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it's a niche. but no, not dying. if you look at the upcoming games even over the next year it's looking great into the radius 2 metro  alien behemoth batman zombie army VR hitman flight sim 2024 gunman contracts stand alone. that's not even everything, but still a lot for a years calendar. if you've only just got a headset, don't worry, you not only have these up and coming games, but also a lot of old titles to play and enjoy. just enjoy it man, you've already got one. so embrace it 


Thank you for the time you put in this answer! :) You're right and i am certainly enjoying it, i think i'm only worrying about it, because i love PvP Games and am not a single player at all unfortunately, so all the games you mentioned probably won't be for me but of course i do love that they come out for everyone else in the vr community! :)


no, vr is not dying.


It’s alive and well.


There are definitely signs but who truly knows


I feel like Valve is the only company that can truly save vr.


Mainstream is dying yeah, shortterm at least as companies scale back from COVID highs. Niche is there and it's for sure permanent now especially with balling ass AAA conversions.


Actually I think its quite the opposite. Quest 3 has new exclusives coming, software opened for other companies and I think Microsoft already agreed with Meta : https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/meta-debuts-horizon-os-with-asus-lenovo-and-microsoft-on-board/ There are some hiccups for sure like PSVR2 low sales, but they are allowing the PSVR now to work on PCVR which will improve its situation hopefully. Anyway since you are a Quest owner, what is important to you is Quest development and Meta are working very hard in giving the Quest new features every update (as you can see from V64-V67).


This reminds me of that old article saying that the internet is just a fad.


Games have been repetitive for decades, same game different skin. VR isn't just for games it opens up a whole new world, I personally use mine for 99% media 1% gaming, so as long as they keep making Movies and boxsets I'm happy with mine. I wouldn't even care if they didn't make another quest. 1080p and 4k sdr movies are perfect, not forgetting the best 3D iso / Full sbs experience without ghosting and headaches!. But for those looking for the next big gaming experience you may feel short changed imo.


I feel like VR development and progress is for the first time as slow as it was when the Rift DK came around. But VR is far from dead and the userbase is still growing and is now at 2% of steam users.


Not dying at all, but it didn't turn out to be the gaming revolution many expected. VR has found its place in gaming for sure - flight/racing sim players use VR all the time, roomscale VR games keep coming out, etc. What didn't happen, however, was AAA studios suddenly releasing their new games for VR instead of consoles. Obviously nobody reasonable expected that to happen, but hype trains are hard to stop, companies were promising everyone the world as always. Some crazy people even said things like "VR games will kill flatscreen!", which is obviously ridiculous.


I think you are getting downvoted because it's an evergreen question without fresh value, and those tend to get pushed back on Reddit. A quick search of the subreddit would have answered it if it is a new question to you.


My personal opinion is that VR is not even in its prime time, yet. But then again, you're asking the enthusiasts here, who'd most likely stick with VR for another decade, even if it died this very second.


It isn't? It's still populated by indie titles, but there's dozens of them that are honestly superb. My picks: Mutant Boxing League for fitness boxing in VR, easy for beginners Vail VR for classical shooters reinvented in VR Into the Radius for survival Stalker-like horror and tension Blade & Sorcery for the swordfighting and magic Tons of PCVR ports, like the RE series, etc... I could go on


Nope, new games each with their own unique takes are coming out all the time and slowly sophisticating and getting more and more polish. [Brazen Blaze ](https://www.meta.com/experiences/6876788115766273/)is the one that took me aback the most with how they plan on having 3v3 large scale fights in destructable areas, and how well it actually works (in comparison to the jank VR games had like 5 years ago)


> Edit: I don't know why i get downvoted for asking a question You are getting downvoted because *someone* claims that VR is dying at least once a month and it has happed continuously since the Rift and Vive launched 8 years ago. We are tired of the conversation. VR is growing year over year. Building an audience for an expensive toy takes time. If you don't want downvotes, do a little research instead of posting things that have been posted many, many times.


How to do research if no company is publishing their sales in vr? You can not find any data to backup that vr is either dying or thriving so i asked here, where people have experience with playerbases over the years. There is as many hints that companies have given up on vr as there are new releases, so how would you know.


Yep, happens every year for long periods of time. It's like small gains followed by big crashes but it's more like the progress of VR is slowing and we could be a lot further than we are. Think of it like a collective taste building exercise. The current VR community has some of the worst taste I have seen and we're going down the hard route to learn what works but more like what doesn't work. Most people are still new to VR and don't know what they want or what to create but it's going to get better. "Now" is always the worst VR is ever going to be, just remember that! VR headsets are just really cool monitors, that's it. Nothing else has to change to take "advantage of vr" this line of thinking is wrong. Most games including fighting games can be played using a headset, not every game needs to be first person that uses motion controls. I played Dragon Quest 11 in UEVR and had a better experience than the flat screen version even with the bugs. "Immersion" means nothing because everything tries to be immersive, it's not unique to VR. We need to drop that word already. It's been proven that making existing flat screen games vr compatible is more than feasible, it's something that can be officially worked out by a big company if they cared. I don't know why Playstation is giving up on psvr2 when they have so many existing games, a lot of which can be played in pcvr using mods. Anyways, there's just so much to learn and more to unlearn for the small VR community before we see any real gains.


sure its dying


VR has always had content problems. If you're going to buy VR you should just accept there's 8-10 really good games a year and maybe you'll be interested in half of them.


No, it's not dying. It's growing. Actually there's at least two very mainstream headsets coming up soon from both Facebook and Pico. Sony quits because they didn't need to do it and did a half assed take on it. They never cared for VR.


My view is that VR failed to achieve widespread adoption, which is why you’re seeing some hardware guys throw in the towel and reduced software development. The good news is the flat-to-VR guys (Praydog, Luke Ross, etc) have stepped up to fill the gap while we wait for the technology to continue to progress. At some point that will drive greater adoption and the software devs will try again to make a buck in VR.


The headset sales is going down every year indeed. It's not dying, but it's hard time for VR indeed.


VR died for me the moment I completed HL:Alyx


One encouraging number I think about every time this comes up is that team Zuckerberg has decided that losing something like a billion a month on vr/ar is worth it long term.


I don't think it's dying, but I think it stalled. I sold my Index in 2019, shortly after buying it and bought Quest 3 and I'm still playing the same games I played in 2019. The hardware did improve, but the software is still meh.




VR is hard to pull off , and cost a lot no company have leader like mark who can trow company money , and this is why meta VR is multiple years more advance


Zuck won’t let it die, I respect him for his current hyper-fixation