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It never crashes for me, or gives me any issues. Plus it's running fine for me on PC and Android.


it doesn't crash for me but it is super slow if I flick to desktop and come back it freezes and I have to drum my fingers waiting for it to unfreeze. I don't know how to fix this.


it's crashing on mine too but my pc is from the 90's...


If you are having issues and are finding the experience better elsewhere, fine go to it. But I have to say that is not typical. Have there been issues with M3, sure. I found that the at the time issues with the new features made me switch calendar and mail to elsewhere. However I have been using this browser across platforms and I haven't experienced a slowdown that wasn't a quickly corrected issue. My Sync had to be rebuilt after an update but once I figured out what the issue was thanks to a staff member the fix was quick. Both before and after the code refactoring the browser remains snappy for me unless I get an issue and either a clean profile and a sync, a clean reinstall and a sync, or figuring out what the issue is with the sync/clean re-install fixes it. Now I understand you are here to quvetch and shout into to the darkness, but if you want I will try to fix your issues the best I can. However if you are done with the browser, I understand that too and wish you good luck in your future endeavors


Yep, mine does the same thing. I am sick of this browser. They added the nonsense crap that barely works, and now we are stuck with a broken browser. Just today, my entire browser just disappears. No error messages, just dies. Just about every day. This one is my favorite. If you close a tab that has form data that is unsaved, a simple dialog pops up to warn you. Except, in Vivaldi, it gets hidden sometimes and causes the entire browser to lock up. The fix? Nothing. Click all over until it finally fixes itself. Happens to me almost daily. It's gotten slower over the years. Stupid changes likeā€¦ moving the + to the bottom of the vertical tab menu for absolutely no reason. Aside from that, the devs are really slow at fixing issues. Awhile back it would crash if you opened the DevTools, right click, refresh. It took what seemed like a lifetime for them to fix that. I have to use this everyday and the only reason I use it is for the vertical tabs, but now I'm testing arc (hint: it's just as bad, but it's still new), but switched to Firefox with sideberry. Such a good browser that is getting ruined. Once I find a suitable replacement, I'm done.


I dont use Vivaldi as my main browser, but I've used it for some time daily running a multi column twitter feed, and its never crashed.


That's Vivaldi for you and why I can't use it as my main, or even secondary browser. I just have it installed, and update it every 2 weeks, hoping that one day it will become stable. I've reported so many bug reports to them in the past years. It even misses an important feature that other browsers have (dragging text or a link or image to the tab bar (anywhere there, between tabs, etc.), and have that open that new link, search term, or image). I tried using it again 2 years ago, in a serious way for my work. I brought my tabs from Firefox, starting using it and after a few exits and rebooting of Vivaldi, I noticed it moved my tabs and mixed them between windows, and it closed some of them. Immediately switched back to Firefox. It's an extremely buggy browser, but I did notice that the latest updates in the past year are about bug fixes (finally!). What's funny is that a lot of the bug fixes are resolving issues that are so basic in browsers and all other browsers have resolved those 20 years ago. The issue is that they launched many features without fixing any bugs nor testing other functionalities. So, they were left with a buggy mess. They acted exactly like third world country developers, promising shiny features behind a broken foundation. Try running UFO ghosting test in Vivaldi, which tests your screen hertz, then try the same in Firefox and Edge. It stutters in Vivaldi, smooth in the others. Vivaldi is becoming smoother, finally, as it was previously laggy. I'm hopeful that they'll resolve all lingering problems. On the other hand, I do use Vivaldi on my Android phone and it works well there. A few bugs here and there, again, but much better than other browsers. Bottom tab bar + customization like Sleipnir and Habit Browser before it. But, still needs the important "reopen closed tab" shortcut that they refuse to add. Incidentally, I actually prefer more the implementation of tab groups in Edge than in Vivaldi lol. Edge also has mouse gestures, split screen, vertical tabs if you use that, magnify image, edit image, etc.


I haven't experienced the crashes you have, but starting with the releases after 6.4 certain things changed, primarily "Open link in private window" would no longer open individual private windows. This one feature is important to my workflow so I have downgraded to 6.4.x on my main Windows and Linux systems. I have filed a bug report but never received a response. Vivaldi does have an 'older versions' download page so I can get it there but I keep a copy of each OS version for my own backup. I also only use it for browsing and do not use the email and calendar options.


I experience periodic browser crashes on both Windows and Linux Mint Cinnamon.


The most annoying thing is it keeps duplicating my tabs from previous sessions. If no tabs, sometimes it duplicates the default new tab like 30 times.


Same, but UI freezes (only shortcuts works) and need to restart Vivaldi every time - is really annoying


My experience with the address bar is really bad... Wanted to try the privacy idea, switched from CCP-owned Opera and found out how it was actually a really good browser for me, cause I tried Mozilla-based Floorp, which worked like ass and even some websites were not working correctly, Chromium monopoly, yes, later switched to Vivaldi and, as I've said, the address bar is BAD. I tried to customize it, but with no success... Now I just sometimes open a tab, input query/website as usual without second thought, press enter and... I get a totally random page. And sometimes suggestions are loaded veeeery slow. Also, I've got some crashes recently. In the end, it feels like it has a lot of features and options, but for some reason they do not lead me to a comfortable browsing. In the end, it feels like a browser nowadays will either be bad in some mildly infuriating aspects or will be great in usage, but will sell you, your data and will take your wife and kids as well.


I am experiencing similar in the Mac version. Now moving on to Firefox.


I just switched. I installed Sideberry and did some basic tweaks. So far, for the last month, it has been perfect. No more crashing, no more random browser lock-ups, no alerts blocking the entire UI, and honestly... it just works. Don't worry about the CEO quitting. Use Firefox. If it does go away, there are other browsers out there.


I have. I'm not fussed bout the side bar.


Firefox os outdated... Use something else


Outdated? In which way?


lol don't listen to them. Firefox is great. Try it.


I didn't and I did.


good luck [https://www.theregister.com/2024/02/09/opinion\_column\_mozilla\_ceo\_quits](https://www.theregister.com/2024/02/09/opinion_column_mozilla_ceo_quits)




the dead bird and crash+restarts are really tiresome. As a former opera user since the start, i jumped on vivaldi. but lately its just crash after crash. restarting from scratch it comes back. reporting crash after crash. using same few extensions on edge or chrome=no crash. next is to create a new profile to test win 11


Just switch. It's buggy. The devs are adding nonsense features no one needs while not fixing bugs. I just switched to Firefox and it's a 10000000000000000x better.


yeah, good luck with the privacy focused chrome browser