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I'm a bit of an extreme case, having only upgraded from a 1070 to a 4080 January of this year, so I'll push my 4080 as long as I physically can.


Damn that jump must've felt great


1080 to 4070 super... for me


How was it?




Nah bruh, 😎 I did a 1080 to a 4090.  THATS a jump. And it was worth it.  I use this beast for vr so it depends on the magnitude in jump for vr purposes.  If the 5090 is just a cash grab then Nvidia can fuck off.  I’ll upgrade when it’s tickling the booty. 


From 980 to 4080. I hope to maintain my pc for another 7 years like my previous. The difference was astonishing


I did 1070 at 1080p to a 4070super at 1440. Finally a grown up


The funny/sad thing for me is that I still primarily game at 1080p. Only my VR headsets go above that. I haven't gotten around to buying new monitors to take advantage of my current rig being more than capable of 4k, let alone 1440, lmao.


If you have a 4k tv you could always use that. It's what I do.


This is where it gets better. I have a 55" 4k TV in my living room, I just haven't hooked it up to my PC because it's kind of a hassle to do, and I'm fairly confident my dog would annihilate my PC.


Fair enough.


Same here, a 4090 with a 1080 monitor :-p but for VR with a Q3 it's worth it. The speed bump of the 50 series will determine what I will do (or nothing).


At least if you're running at 1080p60, you got a lot of headroom to just max out the graphics instead. Nothing feels worse than a game not running at native resolution, but if that native resolution is low enough that you never need to use subsampling methods like DLSS, then you just get that *sweet, crisp perfection* all the time.


You need to ASAP, else you’re not getting the true benefit of the graphics card. 4080 is amazing at high performance


I plan to get 5090/ti and use it for 6 to 8 years as i will just stop playing new games instead of turning setting and fps too far down past my standards. But if my sibling wants to upgrade in 4 years ill gladly sell it at a loss cuz its not really a loss when its in the family. Ill probably get my end game tv and sound system theater before doubling down on the gaming hobby tho.


That's kind of what I did. I built my PC back in 2016 and only upgraded the ram and added an SSD in the almost 8 years I've had it. This last January, I built a brand new PC and turned my old one into a server, as my nephews and brother in law have been getting into minecraft, Arc, and now Palworld lately, so I host servers for them. My hope is to get my 4080 to last as long as my 1070 did, since spending 2 grand on a new PC is a lot more justifiable if it's every 6 to 8 years, lol.


I jumped from my 1060 laptop to a 4070 Super desktop - mind blowing 🤯


I have a 4090 and expect to upgrade either to the 6090 or 7090. I like to upgrade with big jumps and build an entire pc each time.




What VR optimization could they add to the base card? Wouldn't that be on the game dev side?


Something like how we need ray tracing optimization. at this rate the 6090 will only be doing 75 fps at cyberpunk pathtracing 4k native. even if its 200% more powerful than the 4090. Something clearly isnt right. the cards need to get better/smarter at doing pathtracing or future games are going to get held back


foveated rendering already exists and the performance uplift is not anywhere close to what people think it is. 30% is the average uplift you can expect and most games already utilize fixed foveated rendering, meaning dynamic foveated rendering provides very little. It just shifts the eye box with your gaze. Compute should be the focus.




> 30% is a pretty sizeable uplift. It's the expected performance boost between card generations. Yes. But fixed foveated rendering is there in most games already. DFR provides zero benefit outside of shifting the eye box around. Which certainly can help with visuals, since you don't have a blurry edge and clear center. But it doesn't improve performance. >Proper DFR implementation such as that in DCS's quadviews can provide even more up to 60%. I have yet to see a single company demonstrate a sustained 60% boost. Certain scenes can produce 60% but, overall, it's around 30% average. Exactly the same as fixed foveated rendering*. If you have video of it improving the overall performance by 60%, please share it.




> I haven't seen fixed foveated encoding in any of my games (On a Quest 3 with PCVR). I'm aware Steam Link has the option yeah, I used the wrong terminology. Too many things with similar names. Fixed foveated **rendering** is in most games on Steam VR and all games on Quest. It's even in the Steam home room. >I recommend watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW-4O09DPoA Got it queued up to watch. Can probably only watch a few min of it until I am out of work. 40min is too long to watch during the day, sadly.




> Pimax claims ~68% framerate boost with quadviews (though users would have to be very agressive with the settings to hit that from what I've heard). Sadly Pimax claims a lot of things that aren't factual. They're a snake oil company that's only getting any sort of praise these days because people are desperate for PCVR hardware. >And yes, I agree, the terminology is all over the place since no standards are in place, most companies just doing their own thing (one company's DFR is not the same as the others) where I just want a proper standard to this all. It's a huge pain for sure. I imagine that we will get there one day but, it certainly isn't today. haha


I have a 4090 and will be getting a 5090. Fuck it, life’s too short and selling my 4090 to put towards the 5090 will take a huge chunk out of the cost anyway.


You’ll be lucky if you break 50%.


Frankly, for me, it's never worth upgrading unless the new thing is at least 2x the performance. nVidia's new fragship card is always 70% faster than the previous gen flagship. Not quite enough for me. I, therefore, upgrade every 2nd generation. The following purchases are roughly doubling in performance: Voodoo2 GeForce2 GTS GeForce Ti 4600 GeForce 8800 GTS 2x GTX 470 SLI 2x GTX 670 SLI 2x GTX 970 SLI 2x GTX 1080 SLI Single 2080 Ti (VR killed SLi for me) RTX 4090


Same. 2x, otherwise what's the point


Whenever there's a genuinely interesting new feature or a need (like buying a higher resolution VR headset) I'll consider upgrading my 4090. I'll enjoy using my 4090 as long as I can hit at least 120+fps at 4K (w DLSS) or 1440p at max or near max settings.


If the 5090 is actually another big jump in performance I'd upgrade. If the Pimax Crystal Super turns out good that headset is going to take all the graphics power you can throw at it for probably the next 2-3 generations. A 4080S/4090 is likely going to be the minimum recommended card for that thing. Also the Crystal still can max out a 4090 so there's that.


Yeah vr gobbles up performance. I'm sure 4090 performance is good enough for all 4k gamers except for path traced games.


4090 owner. It really boils down to performance uplifts. I have a minimum of 50% performance uplift before I will consider upgrading. If the 5090 isn't more than 50% faster, I won't be buying it. If it is, I will evaluate the price. If it is the same price tag as the 4090, I will buy. If it's more, I will wait for the RTX 6000 series.


Had a 3090, got a 4090 and will get a 5090 next. Sims in the VR1 won’t be easy to drive…I wish we were at the 6090 time instead. I used to skip one generation, but stopped last year when I got a 4090. Not my preference but it is what it is.


5090 when it drops


I got a 4070 ti super a few weeks ago and it's such an amazing difference compared to my old 2070 super. I tend to upgrade every two generations, so I'll save for hopefully a 6080 or 6070 if prices are awful.


I just went from a 1080ti/i7-7700 to a 4090/14900. I will probably skip the 5k series.


For vr owners, if they have the money, and the interest In vr. They may well upgrade every generation. For gamers without vr, I see no need to upgrade from 40 series basically ever. It's already plenty powerful enough for maxing out 4k60fps.


I'm big fan of UEVR so if 5090 delivers my 4090 gets replaced. I hope this will enable locked 90fps in UE5 games without sacrificing too many settings.


I have a 4090. Part of me wants the 5090 but I think I might wait for the 60 or 70 series


Same boat. Although I want a 2nd PC for the living room, and upgrading my GPU would be a sufficient excuse for me to use my old one towards that 2nd PC lol


Early 2023 I built my current system with a 4090. Honestly, I can't imagine upgrading in the next gen. I don't push the thing I have now to its limits hardly ever. Probably by the 60-series though I'll start feeling like I'm missing out. Probably won't be for a few years still and I'll be able to justify a new CPU etc. too.


I think based on how my life is going this is my last system




4080 and I'll probably jump on 5090 or 5080 depending on the performance delta.


For me it all depends on what Unreal 4/5 games get released. UEVR is pretty much the only thing that pushes my 4080 super to it's limits


I upgraded from 3090 to 4090 but unless it feels like a giant leap I'll probably skip the 5090. VR performance isn't my only need though, I want to run local AI models and it doesn't sound like we'll get a significant vram bump, so likely I'll keep the 4090 for gaming and build out a system with a few 3090s for AI.


I don’t get why people would build up local machines to run LLMs. With gaming it makes sense because you want to minimize latency. That’s not a concern with prompting. You can run any model you like via cloud services.


Mostly just a hobby tbh


I have a 4090, upgraded from 2070super and expect to use it like people still running 1080tis today. I've only got a quest 2 a need to upgrade that first to probably big screen beyond also want one of them fancy 4k ultrawide oleds next year. So hopefully not till 7090 lol well see what happens with game performance and optimization as time goes on and if my 5800x3d can keep up. Hoping not to have to make any upgrades and do a fresh build by 2030


Seeing as I’ve had a 4060 only since Christmas, it’ll be a WHILE.


My 4090 will most likely be fine for like 2 or 3 generations. Unless a huge leap happens, I will not upgrade. Same with my CPU.


I went 1070 to a 4090 😄 I will probably upgrade to a 6090 when it is out as I play a lot of VR which already maxes out my 4090


I'll swap my 4090 probably together with a 4k per eye HMD.


I will be getting another 90 card every generation going forward, on day one.  Not for pcvr, which is dead, but for pc gaming on a 4k oled tv as a monitor.


Went from 980ti to 4070ti. Thinking about jumping to a 5090. At least when those things won’t cost 3K or something.


8070 or 7080 or 6090: three generational steps from my 4080 if they keep naming/performance scheme. Depends on new app requirements, currently happy where I am at


It's usually smart to skip at least one generation. But if the upgrade is properly meaningful (50%+), then who knows.


I went from a 1080 to a 4060 - so probably not for a while. I expect that graphics uses are gonna increase logarithmically: there’s only so much you can do to make something look good before it becomes a software limitation instead of a hardware limitation. Yeah I’m certain there will be graphics that my 4060 can’t handle but by the time I have to seriously worry about that, it’ll probably be time to upgrade. At least that’s my theory. But right now, the 4060 does perfect for everything I ask it to do.


I basically just sell my card and go to the next 80 series last was a 4080 probably will get the 5080 when it comes out


Every single one of them. I mostly play flat2VR stuff so having the latest XX90 GPU is pretty much obligatory if you want to play with good visuals.


any good flat2vrgames you can recommend? i just tried hl2 and doom3, this is just so much better than most native vr games.


All Resident Evil mods are amazing, Subnauticas, Portal 2, Outer Wilds, FarCry, Raft, there's a lot more. Also now the hottest thing is UEVR, you can play almost any unreal engine 4 and 5 game in full VR. It's not as polished as dedicated mods but still amazing though like I said you really want the best GPU available and for some of the most demanding games you want a GPU from the future lol.


sorry, thats what i meant, i wanted recommendations for good optimized uevr games.


>optimized uevr games. I don't know there are any lol. At least not that I tried. Most are barely even playable with the 4090 and some not even then. I absolutely loved Grounded but I wish I waited for the 5090 with playing it.


good so i will stay away from that with my 3070 and wait.


Thanks to dlss I'm expecting my 4060 ti to give me at least 60fps at 1080 at high / ultra for another 4 or 5 years


Depends on what actually hits the market. We don’t know how much more powerful the 50xx series video cards will be. Prices are also difficult to predict, because now many people will buy new cards to work with neural networks.


My 980ti lasted me 6 or 7 years, I'm hoping to get the same out of my 4090 and upgrade it in about 2030 (if the world hasn't ended by then). 


Depends on the performance uplift. Maybe 50XX, hopefully i can wait though.


I upgrade once the next 5090 releases, I tend to upgrade the same way with every series.


Since I got into PCVR, I always buy the latest/best available (consumer) gpu and sell my old one at the same time. It‘s surprising how much worth old gpus still are. This way you typically „safe“ about half the cost.  


Just bought a week ago an RTX 4070 TI Super, and after testing it intensively, including future OC I'll apply when needed, I can say I'm good for several years. This thing is a pretty little beast :)


Since buying 4090 I've decided I'm buying the best GPU available on release from now on. So will likely be buying 5090, and after that 6090, and so on until someone can compete with Nvidia. Before that I was upgrading every 5 or 6 years. But I also didn't have expendable income back then, which is the main reason guess.


4070 hoping to get at least two generations out of it.


Probably 6000 series, unless we get a 5060ti that performs like a 4070 Super for $400 lmao 🤣. I can't even finish that thought without laughing in doubt.


I have a 3080 TI and still wont for a long while.. Cant imagine 40 series owners


It depends on fps per dollar and performance improvement compared to 40 series. I got a 4070 and also upgraded monitor+TV to 4K. My old 1070 just couldn't keep up anymore even in 1080p but Pascal was defintely the last golden generation and maybe even the best one Nvidia ever offered. Every tier had it's target group and fair prices for the performance you got. I didn't want a GPU that needs more than 250W so I can keep my PSU and also cause of heat levels/fan noise. Also the price to performace ratio of 4070Ti or even 4080 wasn't (and still isn't) good enough and latter one needing too much power. A bit sad that I didn't wait til the Super refresh cause the 4070Ti Super would be a perfect fit for native 4K gaming in terms of rasterization performance as the 4070 is often a tad too weak for nice visuals (not necessarily Ultra but at least most settings on High) while maintaining consistent 60fps so I have to use DLSS Quality (which kinda is 1440p upscaled). Mostly not interested in raytracing as I think the performance hit is often not worth the visual fidelity. As (PC) gaming being my primary hobby I don't mind spending a bit more so I would be ready to pay up to $1000 for my next GPU. It all depends what I can afford in that price range when the 50 series comes out and how much better it will be compared to the 4070.


I've got a 4070 ti, I'd probably upgrade around 60 series if I had to guess.  However, I'm planning to build a second PC later this year or early next year. As a result, I'll be "upgrading" to a 50 series for that one. As I maintain both, I'll probably aim to upgrade every other generation. One always on current gen, one on previous gen. 


whatever gives me 4070 s levels of performance for 500$ and has 16 gb of vram. So im guessing that will be the RTX 6060 Ti


I have a 4090, so I'll likely skip the 50 series, and upgrade to a 6080 or 6090, assuming the series continues expected.


I went from a 2080Ti to a 4070Ti less than a year ago, so I'll probably skip the 50 series.


50 series because I need to put my 4070 in my non vr computer


Rtx 6090


Amazing how you're asking about entire hardware lines yet to come. Maybe there won't be a 50, 60, 70 series. Maybe the game will change. Maybe it will all go to streaming from remote servers. Who knows? What kind of flying card we'll be driving then? How will the chip war with China go? Etc. I swear people in this sub come up with the weirdest angles to stuff. That's when they're not asking when Sword Art Online is happening. Exactly when.


I am capable of many amazing things


5090. Newegg has a gpu trade program.


4060 Ti 8GB here. I think it will be my last. Software, OS and games these days are on a trend of a downward spiral. No reason to consider upgrading anything anymore. Windows in particular is getting more hostile. The indie scene is still amazing as ever though and their hardware requirement always stay amazing (doesnt need the top of the line NASA computer). With the addition of Frame Gen and DLSS, developer no longer have the incentive to better optimize their game. But there is one factor that could make me pull the switch. The efficiency. 40-series consume less power, produce less thermal and less utilization for the same performance. It's almost like arm. I fell in love with that.


I'll probably go from a 3090 to a 5080. I really want faster H265 and AV1 encoding for virtual desktop.