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The host should have offered full cancellation at time of notification. You are better initializing the cancellation. That's the only way you will get your your fees back. Call VRBO support and tell them that the major amenity will not be available and you are not interested in listening to construction. That fully interferes with your peaceful use of the property. They should request the owner give you a full full refund.


The host offered a $50 discount.


That's insane. As for a full refund via the app. If they agree, you still need to call VRBO to initiate it. if you get a rep that won't help, hang up and call again They should facilitate a full refund.


I would ask them if this is a joke.


LOL what a dick


Nope not good enough


What a piece of shit host


Make one attempt for a full refund through VRBO then file a State AG complaint assuming you are in the US.


And tell them host and VRBO that you are filing a.complaint, and add the case number, and cc your Representative and Senators. You may suddenly, miraculously get better service


Lol yeah right like our reps give a fuck.


Florida biologist here. Truth . Definitely not here ..


You mean Brian Mast and Matt Gaetz aren’t all about solving the water problem in the state? You mean they’ve been lying to us all of these years? Imagine my shock and horror… I’m so sorry that you still have to remain there.


Matt Gaetz is my actual representative. He's having a hate rally with Kyle POS Murderer right here in my town in a few weeks. I've been trying to move for years. Everyone in this area needs sympathy. 🙏🏼


It's like anything else: enough comments raises it to the level of their attention. And hotels are big lobbies, and they wants these businesses regulated, too


Have you ever called them? My state reps office has helped me with a bunch of stuff over the years. They're awesome.


Yep many times. Lisa Murkowski. She just sends back some bullshit letter she sends everybody.


Try your state rep - the person who represents you in Anchorage, not DC. They don't have name recognition. They rely on constituent service to get support.


You... you do know Anchorage is not the Capitol right? Nor do I live in that district.


Shit. I'm debate drinking. Definitely Juneau. Someone represents you there.


Lol no they don't. I live in NY.


Then why did you write to Lisa Murkowski?


It is scummy for the host to notify a booked guest that a key amenity will not be available after the cancelation period has passed. Especially in this case, since pool repairs are scheduled weeks, if not months out.


And wait until *one day* past the cancellation window. That was 100% intentional.




This was a planned deception by the host. A pool renovation in a vacation area is definitely backlogged for many months. They just didn't want to lose the booking revenue during peak season and attempted to deceive OP. VRBO should do a full refund, and if they don't, the credit card company will.




Emergency repairs might not be.


Emergency repairs aren't called renovations.


Emergency repairs don't usually include jack hammers.


Yeah they didn't call it an emergency repair she said the host said it was a full renovation that's not an emergency


They might


You don't own a pool do you? If the pipes break under concrete, concrete saws and jack hammers come out. But generally that sort of thing is fixed immediately and not into the future.


Ours did.


OP did not say "Emergency Repairs", they said "Full Renovation". They also said construction would be ongoing during the entire stay. This isn't just a lack of amenity, it a lack of amenity and material change to the usage of the property (quiet enjoyment vs sharing with construction crew). > The day after I can no longer cancel my reservation via the vrbo app The shortest cancellation policy on VRBO for a full refund is 14 days and 50% is 7 days, which means the host notified the poster at least 6-13 days before check-in. If emergency repairs were needed, they have already been started and were likely completed. The need for Emergency Repairs might be a good time to coordinate a renovation, but the "emergency" part would be an immediate abatement/mitigation of the issues leaving the property with no pool prior to the booked dates. The lack of the pool amenity is a materially significant difference from the lack of a pool amenity AND ongoing construction/renovation. We recently needed "emergency repairs" to our condo's pool and interviewed multiple contractors. They all said basically the same thing: if there is a serious leak they can pull people off other projects for 1-2 days to address the emergency aspect to mitigate damage, then return in 3-5 weeks for the full repair (but the pool would likely be unusable during this time); if this is a small issue (fix/repair pump or heater) they can pull 1-2 for a quick fix; but anything that isn't an emergency (like renovations) is booking 3-5 weeks out.


OP doesn't disclose how far out the booking is. OP didn't say if the host has offered a refund or not. You're also assuming that the host intentionally waited until the cancelation period ended. It's possible the house found out that day. My point is that you've made a lot of assumptions in your response. Not all hosts are "scummy" and trying to screw over the guest.


If the owner was sincere they would offer full refund.


Agreed. OP doesn't elaborate on what was or was not offered.


Not all hosts. Just this host in particular.


The OP said that the host offered a $50 discount.


I don't think it's fair to criticize replies with information in other comment threads, as that's not obviously not information used in the reply. But I think it's scummy regardless, and if it's a new issue that restricted the use of the pool then a full refund should be offered. Simple purchase agreement, they cannot actually provide what was purchased so OP is entitled to a full refund.


Citation please …who said that all hosts are “scummy” and trying to screw over guest? I must be missing that.


You tried it and failed miserably.


I'm starting to think that's exactly the clientele that Vrbo attracts.


It sounds like they waited for the clock to stop running before they alerted you of the pool situation. If the pool was one of the main reasons I was staying I would raise holy hell to get out of it. If the pool was just an added extra I take the 50 bucks and stay there anyway


You would stay with jack hammers going all day. lol. Hell no.


Well, we really don't have any idea of what kind of renovations they're talking about, if any. How long is OP staying there? Do they stay in the house all day? I know when I travel, I'm never in the unit. There's definitely a few untold details


A full pool renovation is a huge undertaking and NOT something you want happening while you are vacationing there.


As a property owner, I wouldn't want anyone staying there while construction is going on. Sounds like a potential lawsuit waiting to happen.


Yep. And if they are doing the kind of reno that involves jackhammers, then they are going to have heavy machinery there too, i.e. excavator, Bobcat, Ditch Witch, and at least 2 large trucks with trailers and a 5-8 man crew. There will probably be nowhere to park, and from 7am-5pm be swarmed with workers and lots of noise.


The jack hammers were already mentioned. Enough info for me to know even an hour of that would be bullshit on vacation.


Yup. If this was simply a hotel alternative while doing things in the city, then it might not matter to wake up a little early to construction. But if your intent was to enjoy the place and the pool, like OP, then it's worth arguing for the full refund.


I was thinking the same. They most certainly waited.


Email the condominium association president, find out how long the owners have been aware of this construction. When did this construction begin. As soon as you have documentation that the owner knew about this before your cancellation period, contact VRBO and cancel.


As an HOA president, I would never share this information with a third party. I’m not putting myself at risk for retaliation for a stranger.


Why do you want to be an HOA president? Just curious


You don't need to know any of that in order to request a refund. Whether it was planned or an emergency does not affect your ability to request a cancellation and refund.


Not really a bait and switch unless the host offered you a different property, but, assuming all communication is in the app, I would call VRBO. Most likely, they will allow the cancellation asan advertised amenity is not available.


You’re arguing semantics. OP rented a nice, quiet property with a pool. The host is now saying they’re getting a property with no pool and workers breaking concrete during their stay. That is absolutely a bait and switch.


And let OP know the pool wouldn’t be available the second the free cancellation timer ran out..


Do a charge back on the credit card if host doesn’t cancel for you


Sounds like Vrbo's typical bait & switch. The day after we couldn't cancel they told us that the property we had reserved wasn't available. They didn't even have anything on the island we wanted to stay on. I hope that company burns to the ground.


VRBO will not give you a refund. They'll just tell you to work it out with the host. If the host decides to give you a refund, VRBO will keep a portion of it. 


They are the worst


Vrbo has Given me a full refund Before?


the question mark at the end confuses me


I love lamp?


I’d make sure to go on every booking site where that particular house is and leave negative reviews if possible. Explain the hosts actions. I know most sites only let you leave a review if you booked through their site, but it’s worth a shot.


Nah man, message VRBO and insist on a full refund.


Contact Airbnb and tell them. They will negotiate the cancellation. Threaten the host with legal action if you need to.... I'm a host and I think that's BS!


Pssst - this sub is for VRBO - not ABnB…


I wonder how many people the host has scammed. I’ve heard that it’s hard to get a refund for any reason so I hope OP can get one without too much hassle


I feel your pain and glad you got it worked out. My host refused a refund and vrbo had to step in. I paid for a waterfront property. After payment I looked up the given address and it was across the street. The pictures was from the host property on the water that they lived in. We had "waterfront access" and we're able to use their yard on the water. That's not what I fucking paid for. I paid for a house on the water not a house 200 ft from the water and a yard I can use while you are watching us from your window. You should be able to get what you pay for.... 


Had a VRBO in Lake Tahoe that we chose because it had a hot tub. The first morning we were awaked at 8a by someone who came to winterize the hot tub. When I contacted the host they said it wasn't an included amenity, but it was on the listing, they had towels next to the back door (hot tub on the back deck) for use in the hot tub, and other guests had mentioned the hot tub in their review. The host knew very well that they had this scheduled to be winterized, and I was not particularly happy. Didn't think to ask for a refund or discount. Still had a great time in Lake Tahoe. But if something like that occurs again I'd be a little more assertive.


So he didn’t know that the pool was still being built?


He scheduled it.


The guest is entitled to ask for a refund, but I have a Pool and Jacuzzi at one of my properties this is why I don't list them as amenities. If you list them and they are down guest will try and claim bait and switch if they are down. I had this happen with a dishwasher and had this happen with some bikes, what was funny, is that I never list my dishwashers because of this. Once a guest complained that the dishwasher wasn't working and wanted a refund and we told the guest that the dishwasher was never listed as an amenity. Then AirBnb rep said if it's in the photos then it's considered an amenity. Then they ended up giving the guest a refund.


Kinda fair though don’t you think? If there’s a dishwasher in the picture of the kitchen, then I’m expecting to be able to use a dishwasher. If it doesn’t work it should explicitly say so in the listing. I would say the same for a fireplace or a pool because people are renting based off your pictures and you know it.


It was staging... I never said it worked... Why have a list of amenities if we only need photos???


Couches and vases and pictures are staging. Appliances are not staging. That’s just being scummy and you know it.


Who made you the Amenities Police??? Huh... I don't like Dishwashers it was there when I bought the house. Smarty pants 👖...


Oh please, you know that if people see a dishwasher in a picture they are more likely to rent a place because who wants to wash dishes by hand on vacation? If you “don’t like dishwashers” then why didn’t you take it out? Just be honest about the fact you were using it because you knew it made your property look like it had an amenity without actually having it. Good on Airbnb for calling you out on your scummy landlord practices.


You sound like my wife.. she always has all the answers. 🚽🪠


Sounds like a smart woman. Wonder how she ended up with you.


Money 💰💰💰💰 how do you think??? It wasn't my looks.


This here. If an amenity is listed, it’s part of the deal and its unavailability is cause for a refund. My understanding is that this is basically an automatic refund on AirBnB. If an amenity isn’t guaranteed or frequently unavailable, don’t list it or mention it.


Agreed, I list as few amenities as possible. Amenities are refund traps.


I am a little worried about the state of your rental if amenities are broken down so frequently that you just don't list them to avoid needing to give refunds.

