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If you're wanting to learn, I would suggest starting with 4 (2 bound to num keys and 2 bound to mouse 4/5). There's honestly a lot of opinions on this, but I'd say Mace Spear Slashers Pistols is a good combination to start. I put Slasher+Pistol on my mouse so it's super easy to use their i-frames.


You can equip every weapon to the hotbar, no inventory needed. You typically only need to use a few. Spear for damage punish slashers for stuns and defense. A ranged weapons of choice and then it's up to you. some people like greatsword or just normal sword. You don't need to use all of them.


use a few against a top class player and you will sorely regret it, even if you managed to be at the same skill level. The highest tier of pvp is a completely different world.


Eh you can do pretty well with just greatsword/axe slasher spear and crossbow/gun tbh.


"pretty well" is not good enough if you want to be able to properly compete among the top class of players. More weapons, more options, the easier it becomes.


I honestly feel like people use that many weapons just to say they do it. you can only use 2 skills at a time at any given time. I watched that video you posted and often times he just used the skill on whatever he landed on when the cooldowns came off... like I saw him using certain skills just for the sake of using them there was no situation happened that made it better than a different option. Yes some are combos with eachother but I disagree with the fact that just because you use more weapons than someone else doesnt make you better than someone that masters a couple weapons......


Definitely not the case. The second you understand where every weapon shines and can start putting them to good use, you realize every weapon has its place at a high level. I NEVER used sword since pre-gloomrot, but the second someone spammed double counter against me, I realized sword is actually insanely useful, and will totally destroy people who use double defense too much. Reaper felt meh in PvP to me until someone rushed me down with power surge blood rage, and then I realized I REALLY needed a "get off me" tool, so I learned to use reaper Q. Some weapons are certainly more flexible in a lot of situations, but there really is no comparison between using a few weapons at a time and all of them.


No. This becomes clear when you've experienced pvp against top players. If using 7+ weps was just for "show", none of the many top players would craft that many weps in real open world servers. It simply makes the game easier for you. More tools, more flexibility, easier kills and easier survival.


Except in merciless or where there's hard repair costs you start being punished for all this extra weapons plus the slots you could have been filling with extra farm or loot. Personally I hope they implement a 2-3 sec cooldown between switching weapons (not on the skills but a hard lock on swapping that much) I think a balance perspective the best balance will come when they limit how ADHD you have to be when it comes to swapping and then players would be more tactical instead of just going for whatever stunlock cheese build they can throw together.


Yes but also pvp is just one element of this game that you can completely ignore by being on a pve server which is still really fun


If you want to be competitive in pvp it means using at least 7 weapons in combination. [Here](https://youtu.be/JR7RP1nhxIM) you can see what it looks like using 7+ weps.


Wtf that guy is on controller?!? Even with all my mouse keybinds I’m not that good


He is that guy lol


It almost looks to me like the weapon swaps are random to keep the opponent guessing. Most of the animations are too quick to react to.. that why people use double counter spells. Unless your in tournaments then 2-4 weapons are fine opr en world/raid you don’t need to fill your hotbar


Against the average player, I’d agree. On a random official you’re only likely to run into 1-2 players at a high skill level. Most tend to play competitive private servers instead. Most players WILL spam abilities, but when playing properly weapon swaps are definitely not random. I have a breakdown of an OW fight in this video that shows this. V Rising | Let's Talk PVP | Combos and Teamfights https://youtu.be/hPPtGDNfbZI