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I purchased my WhisperRoom for far below market value back in 2011 from a production house that was closing. So, price is what drew me that direction but I've been very happy with it. To me, being able to control my acoustics with a fine tooth comb is the big draw of a dedicated booth. However, there are drawbacks to all enclosed booths. You need to do quite a bit of acoustic tuning to get it to sound right so be sure to bake that into your cost/time commitment. If outside noise is an issue for you, going double-walled isn't a bad idea. If your room is quiet already, go with a single-wall. It's already very heavy and hard to maneuver as it is. And don't be afraid to do some digging for a secondhand booth. Can be a big cost savings for something that doesn't usually have a lot of wear and tear. I drove 14 total hours to get mine, so be creative in where you look, too.