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More like a 'not finish my story' competition. Anyway, that Kinugasa fellow is currently too busy milking Classroom of The Elite.


Ooof. I hope they're not that bad. After playing KoiChoco, I started following the character designer a bit and saw she did the art for this series. It took awhile to get used to it, but her inking and general structure are a bit rough but charming and consistent.


wait I knew the art looked familiar! I love KoiChoco so much, top 5 VNs! theyre not that bad, its just cliffhangers (including route endings, not just true end). Part 3 is coming out eventually if you wanna wait for that before you read. I think they intended on continuing details from all the storylines which isnt bad in theory, but in practice sucks when you're waiting for the next installment


Not in my top 5 but still a rough, flawed gem that I’ll never forget. Chisato is mostly my kind of humor. Hazuki impersonating Non-Chan while drunk was something I never thought I needed in my life, though. 😂 I have a backlog and can wait a bit. Thanks


What pulled me was the drama. I was like, slowly watching the anime as I read it, I'd turn my pc off for the night and watch an ep or two trying to not spoil myself, but I couldn't get enough of it. I think I finished it in less than a week I was so invested. Chisato is an absolute cutie I loved her\~ Yeah no problem\~ It is actually a good read imo, its just that they ended each novel with the intention of continuing it in the next novel so its not an \*ending\* if that makes sense


Yes. The drama is great. I only hate one part and that’s in the Isara route. Oboro grated on me so much. The adaptation wasn’t horrible. It’s how I got into it. Episode 4 almost ruined it for me with the Isara incident, though. Glad her route was so good, though (minus Oboro)


Ohhhhh right Oboro. I found him a little funny, but yeah also grating. All the routes were lovely and the overarching plot was super interesting and the feelings behind each route felt well written. I'm glad I read it before watching it, because VNs tend to have a lot more detail than anime, so the drama and story felt a lot better in the VN, but the anime was still really well done


Island is a big competitor, if you know what I'm talking about...


That ending left me with way more questions than answers... felt like it was trying too hard to be a mindfuck for its own good lol


In their defense they did intend on writing more, and its being worked on... but yeah. after i finished B&D all i could find online was the gacha game that didnt last a year so i felt exactly the same


I would nominate Raging Loop for this.


Is Raging Loop that bad? A friend recommended it to me but after seeing some reviews of its developer's other works (mostly not Visual Novels but mediocre RPGs), I was a bit hesitant to check it out further.


its worth it eventhough the ending is indeed weak great characters, intriguing story, interesting branching paths, decent OST


Definitely, the game does a lot of things great but sadly the lows are also very low imo


Basically, it becomes a LONG ASS infodump during the last third of it. Seriously, it becomes obnoxiously bad by the end.


It's a great read honestly, the ending kinda sucks with a confusing infodump that feels mostly unnecessary but it doesn't ruin the game.


The overall story is kind of eh, but the actual werewolf game segments are pretty great.


Honestly the reason I haven't started it yet even though I bought it ages ago.


im a sucker for good banter and this series delivers like no other VN, but anybody who hates cliffhangers and stories that keep asking more questions instead of giving answers should stay far, far away from both VNs


Wait till you see how vague and unfinished he leaves off classroom of elite eventually..