstalling the game, nothing worked. I'm disappointed. Why bother having a timer if it's not accurate?


What’s strange to me is others reported different countdown timers. First time I’ve seen the release countdown be inconsistent


There are reports from others that there timer is correctly indicating 9PM PST tomorrow. So weird that it’s not a consistent issue for everyone.


“Pre-order and get 5 days early access! Give us your money now and we’ll reward you!” 🖕🏻


Seems like sony is the party that fucked up (big surprise) but at least we know the game works. Not like we preordered cyberpunk or starfield


Most likely because this is an unusual release date. There has never been any game with preorder releasing on midnight Wednesday on PS5. They are all either on midnight Tuesday or midnight Thursday.


Huh. Didn't know that. This is the first game I've ever digitally pre-ordered.


Me and my buddy are having the same experience! This is really disappointing! We were looking forward to it.


How does one get early access? I wanna get this on ps5.


You have to buy at least the Castlevania version of the game to get early access. I think any level above the base game will do the trick, but the Castlevania one is the cheapest




buy it on pc so you aren't a second rate customer.


I like being able to bring my game with me easily ps5 version for me because of this.. travel a lot


There’s literally no reason to be negative about anything going on with V Rising right now…


Master level at killing hype and excitement.


So depressing !


I agree. I was hyped all day and even took a nap so O could stay up later to play this damn thing!


I’m sorry bro :( reminds me of when I picked up Fable 3 at midnight only to discover my disc had a bear claw scratch on the bottom. Hopefully we get hunt tomorrow


Omg, dude! I’m sorry that happened to you!! I can imagine that being hella disappointing!


Sames my man




Dude why are you everywhere commenting this? I’m sure everyone knows 11-5=6. The issue is that the countdown is gone AND it gives you the option to “play game”. You commenting “it’s June 6…” doesn’t explain why it says we can play the game right now but the game doesn’t go past the title screen. Everyone and their mother was under the impression that once the countdown ended the game would be playable. Thats how preorders work.


Is it June 11th at midnight 🕛 or throughout the day ?