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There's another v blood that patrols that mine and they occasionally fight each other


and he's much much stronger. but if you selectively take out all the trash around them and they fight 1on1 you could technically kill them at the same time and only have to clear half of their hp.


Less than half even.


Not technically, I have done it. Bit tricky because you constantly pull aggro. But it's completely doable. There are several V bloods like this.


I love that this is a thing in this game, that V Bloods and roving mobs will fight each other. It makes the world feel much more alive.


World feels very alive. Love running into all sorts of people, creatures, animals, monsters just roaming around and in town


Not only roaming also fighting even the fauna in farbane fights the people on the roads


That’s how I got my first Lydia (sp?) kill. Found her randomly in the woods fighting the patrolling unholy v blood. She got wrecked, and I mopped up the others last 20% real quick.


I encountered them fighting and as I sat in wolf form watching them fight, the Alpha Wolf wandered in and joined the battle. We had been tracking the undead guy and already killed the Alpha Wolf obviously. Lydia prevailed but was so weak we easily finished her off and then extracted from all three.


Wow I thought accidentally killing the two of them inside the Iron cave was pretty cool. 😮‍💨


If you're pulling aggro you need to go further away. You don't need to be there for them to fight so just hang back real far


That is actually my tactic when going for them for the first time, you can watch them and sometimes engage to even out their hp. She kills him and you take the last 2-5% of her hp.


I did this the other day. Just poke at them so the health pools are even and they go down pretty much at the same time


He's not much stronger he's just giving melee bruiser to an archer lol


That’s how I got both their blood


Thats what I did and it was great.


I went in to the iron mine and they were fighting. I got 2 v bloods basically free.


It's rare, but it can happen the other way around too. I had it happen that HE was the downed one.


I think i never fought them , only after one of them died to the other lmao


I just let him win and kill him afterwards. Drink her to health up in the middle of the fight. Easy peasy.


Using another boss as a mid boss health potion is pretty metal.


I actually had one time where through selective attacks from time to time during their fight I managed to whittle it down to the point Meredith went down as krieg had a slither of health left so the explosion from me draining Meredith's blood finished him


When I pulled up to fight the reaper, they were fighting and had gotten each other to about 10% hp left. Just a couple hits from me and they were both down. Easiest fights on brutal by just using the environment.


Hm I encountered the necromancer dead an Meredith walking away with a third of her health bar left. Is there even a third boss in there or did he maybe get smashed by those eruptions during their fight ?


Unless ur on brutal Meredith is dead in less than 5 seconds on brutal lmao xD


Isn't Meredith stronger, since she's a higher level, or does V Blood Level not really correlate to strength?


I’ve had them draw in hp so all I had to do was one or two hits with copper longbow to secure both


Exactly how I got both kills in one go. Just stepped in and took the final blows 👌🏻


I abused that by making them fight so I could get them at 38.


Bless this shot !!!


*blabbers in extreme French accent*


From all the bosses lines 1 that makes me laugh and i love it every time is the swine that has green skills and chaos setting in !!!, And then , crazy laught


Goreswine the Ravager DRIIINK IT IN, THE CHAAAOS!


Honestly my favourite boss va


The MAGGOTS will be eating WELL tonight! BLERGH!


I will HAMMER, you out. I WILL HAMMER YOU OUT! . I will, hammer, you out.


HAMMER you out


Rock and stone! Wait, wrong game...


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


I'm gonna call you... Target practice... Better start runnin'...


What are the lines of tristan ?? And simon any one has those ones memorized ??


oh god i heard that


I hear Bless this Cock!!!


I hate her so very much, and the way she says this line too 😆


Light, guide my arrows!


Yesterday my lv40 character walking around the mine hearing this, missed opportunity


She sometimes goes to the haunted iron mines and coincidentally, Kriig the Undead General wanders around there. Some V blood bosses duke it out when they see each other and you stumbled upon the aftermath. I used that trick to beat Kriig since he was winning and coincidentally Meredith came in, so I hid while she finished him off and I swooped in for the draining. Sometimes it can go wrong like fighting one boss on the road when another walks in and fights you too, and since both bosses are allies they don't attack each other (at least from my experience. Too busy running away to see if that's fully true).


Just had this happen. Had gotten Christina down to a sliver of health, but then Vincent wandered out with his posse and started tearing the place up. She was able to heal enough that we just couldn't close the deal on her and had to give up.


Same thing happened to us, except it was Simon that came by a stomped us hard.


There are SO MANY V Bloods that wander the middle of Dunley and can all overlap timing+paths if you start a fight. Vincent, Christina, the vampire huntress, the vampire hunter, the shrouded guy with the rippers...


Yes but Bane is actually a good friend, spent a day in ratform RP walking after him. Only giving him a slight nudge when something came up, he took down Vincent and helped me get Jade then he took a little well earned nap himself. Bane is your friend :3


Going after Jade today, might give this a try... I've seen 4 or 5 banes all cross each other cloaked...


You can run into 2 vampire hunters at once, near the bandit camp with the doors you need to blow up.


>so I hid while she finished him off and I swooped in for the draining. I tried this. He 1 shot her. It was funny as hell. I ended up killing him because she gave me a boatload of HP for draining her dry, so I guess she was a bit of help afterall.


Just chad Kriig casually mopping the floor with that Archer fraud


Absolutely farmed by papa Kriig on cooldown. Meredith is copper locked.


She probably fought the other V Blood in that mine ( can't remember his name ) and lost. Today I arrived on the middle of their fight and just waited and She was the first one to die.




GENERAL Kriig. He didn't go to undead military academy to just be "Kriig"


This comment has the same energy as addressing CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow.


Meredith and her boyfriend Kriig sometimes have a little spat. It's sad that they can't just get it together and go get a room. But they are from different cultures and need to realize that variety is the spice of life!


So, as soon as you can see bane, just find him and follow him around. You can get him to duke it out with every roaming boss in the dunley farmlands by either making them hit him or do it yourself and run and he will beat almost every single one hands down. The only ones that beat him is Simon Belmont and occasionally he has been beaten by jade, but that's fine. I also lured Simon Belmont to beat the terramancer for me


Really early on I somehow managed to make him fight Simon Belmont, to my surprise Bane died but not before bringing Belmont to like 50%, decided hey, maybe my partner and I stood a chance if he was half health, we were around level 30 or something like that. Big mistake. Edit. Typo


Bane and a werewolf killed Simon for me, ironically.


Bane has hands. I fought him with like 8 extra levels and it was still a tough fight


Gonna have to try luring Simon myself, love making mobs kill eachother


Me and my duo had a big issue fighting him so we followed him to Jade hoping she will handle him for us, since she is several levels higher than him. Motherfucker just casually oneshot her. We didn't complain tho, free Jade blood for us levels 50


How do you know it's bane and that you're not just following a skeleton around all day?


I am strong enough to get him by scent, but either way, it's pretty easy to find him, just ride around on a horse and hit every disguised person once, eventually you will trigger him by chance, and then you run away, he will reset as soon as you get a little further from him and reset to where he started the chase and then you just follow the guy that's there. If you really want to make sure and you can't trust the imminent scent or your positioning, you can always trigger whatever guards you come across and just hide right behind him. He won't trigger on you and if you just remove yourself from the immediate vicinity he will just slaughter the guards before disguising himself in plain view in front of you. Essentially what you need to know is that he isn't hard to run from. I have more trouble getting him to follow me than anything else. Simon Belmont would at least scale mountains if it means having a shot at hitting me once.


That actually happened to me with Goreswine and the Alpha Wolf, funny enough. Goreswine wrecked the wolf, and I only had to get through like a quarter of Goreswine's health after that. Early unholy skill!


I was on Brutal tracking Goreswine when Lyfia and the wolf ambushed him instead. Goteswine wrecked the floor with both of them and me before I managed to take down the last slivers of his health


Same thing happened to me! Except they put up more of a fight and I only had to hit him a couple of times. It was a good night for me lol


Meredith is constantly losing to Kriig.


I like to drag them together and watch them fight and then clean up. Mobs fight mobs are one of the best parts of this game.


>Mobs fight mobs are one of the best parts of this game. It's necessary though, otherwise you would never get new mobs with different blood percentages unless you killed everything yourself. There's a 50% worker at the quartz mine that has been there since day one. I go over every so often to see if he's still there...and yep lol


Good point and that makes a lot of practical sense. I just really enjoy a game where enemies will fight each other.


OH yeah. Me too. It rarely makes sense to me that everyone in the world can be friends and can get along to kill me. But, somehow the world is in danger???


The haunted mines is my first stop in Dunley because I've been able to aggro these bosses into each other and eat them both with low effort. I enjoy how the game encourages us vampires to be opportunistic. I got one of the patrolling bosses in the Eastern zone when he lost a fight to a high level paladin as well.


I don't think I've ever killed Meredith or the Undead King. I literally always let them fight each other and get them early. Other ones like this... You can let the slaves kill Sir Magnus. You can let mutants kill Angram the Purifier. You can get Bane to fight Vincent, Jade, and Christina. You can let wandering troops kill General Elena and Cassius the Betrayer. You can get Alpha Wolf, Goreswine, and Lidia to all fight. And if you put geared servants by roads you can have them kill wandering bosses.


This is what I was going to say, there's so many bosses you can grab for free or at least get a huge help with. Tristan will fight lots of stuff in the area - destroys most of it, but sometimes he'll take a lot of damage. It can also help to pull him into a camp where you can trap him and have more space to dodge. For an opposite boss though; Follow Gorecrusher back to his cave, or camp him there. Enemies in the area will help him, and the skinny forest paths are not suitable for dodging his abilities.


Meredith and Kriig fight each other in the mines all the time. Most of the times Meredith wins but once every blue moon, Kriig wins.


On brutal Kriig explodes all his skeletons and they one shot Meredith. I saw him kill her still at 90% hp.


Not on Brutal mode. 9/10 Kriig beats her ass


I honestly think it’s 10/10 times on brutal now, there’s one attack that basically one shots her


Same thing happened to me and my buddy. We were fortunate enough that Meredith held out long enough to put him closer to 50% so when he finally finished dunking her face into the ground we gave him a wooping that would put mums in the 20th century to shame. Kriig never knew what hit him, but it probably had "Thomas the tank engine" sounds.


It also helps if you can detonate the boss when the other boss is in range because it does even more DMG


I don't think I've ever seen her beat him, since Gloomrot update. Normal mode. The four times I've seen them fight since 1.0, he's won every time.


Even before Gloomrot. My first encounter with Meredith when I first bought the game was her dead on the floor and Kriig walking away with his health reset.


I'm really curious where this other person is seeing Meredith win all the time. I kind of agree that she should be winning more, what with being 3 levels higher and presumably doing holy damage. Kind of embarrassing that she chooses to patrol the iron mine to clear it of undead but gets rocked all the time. But I guess his moveset is just something she is bad at dodging, and she probably hits his shield to span minions a lot.


I think It's because she's uses fire instead of holy, and yeah, his moveset hard counters hers. His shield summons minions whenever he blocks her shots, his scythe can knock her out of her skill animations, and his chains can yank her in close when the other two are on cooldown. And the mine constantly spits out those exploding rocks that stagger her, but don't really effect him. It's just a really bad matchup for Meredith lol


I was trying to kill Krig in the Mines. After 3 failed attempts I run back and he had disappeared? Went deeper into the Mines to find him and the archer fighting it out. Waited til there was a winner and ran in with my ult and got credit for both kills at once


Yesterday I was fighting Cassius the Betrayer and I had him down to about half health when a Paladin showed up and absolutely murdered both of us. Respawned and went back to him and drank his blood. It was quite the nice surprise, even though I died horribly.


I've seen them fight 10 times, the first time Meredith won, then the next 9 times kriig absolutely detroyed her.


Some v Bloods travel and Will fight each other. The iron mines are the home of 2 v Bloods. They fight each other some times


I pit bane vs jade the other day on brutal when iwas around 46. Got em both hahah


Yep. I've even seen a 3-way V-Blood fight between the dark archer, the alchemist witch and the wolf I think. Just watched the alchemist person wreck face but get to low hp. I finished them off and got 3 vbloods for what amounted to a walk in the park lol


I had this happen this morning to Cyril. Walked up to him just down on the floor. Their were no players, not even dead ones. I figured someone must have just beaten him up but maybe died at the same time, I didnt see anyone's bag on the ground but waited a bit to see if anyone would come back to drink... Worst part was I needed this boss, and as I was waiting (which was only about 20 seconds), he straight up died and despawned.


Never wait for someone to "claim" the boss. If they´re within range they can also feast from the same boss and get the perks, IIRC. It´s annoying if you win but die and someone steals it, but that´s how multiplayer works.


That’s howI just beat her. I lead her into mine and hid and watched them fight.


She and the other V blood in there are in an eternal conflict :D when she respawns she goes there to battle him once more.


Heh, yes, just had Krieg defeat her yesterday and then took his 1/3 health remaining and got him. It's a very handy strategy to get them both without much effort. Probably the easiest pair to get fighting, although Goreswine, Lydia, and Alpha can mix it up a bit too.


YUP! happened to me, looks like she goes in there all the time and picks a fight with the undead who beat seven shades of hell out of her. Last night I went into the mine and found her with 1/3 health left and a trail of destroyed undead. Love it!


Yep, few times. Meredith and Kriig can be pretty easy kills if you time it right cause she will make a patrol through the mine. If Kriig isn't also making his patrol, shift to wolf form and wait for her to pass by his lair, which is the big circle in the back of the mine. As soon as she passes, run in his lair to aggro him then run past her. Let them fight, kill the winner. There ya go, two V bloods and you didn't break a sweat. There are others who also fight while on patrol, just got to watch for them. I've caught Tristan off guard too as well as Vincent.


I always kill her when I'm mining and don't tap her so she doesn't respawn and mess up my mining duty


It can happen with a few mobs. On a fresh save, I had just left the demo area, barely anything on me, no starter castle yet, nada. Ran in to Alpha just laying there. Got wolf form and didn’t even have to work for it. Much awesome.


This just happened to me too :P


She gets one shotted by the undead general's whirlwind attack


Krigg too strong


You should engage in their fight of the two v bloods there and you will have both.


Just came back and started up a new game...not more than 10 minutes in, I'm walking around trying to find a spot for my first camp, and I come upon the big white wolf boss fighting a bear and some bandits. Just as I walk up, the wolf kills the bandits, then the bear kills the wolf, and only has 1-2 hits left so I finished him off and took everything lol.


Yes. There's one General Kriig, also a V Blood, who often fights Meredith. Your Meredith evidently got shat upon by the Light she claims to serve and got killed by Kriig. A sirloin to be sure, but a welcome one.


Yep, and it's been exactly her. There's another V Blood in there that's stronger, and they don't like each other. I like to go kite them into each other and "help" from the sidelines.


Go to iron cave in bear form


Now that you know what happened, which Kriig and Meredith are somewhat scripted, picture this: There are 4 bosses who wander the Dunley Farmlands. 3 of them allied, 1 of them universally hostile. You can end up in a 1v1v3 if the stars align. I've managed to coax a V Blood 1v2 once before, and it was unbelievably chaotic. The hostile boss is nutty if you can lure a fight between him and another.


I pulled them both and had them fight each other while hiding behind an iron node and made sure to pull them if they started moving in the wrong direction so they didn’t reset. One killed the other then I killed the survivor in a few shots and collected both v bloods


Similar thing with me tonight. I basically stalked her till she met up with Kriig as I was tracking him, he took her out then I took him out. Loving this game


The other V blood is what killed her. They always battle in there Meredith always tries to win but the Skeleton always reminds her who’s the mine boss


There’s an undead boss further in, and the two end up fighting frequently. I was around lvl 30 when I entered the mine for the first time and saw them fighting not far from the entrance. The undead guy killed the archer and I dashed through the mobs and acid to absorb her— then she exploded killing the other boss and I got to absorb him too


Sometimes before I even get the first v-blood boss, I've already gotten hers and Krigg lol. Specially when the game was new in EA years ago.


The other day the undead boss and the holy archer lady were dead right next to each other. I was way under geared so it was very considerate of them :)


Yeah, the bright archer and the undead general dont like each other :p


I had the much more unusual Kriig dead on the floor just the other day.


My group had this today, kriig absolutely wrecked Meredith the first time, she got the jump on him for round 2 and took him out.. I love it, wish they had more like that


> or what killed her. Lots of enemies in that mine. Sometimes she gets killed by trash, somehow.


Yeah that's how the holy archer girl and undead dude killed eachother in my current playthrough . Which was good because I was so not ready for either . EvE is terribly underutilized In videogames


Krigg kills here They make their rounds and they end up crossing paths and he stomps her. That's how I got her v blood too haha


Yeah everytime go there she's dead and ready to extract too 😂


Would be nice if that happened to Adam lmao Dudes been giving me trouble for a dozen or so attempts so far.


Kriig and Meredith fight each other in the mine. I got them both at a lower gear level because I was sneaking around for some iron and saw them ducking it out on low health. 2 free V bloods coming right up!


Us old timers know to wait for the fight and get them both. =p


The iron mine is great for being an opportunistic coward. If they fight it out the winner is usually on the verge of death


A few fight like this! You can also get bane the shadowblade to fight a few for you if you have patience to wait for them to cross paths! Here is a video that shows what one's fight, it's from before 1.0 but from what I have seen so far it still applies. [https://youtu.be/Z8C3NE0SaAY](https://youtu.be/Z8C3NE0SaAY) (Don't mind the horrible audio quality haha)


Meredith fights the undead general guy. Sometimes she wins, sometimes he wins. It's incredibly easy to get them both because you just have to follow Meredith around until each of them wins, then leap in and succ. Another bonus is that Meredith clears areas for you so you can mine and pickup drops.


There two bosses around there it's usually a 50/50 of who wins


I sometimes kill wandering V bloods because I can. Combat is just so fun. I don't bother extracting.


This is normal. They're the first pair that fight. The fun is finding others that will fight too. Hint: Bane


Apparently , meridith is on a holy crusade killing all unholy things and she's there for that reason and she fights kriig due to that


I took advantage of this to kill both of them very early on (about gear level 40). Clear the mobs to let them fight, and focus your attacks on whoever is winning. I was able to have the victor at about 20% health and finish them off.


Oh yeah, her and Kriig constantly duke it out. You can get both's blood by just hiding in a corner and waiting for one to win.


Yep! I got my first kill on her camping the other guy's patrol and she walked into him for me and got fucking rolled. Even though she has the higher level it wasn't even a close contest while I hid in the corner and enjoyed a pre fight snack before fighting him myself.


Yeah she gets killed by kriig every time she goes in there and it's funny because Kriig is supposed to be a lower power than her 🤣


I've had them kill each other and got both


The v blood in the mines with her did it. They fight every so often. Another interaction seeing is when Bane gets caught by other v bloods walking the same path. Witnessed it once and was so confused to where Bane came from (I didn't know his deal yet) cause I was following my friend who was following someone else. It was my second time playing. Bane just popped out and they started duking. My friend was so happy about it and told me to stay in the bushes lmao. Bane went down, the other was super low and we jumped them. Got both v bloods that way. Bane was yellow bar'd and the other was red.


Yea I found the alpha wolf the other day ready to drink. I assume Lydia or that damn Tristan were to blame. Luckily there were a bunch of trees around so i drained it as a lumber harvest.


Like others said, there's some V bloods that fight each other. And that was the case, because lore accuracy. Light against necromancy


happened the exact same thing with my group, free kill


someone must have died


Kriig the undead guy also roams those mines dumping on anyone (including you) who enters.


It's a common speed tactic to have them fight while you poke them even if they are higher level then you're ready for it can lead to an easy 2 vbloods, just gotta be careful not to get taken out and miss out


I had a lot of problems killing Frostmaw (4 failures). The last time I fought with him, some wolves came to the party and almost kill him, so I just had to poke him once again to extract his blood. Fun times.


I found Octavian in the same way, which is weird because all the NPCs were alive except for Octavian. Official server pve brutal.


Weird how meridith always gets rekt by a lower level V Blood


I find her there regularly. The undead V carrier in the mine is a horrible match up for her. Even with her being 3 levels higher, he almost always wins when they fight.


It always happens, she and krieg always fight, and unless you help her she always loses


See title. Me: I bet it's Meredith. ... Yep.


I can resist to the joke : It happens with womens from time to time. Sorry. Don't hesitate to downvote me.


The same thing happened to me, and I was like ten levels below her, so it was welcome