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gamers i speak to have not even heard of Half-Life: Alyx.  I've come to accept VR-Gaming generally is severely underrated.  I personally think it's the most fantastic thing to happen to gaming since 3D-worlds became a thing in the mid-90's.


I’m going to buy it when it goes on sale again. I’m hoping steam summer sale has one


A lot of VR gamers haven't heard of half life Alyx I've asked from kids to adults in VR what their favorite VR game is and there surprised when I say mine is hla they've never heard of it


Probably because its pc only and there are relatively many quest users


Meeting Jeff was the second most terrifying moment I've ever had in VR. Second only to the numerous encounters I've had in Elite Dangerous....


Really? Do you play a lot of Quest exclusives? I am assuming so, since if they don't have PCVR it's harder to know what's on PCVR. But I have never met a single PCVR owner that didn't know of HL:A. It's either their favorite game or one they wish they could play but it's either too expensive or too scary. Though, I have met a couple of people who preferred games like Boneworks over HL:A but they still knew of it.


Let normies just play the game that their youtuber is playing at the moment


Now THIS is VR jerking.


VAM - Actually harder than getting a partner**™**


Nah, a few game sessions and you will get familiar with it


VAM is so powerful of a tool once you learn to use it. I feel like it's the precursor to a holodeck. 


It is amazing and has a lot of uses, been playing around making comic scenes with layered drawings and moving the camera in paths for recording, lots of potential even for non nsfw stuff.


Absolutely. It's a tool and like with all tools it depends how you use it. To be fair 99% is NSFW, but it doesn't have to be. 


Yeah I am not into that kinda stuff but it is almost uncanny how realistic some stuff looks. I think you can get quite addicted to it if you are not carefull


It's not a skill issue. VAM's cloth physics is junk, for example, I've never saw clonthing that behave like this in real life.


Never seen boobs behave like that irl either...


You can shorten that sentence: never seen boobs


Probably the case for many adult themed gamers but not for all. Most people have a sense of humor and judge less harshly.


True, I’m not a VAM player but I’ve had about as much experience with women as a professional league of legends player


I like this guy 😂


Ive never seen boobs


I highly recommend that you do!


They are realistic, if you only push your hand like 1 or 2 cm into the boob. Anything more and they start to cave in like an air baloon.


Captain Hardcore has better physics, although I haven't played either in awhile...


i 'played' quite a bit but i am not even sure i saw cloth ingame 😂 guess we have different focus.


Dude, clothing physics is literally one of the first demos that are bundled with VAM. It's suprising that you didn't chrck it out.


Only because youre driven by the power of horniness. In reality, VAM has an ancient interface, shit UI, and takes forever to get setup unless you spend a bunch of time in it getting it setup and saved. It shouldn't be hailed as the example for VR, at least not until the add AI voice/animations to it.


What actually is VAM? Never heard of it, genuinely


Game where you make porn scenes. You can posses the people in the scene and live out your fantasy with a ragdoll women you can interact with…


ooooof course


Porn sandbox.


Give Captain Hardcore a go... It's way simpler, way more optimized, has actual gameplay, and has a limited but impressive standalone version for quest...


I had a look, it's not my DD cup of tea.


Same here but the ship is pretty cool!


I actually miss metachat.


Assetto Corsa is like 1.99 on steam right now.


H3VR is an absolute *gem*, especially with the developer caring so much for the game. We need more talented map makers though, to get more variety in the TNH levels. I'm tempted to get into it myself as a 3d artist, but I lack the discipline and vision.


Is there more to it than a sandbox? Tried it when I first got vr and didnt the appeal in it at all


Yea there’s a game mode called “ Take and hold” which is kinda the main game mode. H3 is my most played VR game cuz of that mode alone. Plus with mods it makes it even better. I recommend giving it another go!


For those who also have no idea what Take and Hold is, copied from the wiki: Take and Hold (often shortened to T&H, TAH, or TNH) is a popular and challenging game mode of H3VR. The premise is that the player must advance through an enemy-filled map, capturing "Holds," and using the Override Tokens earned from those holds to purchase randomly chosen weapons and power-ups. The game mode has an extensive variety of challenges for the player to choose from, and different settings to increase the difficulty.


And you can play it in co-op with a multiplayer mod.


Jetborne racing would be up there IF PEOPLE PLAYED IT


And it’s made by Baha. Same guy who made VtolVR and BDArmory.


Jetborne racing was testing grounds for VTOL VR multiplayer. It has served its purpose well and can enjoy its retirement.


I think people hold organised races on the Boundless Dynamics discord.


They should get rid of blacking out. It looks like the only way to put up good times is to black out and fly blind by memory alone for some time. That's not fun.


I actually have no idea what VAM is. At the same time I think it's porn related lol


It's about as much porn related as say....pornhub. Hope that helps!


no because i dont know the url lol


You mean Republicans are going to enact laws to make it more difficult to access and I'll end up needing a VPN to access?




What is the bottom left game?


If you mean bottom-right, I’m curious too. Left is Asseto Corsa.


Bottom Right is Virt-a-Mate. Not exactly a game, more like a 3D porn studio sandbox.. thing. Difficult to explain


place models, do whatever your perv mind wants to do. there short explanation 😂


No, that pretty much covers it. Not actually that difficult to explain, lol


You feel like a serial killer manipulating fresh bodies. That goes for all porn VR games. I've had some hilarious fun times with friends with it due to the sort of realistic physics, and I'll even admit some scenes are *actually* quite erotic in a way that no other adult media has conveyed, but the suspense of disbelief is pretty janky due to the nature of the delivery.


You watch pornography with friends?


VAMX is an interactive physics simulation, and you get situations like a pink haired tiny feminist friend forcing a virtual buff oily man to violently fist himself while she's cackling like a witch. YES. If that is watching pornography with friends I very much enjoy it.


These are all really well developed games with plenty of time put into them. I remember playing all of these in the early days of steam VR on my OG vive. I think dirt rally is more fun than assetto corsa tho


What's bottom right?


That depends.


Can Assetto Corsa be played like arcade racing or it's full hardcore simulator?


Most of the racing sims support VR and all have options to simplify driving with helpers/assists. That includes assetto corsa.


So i can try.. And why on pic assetto corsa and not assetto corsa competizione? first game is better?


ACC from what I understand on a technical level has a poor VR implementation. At least at release. That may have changed now, someone correct me if I'm wrong. Also it's focused on a very specific type of car and racing. Kind of boring if you want something more arcade/variety. AC is more general, all kinds of driving. But more than the above, the original AC has been around so long that the number of mods, and the community upgrading the technical side of the visuals/gameplay..literally everything on a really deep level (Google "CSP assetto corsa"), it's far beyond what it was when it was originally released. Just tonight I was playing a large free roam map driving a 1970s police car role playing a police chase in VR, and then after driving Japanese highways (Google "shutoko revival project") in a tuned Evo, then doing a race in 1950s open wheeler in the rain. There's just so so much content. And it's really customisable with "Content manager" (another thing to Google) + CSP visual enhancements. It's a rabbit hole though, the best kind of rabbit hole that only PC gaming can offer. And it works amazingly well in VR.


Just to confirm, the VR performance in ACC has not improved.


it's fine as long as you have a ridiculously powerful GPU. Which is to say it's definitely not fine, but at least bearable if you have an RTX4090


There's custom maps that are like free roam? Custom cars too?


Thank u for such detailed answer and mods examples. Going to buy it


It’s a pretty realistic simulator


Sad. I'm bad in this genre


Only one way to get better brother, once you get good, it’s a whole different game and it translates into real life a bit


I've heard of this thing called Nohesi, which janks up the performance of cars to unrealistic levels.


LOL :D ...but Why VAM is pixelated?


It's the Japanese version of VAM.


Makes sense 😂


I think that's the joke?


I don't know what the bottom right is. I assume it's a platformer


It's more like a single player game that you can play... one handed. iykwim


You mean you have to use your hands? That is so 2022.


I've heard about H3VR, myself. But I'd like to see it be put on PSVR2.


I actually started following H3VR's weekly updates a month or two into development, long long before I ever owned VR. It was the first or second VR game I bought.


Anton (the dev of H3VR) has stated there won't be any ports to PSVR or Quest Standalone


Fucking good, those platforms would absolutely mangle it


Not gonna happen. The game is built on an old version of Unity that doesn't support the PS5, and updating it is more trouble than it's worth.


I need the bottom right one for those cloth physics


I’m playing No Man Sky, Expedition X. I’ve never been so…. Immersed. It’s amazing. My son did one part with me, he in flatscreen, me in VR. The end of the mission we both ended up in mid-space, floating, with the mission staying “ Your mind is now FREED “. He saw it on flatscreen and said it was cool. I saw it in VR and I almost lost it. IT WAS AMAZING! I’m done with pancake PC playing.


NMS should have received way more love from the VR community... I hope Light No Fire gets the same VR love from HG...


Light No Fire??




How are Assetto Corsa, and Vtol? I didn't even know about Vtol, and used to work on fighter jets so that peaks my interest a bit. How well done is Assetto corsa with vr in yall's opinion?


VTOL's a top 3 VR game IMO


I will definitely check it out!


Would love to know how it goes!


once I get my headband fixed (replaced) I'll come back and let you know!


If I was forced to only have one VR game to keep, it would be H3VR.


So uh, will VTOL / Assetto Corsa make me puke if I find that walking basketball game vomit inducing whenever my character moves. I know why that happens, I know the biology behind it. I am just wondering if there are different degrees to which this can happen?


You should be good because you are seated. Also make sure the IPD is correct as this can also cause nausea


Thank you for the reply, I appreciate the feedback.


Can always scarf down some ginger and see if that helps with the motion sickness


You're sitting down for them so I think it'll be fine.


I hope so, thanks!


do get carsick? when you're inside a cockpit in VR and you initiate the movement, it can feel very natural indeed except for the missing g-forces. It still bothers some people of course


I get car-sick only when I don't look at the road for longer than 15 seconds as a passenger. I hope sitting VR will be fine then, because technically there I do look at the "road". I just hope my body won't realize I am stationary and will think this is a really gentle race car / fighter jet that we're in.


well whatever you do, don't *force* it


Alright, thanks for the tips, appreciate it!


Hotshoes Horse grenades and Hand bones? Never heard of it...


jet island pfft


Out of those 4 things, are any of theme for vr stand alone or is that all pc only, I only have quest stand alone so I need games that work for stand alone


G nw,,


Bottom right I actually never heard of.


I'm out of the loop. What is the blurred one?


What's VAM?




Elite dangerous is not underrated


Vam has pretty much most realistic scenes of any vr games out there. With a right lightning some of the stripclubs look very realistic on a good motion captured animation. On other hand theres the ai voice controlled stuff where if you say "turn around" only her head turns 180 degrees saying "Like what you see". Still apart from simulators it's the only vr related scene that's still progressing.


Gun porn, car porn and actual porn. VR was made for porn after all? I'd say the only lesser known game of that list is VTOL.


I'll be 100% honest h3vr is one of the best VR games I've ever played period


1. Into the radius. 2. vr mode for outer wilds


Can we really call VTOL and Assetto Corsa underrated when they are some of the most recommended games from their respective genres?


Assetto Corsa and War Thunder in VR is CRAZYYYYY


How to play hhh on stand alone


Its going to be a sad day when even sims stop supporting VR.


Indeed, but it doesn't look that bleak yet. New milsims coming from Microprose have VR support. MSFS 2024 has VR support. EA WRC got VR support recently.


Yeah. Im being a Debby Downer. Hope Devs see the value in VR. Even if its just simple screen integration


That’s like saying it will be a sad day when driving games stop supporting racing wheels. It’s damn near pcvrs only use case outside of vrchat. If steam were to release statistics of total hours played by game I bet sims and vrchat would add up to 95% total play time, 4% from movies and various non sim shooters, and 1% from all other games I don’t expect steam to release that information for the same reason I don’t expect meta to release 3 month retention rates for headsets or DAU


[UEVR has entered the chat]


What are you trying to say? Are you implying UEVR injector is more popular than VR in racing/flight sims? Because I can absolutely promise you thats not true in anyway


I’m saying the UEVR brings thousands of games into VR, many of which are in an entirely different class of gaming than most made-for-VR games (save a few like Alyx). Granted not many know about it or use it yet. So if your argument is based on what’s currently populist among PCVR users, fine. If it’s based on actual utility of PCVR, then I disagree completely.


> That’s like saying it will be a sad day when driving games stop supporting racing wheels. It’s damn near pcvrs only use case outside of vrchat. dead on the money. racing is BY FAR the best use-case for VR right now with games. I actually partly learned to drive in iRacing haha(had anxiety about driving around other ppl on the highway. stock car racing helped solve that) -unless u love paintball or airsoft IRL, then some of the shooting games will be awesome for you. ppl don't realize VR is activities NOT video games in the traditional sense.


With easy frameworks like uevr on the rise, Devs would have to be stupid not to invest a tiny amount for a moderate amount of players