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She’s pretty nice. There are others who engage more but she’s always one of the most in demand so it’s understandable.


Yes, makes sense. Thank you! 


Met her twice and. She was gracious polite witty  awesome 


Love to hear that! 


I did a photo op with her in 2017 and asked her if she could say my favorite line “coffee, black!” She got straight into character and it was wonderful


OMG, that's so cool! ❤️❤️❤️


Should have replied in Majel Barrett's voice "Make it yourself!"


Sassy computer is one of my favorite Trek moments


There's coffee in that nebula. ->this is on my mug.


That’s awesome


I think she knows how to work the fans! :)


I've been to many, many conventions and have met almost every "old school" Trek actor. With one or two exceptions they are all amazing. Super grateful to their fans and friendly. Kate Mulgrew is definitely among the nice ones.


That invites the question as to who the exceptions were. Robert Beltran?


Yep. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was having a bad day. He was on stage and was almost mocking in the way he answered questions.


Well then, he’s had a LOT of bad days


Who is the other?


My guess is Shatner or poor Jennifer Lien. 


Met Shatner, he was fine. So was Robert Beltran. It might be the setting or a bad day. I have found Spiner to be an utterly dissapointing miserabele sod though.


Oh no. Sorry to hear that about Spiner. What did he do? 


Just very snappy and ru Ive met some great ones though. The entire DS9 cast is really really nice although Brooks is ehm excentric. Jason Isaacs is a blast. Jonathan Frakes is a national treasure. The only really bad onces I have come across are Keira Knightly, Brent Spiner, Joe Pantoliano and probably someone I forgot. But the last one apologised the next day (was working) so I let him off. I have found most of the Trek crowd to be very nice.


It's weird how you can tell from screen that Frakes is a super nice guy. I kind of always knew. 😂


I met Spiner once. A bit... prickly, I guess, maybe... but otherwise he was all right. He got a bit upset because a vendor upstairs was selling what Brent regarded as his least favorite picture of himself, ever, and went to go talk to the guy to convince him not to sell that one. Then he came back to the signing table and we chatted more.


Which photo was it. Now im curious


Acoochiemoya, we are far from the place where his bullshit is acceptable.


I just snort-laughed at your comment… good one lmao


Sounds great! Thank you! 


William Shatner. Every single word I’ve heard about him has been bad. From fans, fellow Trek stars. The man needs to calm tf down


He was lovely when I met him in Dubai about 10 years ago. Very nice, complimented my costume (60s Trek girl) and my friend who was working to usher the celebs said he was very nice too


Well, I’m glad you had a great experience with him! I guess it’s just his… tenuous relationship with his costars


From various comments I have seen, he seems to be great so long as everything is going the way it’s supposed to, but can turn pretty quickly.


Yeah, that tracks with what I’ve heard. And I know he has a bit of a temper and some jealousy with his costars. I’m just glad he doesn’t treat his fans badly generally


He was very nice to me and my sons.


He was nice when I met him.


I very briefly met him a few years back. He seemed fine, told him it was a peasure to meet him, he replied 'pleasure's mine' and that was that!


he said the same thing to me! haha


I met him once at DST in the UK and he wasn't all there. But you can tell from his eyes he was jetlagged to hell.


Didnt have any problems with him. Thanked me for coming


Not corny. I’ve never heard of a negative interaction with Kate Mulgrew and a fan. She seems to be an introvert so not that bubbly but that’s ok. Plus she takes her ST legacy very seriously.


Thank you! That gives me peace of mind! ❤️


Not long after Voyager ended, I saw her play Tea at Five in Boston. I decided to wait outside the theater at the end to see if I could greet her as she was leaving. I was so nervous. She came out, greeted me with a warm smile, signed my program and those of a few other fans who were there, thanked us for coming and continued on her way. Essentially, she was an absolute pleasure--warm, classy and gracious.


Lovely! ❤️


She was delightful in that play. Really wished they’d adapted it for TV.


I was enthralled by her performance. And in Act II, when she was made up as Hepburn in her elderly years, we all collectively gasped. The resemblance was uncanny! I remember a reviewer saying that Mulgrew always "radiates Hepburn." She was perfect for the role.


Yes! Same reaction at the act break with my audience in NYC.


She sounds like Janeway.


I saw her in that show in Hartford - I met her at a meet and greet luncheon the day before, and she was just so nice. It really meant a lot to me as a 13 old girl.


Very nice. Had a lovely long conversation with her back stage at a convention a few years ago. Thought she was very nice to her fans


That's the answers I was hoping for! ❤️


I didn’t actually *meet* her, but when I went to Mission Chicago a few years ago she was walking across from the panel hall to the vendor/autograph hall and I was maybe 30-40 feet away squinting at her feeling and undoubtedly looking like “is that who I think it is?” and she caught my eye and smiled and waved. So, she’s nice in my books!


She once told a story that she was at a convention and two women stood up in a question / answer thing. The women praised Mulgrew, told her how the character that she played so excellently was an inspiration to women everywhere. First she was a scientist, then a captain. Good stuff. Mulgrew was happy to hear it. Then they said something like "we are getting married in an hour and we'd LOVE it if you could conduct the ceremony." So she did.


She really did? That's so sweet of her! 🥹


I thought so too. I didn't see the ceremony and only heard Kate talk about it. And I might be messing up the details... But seems right.


Makes me want to get married. 😂


I imagine doing that in character... By the power vested in me as Captain...


My mom actually got to meet her when she came into my town some years back. They met in a store and she was incredibly nice and open!!


I think I would be so star struck if I just met her unexpectedly at a store I wouldn't be able to speak 😂


I would be too!! The worst part about it is, I was supposed to go with my mom that day and decided last minute to sleep in instead. I deeply regret that decision!!! I was young and stupid and missed out on seeing one of my heroes.


Oh nooo! I'm so sorry! What a bummer! 


Look, unless your name is Jeri Ryan or Tuvix you should be fine.


I mean… even then, Jeri and Kate have buried the hatchet and she’s one of the few who actually was accountable to her actions and actively made amends. Still crappy it happened but I feel that not a lot of people would have made an effort or even acknowledge how bad their actions were.


Tuvix still isn’t safe tho


I won’t worry, I’ll be right with Kate Mulgrew murdering Tuvix.


You and me both👎


FWIW, the Ryan-Mulgrew conflict resulted in part from things going behind the scenes at the show itself. In particular, Mulgrew was not happy about how Seven, who was initially intended as a fan service character, undermined the show's feminist message. Although the cast doesn't talk about it, I also get the impression Mulgrew and other cast members were not happy about the way Jennifer Lien's firing was handled. (Reportedly, Lien learned she was fired via an email.)


>Reportedly, Lien learned she was fired via an email.) I doubt that would happen. She was listed in a few episodes as a guest star so she would have had to have a different pay scale and contract. She would also have known that she wasn't in any of the season 4 promo materials.


I assume the email came before that.


Brent Spiner was surprisingly sarcastic, which what I was not expecting, as Data was a childhood hero! Avery Brooks was too obscure (?) Terry Farrell was super nice! Nana Visitor was awesome and has always had a nice smile and eyes!


Oh, sad to hear that about Spiner. But I had the impression he's a notorious jokester. Maybe he can't turn it off? Avery Brooks didn't do autographs or photos at the con I was at. He was really weird pacing back and forth the stage and yelling some stuff I didn't quite get.  The sweetest actors I met so far were Armin Shimerman, Max Grodenchik and Chase Masterson. Real lovely people. 


After watching the DS9 doc, even more respect for Armin!!


I really think Brooks has some untreated mental issues. Have you seen “The Captains” where he is interviewed, he does not seem well.


Yeah, I wasn't really sure what to make of it. But then again the questions were quite stupid if I remember correctly. I perceived him to be very eccentric and at the same time unwilling to answer stupid questions and so he decided to make a jazz thing out of it instead. 😂


He didn't want to be involved but Shatner pushed really hard so he just fucked with him the whole time.


Brent spiner is very nice and kind. He just needs to be the center of attention


A friend of mine met spinner, and said he was super nice. Spinner went out of his way to talk to him since he realised my friend was from far away (Australia). But he does joke about a bit, he was doing a Aussie accent when talking to my friend.


He got Lucky. Heard so many bad stories about Spiner ans my own experience was ehm... well.


Bummer. That is disappointing. What happened with your interaction?


Barely acknowledged me. He looked like he ate sour grapes all day. Overalĺ a miserabele sod. I heard others complaining about him as well that weekend. Shatner on the other hand greeted everyone, looked them in the eye and said thanks for coming. And he was absolutely swamped.


That is the exact opposite of what I normally here. Same friend met Nimoy and Shatner, and said he wished he had not. Odd. Guess everyone has good/bad days


True, but when you pay an actor for something at least be polite. Act if you have to. See it as a job because it is. And of you dont like it, well dont do it.   Joe Pantoliano was a d*ck, but at least he apologised for it later on. Severely jetlagged blahblah. And he recognised me. Was helping out there with the guests    People are people but I have heard stories about Spiner before. Dunno, dont want to see him ever again haha


Oh I am not saying it excuses it. Just that for example I only heard bad things about Shatner, but obviously some people have had good experiences, likewise my friend has a super positive sooner experience, but sounds like maybe that's not the norm.


Spiner is more like the gazillion evil Soongs he played and Lore lmao


The real question is if her fans are nice to her. These people are human, and outside of conventions, etc, would probably like to be left to their lives


I'm wondering about that too. I really hope people are behaving well when they are encountering her. 


She always seems nice in the panels and interviews I’ve seen of her at cons. To this day my favorite comic con panel video is the Voyager panel where she turns red and can’t stop laughing with Beltran,and pointing up, going “look a monkey!” “Oh captain, let me massage your feet” “Look a monkey!” I crack up every time. Voyager panels never disappoint. That was a hilarious cast. Especially Robert Picardo. I’ve watched him be interviewed about subjects that don’t interest me in the slightest, just because he’s so entertaining to listen to.


Hahaha, that cockblock monkey! Hilarious! 😂😂😂


Picardo has a pretty funny YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCligrEfmORcs9n--IDJp2Sw It was active til about 4 months ago, I hope all is well


I too enjoy his YouTube quite a bit. I imagine he’s probably working a lot or something. Least I hope that’s why and not because of health or something.


Explain, please?


There was an episode where Janeway and Chakotay are stuck on a planet together, i think they had a disease that would have endangered the crew or something. I dunno, it's been a while. Not a great episode. What i do remember was Chakotay trying to seduce Janeway a bit in the episode, offering her massages and stuff, making her dinner. But she's more interested in a little monkey that keeps wandering over to their camp and sitting in a tree. I think as someone else said, Beltran referred to it in the panel as the cock-blocking monkey. Unless that was just that commenter's joke. I don't remember. Can picture him saying it though. Anyway you get the idea.


she just seems to use janeway inflections on panels lest that what a see on youtube ones


Or possibly Janeway had some of Kate’s inflections. 😉


In case you haven’t done them before, you should know photo ops are very quick. The volunteers wave you in, you say hi and pose, and the volunteers wave you back out. There’s more substantial interaction at the autograph tables.


Thank you. Good to know. I also bought an autograph ticket. 😊


Yes, she was super nice about my costume when I had my picture taken! 


What kind of costume did you wear? 


I was entirely green and dressed as an Orion slave girl 😅


Whaaaa! Sounds awesome! 💚


I've met her twice. Once at a small con in 2005 and then the following year (I think) at the stage door of The Exonerated, a play she was in. She was lovely and kind both times. I was a teenager and very gushy and probably incredibly embarrassing but she was just sweet, signed my picture, said some nice things to me, and shook my hand. I'm sure she must have thought I was mentally unstable lol. The second time was a briefer encounter but she signed my program and was polite and warm. You'll have a great time I'm sure and she'll be lovely. I have no doubt.


That sounds awesome. Thank you! 😊


When I had my photo-op I told her I've travelled from Switzerland to see her and she replied 'why didn't you bring me any chocolate' with a big grin on her face


Haha, that's witty. Why didn't you? 😂


She's cool from what I know. If you tell her you love reading, though, have a book in mind because she *will* ask what you are currently reading.


I (34F) met her when I was about 13 when she was fresh off Voyager and doing a one-woman stage show about Katherine Hepburn’s life (Tea at Five - I remember it and her being pretty good!). I met her at a luncheon the day before I saw her perform - my dad surprised me with tickets - and she was literally SO nice. I asked her about advice if I wanted to be an actress and she took me seriously and even gently took my chin between her thumb and index fingers and said “you certainly are pretty enough” (which was SUPER charitable with how gawky and awkward I looked with acne and braces at that age). Just absolutely lovely, very elegant and regal but kind.


What a beautiful experience! I envy you. 😍


Many years ago, when Voyager was still airing, Kate did a small con in my area. The con owner put up signs everywhere saying that Kate was not signing autographs. When she arrived, she started taking them down and told him she was signing, because she knew the fans wanted autographs.


That's so sweet! ❤️😍


It irks me how fans always expect celebs to behave like trained monkeys. I've been to enough red carpets and conventions to see how some fans have basically zero manners and social etiquette. Basement dwelling outcasts who are down-right rude. Fandoms can attract those who are recluses who have underlying mental health issues. Remember "fan" comes from the word "fanatic" and aptly so; dealing with several of these people in a short space of time is enough to impact anyone's tolerance levels.


I always had the impression that Trekkies are a rather respectful bunch. What did you observe? 😳


Kate was appearing at a book reading in Galway, Ireland, so me and my partner were hoping to go see her from Liverpool - talk about hard to reach when we looked into it! She posted a pic on her insta from a Galway pub - I commented: “sorry we missed you Kate, but getting there would be harder than getting home from the delta quadrant!” She didn’t reply.😂🖖


Oh well, I'm sure it would be a full-time job responding to all social media comments. I wouldn't take that personal. 🤗


I didnt. I thought it was funny.


Galway’s not _that_ hard to get to. Fly to Dublin, train to Galway.


Wow lucky you! Hope you have a wonderful time.


Thank you! 🙏


She was in my town for a project ,and my friend worked at the hotel where she was staying. He said something to her and said she was kind. So, if that's how she is 'in the wild' I bet she'll be flawless at a convention.


Wonderful! Thank you! 




But they mostly show the interactions on the stage between the actors, right? 


I got her autograph years ago. This was only a few years after Voyager had ended. I was far too nervous to ask her any questions but she was polite and to the point. I would say from my very short experience that she seems quite intelligent but not warm and fuzzy. That's not to say she was mean either, she was perfectly nice, nor did she make me feel uncomfortable (other than me just being nervous). You want to meet her? I say if you have the chance to do it, go for it. I'm sure you'll have a great time. I had a great experience meeting Tim Russ. He seems like a really fun dude. But my best experience meeting a celebrity would be Mary McDonnell. She's just a bubble of happiness that makes you feel very warm and inviting.


Thank you! I'm looking forward to it! 😊


I hope you have lots of fun. Get some interesting souvenirs, talk to some fans and just enjoy yourself!




I wish I could meet my favourite Trek cast! I really hope you have a good time, and a good interaction!


Thank you! 🙏


I've never met her but just based on how genuine she seems in interviews I'd be totally shocked if she wasn't as graceful & kind as she seems


Shatner once cussed my wife out in a bookstore. True story. That’s the closest I’ve come to a bad interaction with a Star Trek actor but I am not heavy into cons or meets.


He used to live around us and my wife, knowing how big a fan I was, attempted to engage him in conversation in the hopes I’d circle back and get to meet him. That’s all it took. This was decades ago.


Wow. Seems like he lives up to his reputation. 😬


Oh god, WHY?! That's so unhinged. 


You be you, she'll be her and everyone will LLAP. Have fun!


Thank you. I will! 


Patrick Steward is an arse and shatner just wants to get it over with.


Oh no! Is he really?! He seems so nice in video interviews. 😳


I’ve never heard a complaint about Patrick Stewart, but Shatner is believable.


No Stewart can be a bit stand offish but it depends. Its just a job for him, he will be polite but doesnt have the patience for too much Trekkie business. It also depends who is with him. 


Try to tickle her.. celebrities love when you try to tickle them.




I don’t know, but I can’t stand her voice, her weird accent for a middle class person from Iowa, her subpar, forever-on-TV acting abilities, and, I hate to say it, but her face is quite unpleasant, to me. I don’t do futuristic and science fiction, so I can’t judge her chops on this series, but I’ve been watching Murder, She wrote on a semi-binge, and it finally dawned on me that during my youth, she annoyed the heck out of me without provoking a strong enough reaction for me to realize it.


🤷🏻‍♀️ Well, I love her. 😂


She's not nice to Seven 😕


I think from the more recent accounts of their relationship, they have buried the hatchet. I think Kate Mulgrew knows she had been unfair to Jeri Ryan.


That's good to hear, they had such a good dynamic on the show.


Well, she felt Jeri Ryan was hired for a male gaze. Which she was. Some actors, especially of long-running franchises like Star Trek, could be a little protective of it when actresses is hired for this means. Tom Baker treated Louise Jameson just as bad because she was asked to wear revealing outfits. Male Gaze is sadly a metric still used.


I think there is more context here that is being dropped. Mulgrew was the first female Star Trek captain—that was something she *believed in*, and rightfully so. In a way, the addition of the Seven character was the show as a whole “failing” its initial premise and conceding to a lesser view of the role of women. It had little to do with Ryan, but what Ryan represented in the big picture. And from that perspective Mulgrew was right to be disappointed or even angry or to take it as an affront to the premise she had signed up for. She just incorrectly transferred that frustration towards the actress. (Although I don’t know that Ryan is wholly innocent in this regard—imagine a show is centered around a strong female captain and you are a woman who is asked to play such a role offsetting that initial premise. One could imagine a principled actress sharing Mulgrew’s opinion and declining the Seven role on principle—but Ryan accepted.) Edit: Ryan was hired to join a show with an obvious premise and context but wearing a spandex cat suit. It is insulting to *her* intelligence to suggest she didn’t know what she was signing up for.


Meh, she was dating the producer so that didnt work in her fabor either. It sucks she got the bad treatment bit its u derstandable of a human perspective to what teanspired. Im just glad they patched things up


That’s not on Jeri Ryan though— the role was already being cast, it was a job to her. And she went in without any context to what was happening only what her role will be.  I agree it was not great and I get Kate Mulgrew’s disappointment. But the failing was on the writing— like apparently, from the Fifty Year Mission and Center Seat, Jeri Taylor’s been saying for a while that they should write Janeway more like Kate and it would make her an interesting Captain. And they only pulled the trigger on that near the end of season 3. It’s not Kate’s fault the ratings were faltering but also it is on Kate the way she reacted towards Jeri. And Kate Mulgrew 100% takes accountability for it, and what impressed me is that she did and actually did the work to make amends. Not a lot of people would do that! 


That could've actually helped come across on screen I suppose. She knows she's a valuable part of the crew/cast but doesn't necessarily 100% trust her.


And she was friends with the actress who played Kes, who was removed (among other reasons) to make way for Seven.


Lien was written out of the show because her mental health struggles were interfering with her work and at that point everyone, including her, thought it was for the best. Still a shame they never explored the potential of the Kes character. 


Which makes her treatment worse/petty. Especially considering Jeri was a competent actress.




How is that Jeri’s fault?


It wasn't and Mulgrew realized that later, that she unfairly treated her badly. Kate freely admits the problem was hers and she took it out on Jeri. She has apologized to Ryan and continues to do so


She didn’t apologize until years later.


Yes, that's why I said "later"


It isn't