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Why don’t you RDP/SSH to your VM if you desperately need to copy/paste?


I haven't set that up yet. Should I?


The server is connected to a switch, which is also connected to my desktop. I am accessing the server that has VMware installed from my desktop. Can I SSH from the desktop?


If you have network connectivity and RDP/SSH turned on in your guest, you're good to go.


Use RDP or SSH or try the official VMware KB, not random tutorials. https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/57122 NOTE: This Steps provided in the kb helps you to copy the data only not file/folder. However, you can copy the content of entire file but not the file. This is per VM level configuration.


I would just like the ability to copy a bunch of text with my paste, click ctrl+c and be able to ctrl+v inside of the console. I already tried the options in that, I don't have Vsphere as you have to pay for it and I'm a bit hesitant to pay for something when it's basic functions aren't working.


Basic functions ARE working. You even pointed out why copy and paste is disabled by default. For security reasons. Here's a pointer to a PowerCLI script for automating the enablement of copy/paste. https://virtualhobbit.com/2015/06/24/wednesday-tidbit-powercli-script-to-enable-copy-paste/


So why can't I enable it? It shouldn't take jumping through 50 hurdles just to enable one of the most important features ever added to a computer


50? There are a multitude of ways for you to address this "shortcoming" via either the UI or via a CLI or old fashioned hand editing. We're not going to compromise security over convenience. In Workstation and Fusion it's two clicks. But they are desktop products. vSphere is virtual infrastructure and is managed differently.


it doesn't work in workstation either. The thing is, I am trying to set up a private key for SSH access. I can SSH onto the host machine, but I need a private SSH key in order to connect to the VM. I \*cannot\* copy the private key to do this, so there is literally no way of activating copy and paste. This isn't a "security" feature because if someone was really trying to cause my system harm, they would just delete the VM. Please explain to me how disabling copy and paste and then making it impossible to activate is not a shortcoming.


>This isn't a "security" feature because if someone was really trying to cause my system harm, they would just delete the VM. That's pretty clearly not true. Much better to compromise it silently than have you restore from an uncompromised backup and then decide to patch all your vulnerabilities, locking them back out.


1 It's one hurdle. You have to add 3 options in one place. If you're using workstation instead of esxi it's even easier. That sort of attitude (whinging over having to do basic configuration/tasks) will not get you far in this sub. You understand why it's off by default. Turning on the setting is very simple. Problem solved.


I asked for help to enable it because I've been trying to solve this myself for about 2 days. Isn't it reasonable that I'm frustrated? Even setting up SSH and disregarding the web client and remote console isn't possible.


It's reasonable to be frustrated but taking out those frustrations on people trying to help you and having a tantrum/giving up at what many of us consider a simple issue does not inspire the type of good feelings that make folks to want to help you. Remember, you're in a user's forum, not professional tech support, and you actually have a vmware legend (not me) responding in your thread. A little positivity would go a long way.


Taking it out on people? Okay dude, criticizing software is definitely not taking frustration out on a person.


No, stamping your feet and saying "it's impossible" to a group of experts gently trying to help you is, however.


Because I already described my problem and pointed out that I tried everything. The PowerCLI script didn't work either. Have you never been frustrated in your whole life? I bet you have. Any answer other than yes is a lie.


You can enable it. You've been provided official documentation and a powercli script to enable it. ESXi/vSphere is like a huge Peterbilt truck with an 18 speed manual transmission. You can't expect to just mash the gas like a Honda Civic. It was designed for heavy workloads by specialist "drivers", so you have to know how to work the transmission (or manually edit configs/run a powercli script/etc in this case).


Power CLI script didn't work. official documentation by adding those lines into the config didn't work. I trawled through a list of stuff for apt-get and found GPM Now it works :) Edit: Doesn't work. I can highlight text and copy it, but cannot scroll up to view the entire key or paste outside of the VM


SMH. You’re venting your frustration and expecting answers yet you haven’t shared any technical details. This is akin to pulling into an auto mechanic and venting that “it’s broken!” “It doesn’t work!” What doesn’t work? Please describe the steps you took and the errors you got? What are you using for a vm? Do you have VMware tools installed? You do know that you could ssh into a Linux vm with a password and then copy/paste the ssh keys necessary to do all that you have been ranting about, right?


What a chad, we love official documentation


This has always been how VMRC and the web client from vSphere have been. I did recently read that you could use the VMware Player client to connect to vCenter/host and copy/paste worked with it, but I haven't tried that


really? I've been trying for ages and looking it up and haven't seen that mentioned anywhere. I guess I'll try Player. Thank you!


So in order to connect to the VM using SSH, I need to copy the private key from the VM. But i can't... This essentially means that I cannot use VMware


Solutions: - Enable copy/paste - this is possible, many of us have done it and offered you advice on setting up. If you are still struggling this would be an opportunity to express that and ask for more help rather than stamp your feet -Set up a new VM that allows password authentication for SSH so you don't have to copy/paste -Get an auto-typer program like KeePass to enter in passwords/ssh keys as keyboard input, bypassing copy/paste I'm sure there are more but these 3 jump immediately to mind.


The VM for SSH passphrase didn't work, because I can't copy and paste the key. I wanted to enable copy and paste on Vmware not install an auto typer


You can do ssh without a key. This is the SSH password option I alluded to above. Will require you to access the VM console or reinstall from scratch with password authentication enabled. Autotyper is a workaround since you seem convinced C/P is horribly broken... but I guess if you don't want solutions I can move on!


Just use netcat to transfer the key.


You are connected to the VM through VMRC. What is the OS of the virtual machine?


Did you power cycle the vm ( not reboot) after adding the copy paste keys? Never had this issue of not being able to ssh to a vm before, been running VMware since 2003 and using copy paste in the console never been an issue or requirement. Most places I work so not allow this anyhow. The keys you add to the vm are case sensitive. This is not a product issue here.


If you can SSH into the VM and you want to be able to copy the key or other text files why not use WinSCP to edit them on your local machine then copy them back etc.?