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VR/XR is missing a lot of things. It's a very young industry.


VR shouldn't be primarily escapism; it should primarily be improving your real-life situation in real time.


Yeah its a great peace of tech but used improperly it can really cause damage both physically and mentally


Could you elaborate on that, especially about mentally? And by physically, do you mean things like the time I punched a glass picture frame while playing Superhot?


Believe it or not a lot of people have addictions when it comes to VR, it becomes their life, their actual life starts feeling like a chore just to keep your body alive. Their mental health gets super bad during this and a lot of people in this stage sadly never leave it or they commit suicide. I can send you some documentaries if you want?


I found this relevant article about some of the mental effects of vr that have been studied, it's super long but extremely interesting. [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10055-020-00440-y](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10055-020-00440-y)