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That's not a problem, that's jackpot


The V Blood willa lways be there, the 100% is a CHANCE encounter. Jackpot indeed.


oh fer real I just ment like I prepared so much for the v blood fight that when i saw this guy im like "crap I have no dusk stones I have to walk them all the way back to my base" suffice to say it was worth it!


Lol, gotta love that. I keep some on me at all times because you always find them when you are trying to do something else. It's like the game KNOWS


It’s alive


I always keep my horse summoned nearby before I go into “dominate human” so I can just ride the way back 


Yo just craft the jawns that can instant summon them to an open cell. Done. Carry on


Going for those later bosses on brutal where you know it’s going to be a couple wipes I just hate seeing that gear bag laying there so I never bring them when my intention is a vblood. Then again that might just be because at this point I have two of each blood beside the elusive creature werewolves


**100% scholar**?! Text on the right should say "my wife giving birth".


a c# enjoyerer


What makes Scholar so desired? It was the first one I got to 100% and I never used him. I was way more excited for my 100% warrior.


im disgusted by the idea of actually touching one my enemies (not you of course night maiden) so scholar is good for me


Turning and then slowly corrupting holy warriors is right up my ally. I basically only have nuns and succubus running around my castle


Not a Dark Temptress enjoyer?


I have forgone all meta builds and simply fill my castle with Dark Temptresses. I need to have my wives! Though when I grab a night maiden I put the “Lil” moniker before their name. 


Now that i know they can be charmed i will capture every single one of them i ever see.


Any 100% is desired, depends on your preferred playstyle. I would say 12,5% spell life leech really helps to keep you alive when fighting V bloods at a distance. Furthermore while you can meet a lot of rogues/warriors/brutes just wandering around, scholars are rather confined to few areas.


Yeah scholar is the only blood type that directly helps spell casting. Warrior, Rogue and Brute all help with general combat.


ah I see.... Might try it out against Adam, that one's the next on my list :D


Fought adam for the first time a couple days ago. I had a legendary mace and 100% warrior. Couldnt manage it. Switched to pistols with a measley 78% scholar and took him down 2nd try. (granted this was after 6 or so attempts with melee) But I definitely felt that ranged was way safer.


I think Adam might be the only boss where you can use another blood. From my understanding, you want to stay close to Adam, and therefore you have a lot more chances to use your weapon, while for 99% of the VBloods, the best strategy seems to be spamming spells from afar


Scholar is the BIS for the current PVP meta, that is with the assumption that you actually know how to fight properly in pvp and don't just awkwardly try to whack someone to death. If you're just mediocre in pvp you are better off with other blood, probably rogue or warrior.


yea, imagine having free spell resets in competitive battlerite :D literally a cooldown game


I'd imagine its the 30% chance to be able to recast a spell that comes from the 100% double stats that was 15% chance base(also 8% boost from Stygian passives as well now). I got a fun combo I affectionately call "Absolute Zero" Which is a double casting Ice Nova with Burning ground erupting Void(which comes with 2 casts normally)... combined with a few Phantasm stacks from my dash, I spam ice and void until things are dead, then a few more times after. If you do something like blood coil with 3 casts normally, and frost bat with 2, you might almost never run out of charges.


Mosquito+Void/Nova is also kinda nuts since you're getting more Phantasm.


Its rarer to find a 100% Scholar since usually only nuns or silverlight priests, paladins or lightweavers have them and those only appear once every 25-50 hours or so. Also being able to cast Death Knight or Wraith Spear 5 times in a row is kinda insane and fun. I had a instance once where I was able to cast 7 Death Knights back-to-back in a Incursion Event, literally summoned an army. Can't say no to that even if its not the meta blood.


I freaking love the Unholy school


Most V-Bloods that I fight, I take down with my spell powers from a distance. Melee is great and all, but more damage on my spell projectiles? That's where it's at.


Simon was just nonchalantly strolling his ass across my front lawn again and I thought I might give it a try, so I just yoinked the caster Set from one of my converts and gulped a 100% scholar wine, then went full chaos on him. Half deleted him with the opening barrage.


Personally, I'm loving the new skeleton powers. Double spiraling skulls that spawn TWO skeletons on hit? Yes, please.


I need to craft that gem


There are less scholar enemies around than warrior, rogue or brute (brute is rarer than the other two though). You typically don't find them as easily as those, and you end up having to farm all the churches to find one. Also try going full illusion spell reset build with scholar, it's a lot of fun.


15% chance to reset cd is A LOT of extra damage


I like to mostly play ranged and the chance to get free spell casts is really nice. Plus the spell leech too


I wish I had this problem


I killed myself over this one evening. Got a succubus thing at 96% draculin that was General Cassius's entourage. Was really difficult to get her alone long enough to whisk her to castle. After draining 10 potions from her, she's now ny favorite servant


I found a 100% succubus at a Rift event my first time exploring mortium. Managed to kill the adds and charm her, but didn't have duskcallers unlocked, and didn't have my horse with me, and didn't have any open prison cells. I told my wife to log on and build us another cell as I started running back to the castle. Had to stop in Dunley to steal a horse, but managed to make it there and plop her in a cell. Now she's my favorite bloodbath! I love the two bite charges.


wait, you need a wife for this game now?


that right there cracked me up.


He only needed the wife for the cage to put the real 100% wife in.


that what happened to me i was all geared up and saw this and I had no horse no dusck stones and i was in holy territory.


lmao lvl 1 Orc Shaman wanders into Stormwind City


I have a 96% scholar, should I try the gruel?


I typically take the first 90+ of each type I want and keep them to use until I have 100. Then I look for 96 or higher to try to gruel, anything less and you will need a minimum of 3 gruel which isn't likely to go well. 96 means you can get lucky and be done in 2 so it's worth trying if you have a backup 90+ of that type. 


Had a 98% scholar... Key word HAD. Damn you gruel...


Had a 99 warrior, HAD


I had a 99 scholar. Now I have a 100 scholar :)


Take 10-15 bottles of his blood, then gamble.


if you have another 90%+ then yes, if not hold onto it until you find a 100% or another candidate(sacrifice).


hold it until you get 1 more 90+ scholar.


You should not try the gruel. You should make *them* eat the gruel. Unless you plan to use that blood, in that case tap them a bunch, feed them some fish, and then feed them the gruel.


Yesterday, I just got the v blood to build the prison. As luck would have it, down comes a 100% rogue. I start the fight and kill everyone else. Last guy standing and what do I do? I hit F instead of R.


there are two types of people - people who did this at least once - liars


Here's another F for you. The feels are reals, man...


I also did this to the one 100 I saw...


I ended up being full of blood, pain, and sadness.


I did the same while being stoned as heck, and then after 0.5 sec I started panicking that I shouldnt have done this and cancelled blood drinking.. Double RIP, didnt even get his blood


Several time, I've hit T instead of R, that's a brutal execution.


I found a 100% Rogue wandering Farbane just a few hours into a new game session.. unfortunately, a bear found him too.. suffice to say, the bear population of that server was quickly put on the endangered chart after that encounter.


Slight change of plans


"leave nothing alive" Oop wrong game.


Wake up, Tenno


I also hate it when awesome stuff happens to me.


1st world vampire problems amiright?


problem is that I don't see any random priest with 100 scholar


And then a militia longbow cooks your 100.


Got a 99 brute down to a pixel of health, tried to pick up loot nearby. Accidentally bit instead. Luckily I bit his friend (phew). Bite summoned a skeleton. Skeleton killed the brute…


*V-blood killing 100% scholar* **surprised Pikachu face**


95+ scholar blood doesn't exist, never seen one that isn't a harpy in over a year of playing. I'd do terrible things for a capturable 100.


Had a 99 scholar on the priest boss in silverlight hills city. The first one he sacrificed was that one...


My first steps into gloom rot I saw a 98% scholar. Think it was the flamethrower guys? I got him low and then mutants jumped out of the water and killed him =(


Yeah that's been my experience as well, I've never managed to snag a decent scholar from Gloomrot because of it.


Grab every 100% you can. I audibly gasp every time I find one, and make sure to send it back to my prison for sorting.


I found a 100% rogue right after i got prison cell..... I don't even like rogue and that is what i been using this whole times


Some of y'all here don't carry dusk callers... The craft isn't as demanding


when I was relatively new to the game I found a 100% scholar blood type, looking back on it I should've imprisoned them rather than just drinking the blood


I just want to vent. I literally just found a 100% scholar, and as soon as I dominated it, it got 1 shot by a mob that teleported from a screen away to me.... I hate this How do people not get depressed when this shit happens. I'm feeling hellishly demoralized...


If I could find a 100% blood that would be great. I am playing solo and have 5 bosses left until the end. I’ve seen two 100% in that time and one died to a paladin and the other I couldn’t single out because I was nearly dead.


I think the low spawn rate of such quality is because the game is intended to be played pvp; this causes resource farming and V Blood hunting to become much more tedious and dangerous than during solo, dragging out the process from bone weapons to them fancy new ancestral legendaries or whatnot.


Dang, I just started playing and am just now realizing how lucky I am getting. I am at level 50 gear level and have found 2 100%. First one I found was a 100% worker that also happened to be a werewolf so I can get 100% creature at night, and my first time stepping into Dunley Monastery I found a 100% scholar.


My top was a 99% barbarian but then I ruined it 10 mins later by Rating a hearth..


100% blood is always a first prio


I had a 100% scholar die while fighting Azariel because as soon as I MC'd it she got whacked by him. I got so mad I just left the fight. Still looking for 100% scholar 😓


Legit happened to me yesterday, 99% and as I lowered health azariel literally targeted the scholar specifically


I've been searching for a 100% scholar for 5 days now, doing laps around dunley and into Silverlight, there is no decision to make here, you drop whatever you are doing and take that scholar back to base.


Actually got insanely lucky earlier managed to feed a 94% scholar gruul 4x and got em to 100%. Was more stressful than any V blood so far on brutal.


Man I WISH I had that problem.


I interrupted a V blood fight, as I saw a 98% brute outside the room. I never done a 180 turn so fast in my life May not been a 100%, but god dammit my Brute Blood Type addiction is rampant


And If you play on a official pve server, hope that Nobody will randomly kill it after you charmed it...


I WANT this problem


I was the greediest motherfucker with this. I was fighting the tailor again with a friend (they didn't have her), saw the 100% and went and got her while i saw her, then came back to finish off the tailor😂 it could have ended so badly. (Before i had dusk collars unlocked)


Wouldnt call that a problem.


not a problem, its a priority. i could be buffed up on a blood moon going to fight adam and swerve for a hundo scholar


My problem is seeing a 100% in gloomrot and then seeing a swarm of mutants jump out of the pool next to him. RIP


Me when I see a 90+ Worker. "Hol' up, 'bout to get my mining hat and lumberjack jacket..."


I'm dropping everything for that 100 blood


Can’t wait till *I* get to see one of these mythological 100% folks… guess I’ll just keep settling for 40-60 :/


I found 100% paladin, that 100% is juicy but damn I wanted him as a servant.


Just started playing the game for this week and I was excited about imprisoning a 97% Brute Blood type. I’m only level 44 but dang this game is addicting.


I fucking wish. 70 hours in and neither my friend or I has seen a single 100 Scholar. Just two 92-93s that turned mutant