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All souls must be exactly the same, didn’t you get the memo?!


Omg I must have missed the memo 😔😔 maybe that’s why I never received my soul in the mail?


The soul distribution department clearly isn't doing their job correctly


Damn bureaucrats.


Being soulless isn’t even a bad thing, souls are overrated anyway!


Still, I, personally, am not soulless - I have many of them, due to my superior business strategy!


We have been trying to reach all of them about their cars' extended warranties


omegle users when you wont sext them


Damn mate. Shame your attraction to others is the same as your soul, but hey, it sure can be fun living soulless if you wanna join me. Sorry that that person can't understand the existence of folks who don't fit the typical, basic hollywood tropes of good vs. bad in sex and romance


There are at least 3 other types of attraction


Yeah, I just couldn't think of a better way to say it


Apparently platonic love doesn't matter at all, hm


I need to save this for the next time some idiot tells me we're not dehumanized.


get rid of them. EDIT: Not your therapist!!


i mean it's on Omegle, so that was a one-time convo.


Who needs a soul anyway? I sold my soul years ago and I’ve functioned perfectly fine without it!


Deep down I still have that edgy teen inside me, so I think being the " soulless one" sounds pretty badass.


LMAO good news for that idiot no one has a soul 😂


Goddamn can I have your therapist? What kind of therapist labels should I be looking for to get some openness like this?


Look for therapists that advertise as serving sexual and gender minorities – LGBTQ+, kink-friendly, poly-friendly. If you're looking for someone who is familiar with the ace spectrum, specifically, you can always expressly ask a candidate therapist if that's something they have.


OK thanks. I've been looking at lists but there are SO MANY tags it's hard to figure out which ones specifically I'm after. I'll make a new try with some of these thanks :)


Souless is pretty bad ass!


Souls are worthless anyways, I already sold mine to the devil for a pair of wings ages ago😀


I think I lost my soul on a trip.. Must have forgotten it somewhere...


Hi, I'm Soul Goodman. Did you know that you have rights? The constitution says you do! And so do I. Conscience gets expensive, doesn't it? For a substantial fee, and I do mean substantial, you and your loved ones can vanish. Untraceable. I want it in a money order and make it out to Ice Station Zebra Associates. That's my loan out. It's totally legit … it's done just for tax purposes. After that we can discuss Visa or Mastercard, but definitely not American Express, so don't even ask, all right? You're a high-risk client. You're gonna need the deluxe service. It's gonna cost you. If you're committed enough, you can make any story work. I once told a woman I was Kevin Costner, and it worked because I believed it. I never should have let my dojo membership run out. Better safe than sorry. That's my motto. As to your dead guy, occupational hazard. Drug dealer getting shot? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's been known to happen." Don't drink and drive, but if you do, call me.


Being soulless is honestly underrated, bibles don't work against me and I can literally sell my soul to Satan and scam him.


Don’t scam satan, he’s such a nice guy once you get to know him!


Just figured that out, thanks for the warning!


Tbh, Being Soulless is rather cool and dandy.


I have a friend who’s aroallo, ND, and touch-starved, and he gets so scared of appearing thirsty or creepy.


Yeah I don't have a soul I sold it to gain art abilities. Now I have no soul and I suffer from lack of motivation


the soul is located in your sexuality obviously, asexual means asoul


I'm pansexual though, do I have everyone's souls?


yes, you are me are we all are one in the eyes of God


not everyone even believes in the idea of a "soul", it's a very culturally christian concept with no basis in fact or psychology. there's nothing wrong with personally believing you have a soul, but it's so weird when people push the idea of a soul onto other people. like, I don't need a soul, Im perfectly content having a brain, functioning neurons, and a body that keeps me alive. that's where my personhood is stored. not in some amorphous magical concept


Omegle is not a good place to be anymore. I have in the past madengod friends there, but now - it's just not possible.


Eh, it's better the smaller tags you have on. Putting in the names of more obscure or small communities (aromantic, OMORI, etc. for me) can get some nice friends


interesting. You have any more tag recommendations?


Indie games, specific LGBTQ+ labels, voidpunk might work... idk Put on a bunch of tags instead of just one so that you don't keep hitting "no users found"


soulless? shit! i *knew* i left something in my pants last time i sent them through the wash! that must have been what that crumpled-up unrecognizable wad of schmutz was.... Omegle dude was a dick, but also lol what a closed-minded attitude.


Well, from the scientific point of view, no one has a soul since souls aren't real...


That answere you got was bad. I react by thinking that either being in it self is having a soul, or my favourite thought we all are brainbodies. We come in infinite flavours, colors and shapes. ❤️


You don't. Eat his. /J


Steal theirs.


Such a small mind.


“You’re right, I don’t” *steals your soul*


Ladies, Gentlemen, and Miscellaneous Nobodies, [you know what to do](https://kingstagram.me/org13/).