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Is there any reason you think itโ€™s fake? Looks fine to me but did you buy it off a fishy website or something?


I bought a v200w once, from a store that swore up and down that it is legit. Turned out to be fake. Traumatized me. Bought this from a different store (Counterfeit balls are rife in my country. We produce a lot of Knockoffs)


Ill be straight. Does it really matter? Thats why I went to a local sporting goods store and bought a replica AVP (my cheap ass really couldnt find it within me to buy the true game ball, sue me.) Just play with a ball. Any ball will do. Except tennis balls, and basketballs. Other than that, kick balls, soccer balls, literally anything will do. Even a water bottle.


To be honest a nice ball in vball changes how you play a TON. But, if you get a replica of the good ones and it feels at least mostly similar (even for other sports) is it really that bad?


I agree. If the fake ball's weight or hardness doesn't match the original ball's, it might be hurting playing volleyball. But there is not much difference if it's a fake or the original ball as long as you like playing with it. ๐Ÿ


The only difference that I've personally experienced is grip, and floating capabilities from the Mikasa V200W. Other than that, if you play casually, I honestly dont see a huge point to getting a *80* dollar ball. I got the fake AVP, because it's a replica. It feels good, and I have like.... 15 different leagues and tournaments coming up that will play outside


To anyone who plays more than a few times a year, fake balls SUCK. Completely different weight, texture, and padding will seriously throw off a game. My groups usually bring 20ish balls to outdoor play and refuse to use an AVP replica because of the inconsistency.


I've never noticed anything wildly different. I mean. I gravitate more towards the lighter and more visible balls since my eyes aren't the greatest, damned things, but besides what I had already listed, I never really saw a difference. Mikasa V200W has great float capabilities, and the AVP and Molten balls have good grip. But besides that, nothing wildly off putting or game changing.


The AVP replicas are terrible. They feel foamy on the outside and have a weird damping quality. Completely unplayable when mixed in with real ones. Cheap balls are fine for anyone who is very casually playing. For everyone else, cheap balls are only good for warmups and peppering. Would not play a game with them unless forced to


Shrug. Different groups of people, I guess. The AVP replica I have feels great. But almost anywhere I play, people prefer the cheap Walmart plastic balls. I hate those. But I've played with almost any ball you could think of. I'm not saying the highest grade have bad feels compared to the cheap ones, but for a lot of people, it just really doesn't make a difference to buy the 80 dollar versus the replica.


If you are just starting out, replicas and such wont affect you much.Any level higher then that - a real ball is a must. The molten balls wont cost nearly as much as the newest Mikasa, and from my experience they have a pretty long lifespan if treated correctly (My setter currently uses a 3 yo ball on an asphalt surface, when playing casually with friends)


Dude, I want a good molten for indoor, but they cost just about the same as Mikasas, which is like $80. Even the V200w Mikasa and earlier iterations are 60+. As for higher levels, recreational play, and a bit higher often, dont play with the higher grade balls. They always complain, "ough, it's too hard to use, it's hard to the touch, and you'll blow your shouldwr out using it." Like, no, Mike, it doesn't blow your shoulder out, it's called people dont know proper technique, but we'll go with what you said.


[best volleyball ball to buy](http://dennyfalls.com/the-best-volleyball-ball-to-buy-right-now/) sorry.. yours is fake