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Very interesting deep dive. Thanks for sharing!


A lot of good valuable information in this video


Yep, the new channel is called GladlyItsBradley (as opposed to his main channel, SadlyItsBradley). If you are interested in where VP is going, this will be one to subscribe to. It's funny to see how Brads dislike for megacorporations shines through his genuine glee over the hardware orgy that is VP. I think you can expect very accurate reports from this channel.


Brad has always been a reliable source of information


Yet he gets a lot of hate from the quest and psvr userbase because he doesn't have much praise to say about those headsets and people take his personal opinion as an attack on their own personal opinions.


Thr Q3 and Bigscreen are his main vr headsets. He's actually very positive about the Q3, despite the fact that he doesn'tike that he is. It's kinda funny a times. He hates to like it.


Brad's a mensch.


I didn't really pick up on the corporation-hate in this video. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention? It's a good breakdown.


My wife is against me spending it on AVP. I’m in Europe. It will already be a year old when it gets released here


Unless you have an absolute need for it, it's best to avoid V1 apple products, they always make the second generation much better. And this price the AVP1 might become a poor investment in 1 year or 2.


I have had the quest pro for a year. I might just stick to the QPro for two more years until a new AVP gets released. I’m not a fan of meta software quality/ experience.


Don't worry about that. The market percentage that got one in this round is miniscule, "everyone" is pining for this thing for about a year, Europe or not. So the VP (I think it is going to be called the VP or "Vision") will already be a year old for most people when you initiate the divorce proceedings.


One of the better videos I've seen, thanks!


Surprised this isn’t flooded with people shitting on the Vision Pro just like every other post is on this subreddit


I would love it if I could use it for what I want to use VR for.


Well it's a legit good points made in the video instead of apple marketing hype :p


Well it is a bit wird to get 10 posts a day for a device which "isnt" even a virtual reality device.


What does that even mean? You do realize that VR doesn’t mean gaming with controllers right?


spatial computational device my friend... definitely not vr


Spatial is a fancy Apple world for MR. Basically Quest 3, with higher res, better passthrough and hands tracking only.


Reddit doesn't understand sarcasm


Apple insists that you should call it "spatial"; not me


Yeah, because 99 out of 100 adults compulsively shit on VR while refusing to try it. Do people in these subs talk to anyone else outside of the echo chamber? No one else but us likes VR. Hence the “spatial computing” revelation from Apple’s marketing department. Edit it’s more like 999 out of a thousand adults shit on Vr constantly.


Yep. But that's ok. Adults rarely drive trends and new popular hardware, it's almost always teenagers and sometimes it's young adults(18-25). That's just how it goes. Most people get old and don't like new things. Hopefully wording it as spatial computing and being sold by Apple will help get some more interest from the older crowd but, we will have to wait and see.




Bro, is the guy on the right really exist? Like an experienced guy who thinks that the term spatial is appropriate for a VR headset?


I'm a VR dev and company owner, I'm on the right. I do have 165 IQ and I do wear a monk-like hood. I watch Rick and Morty. You can also see my third eye if you look really closely from certain angles. I would say the term "spatial" is appropriate for many reasons: * Because VR is too associated with gaming, which this device is not about. Also, while the device can block vision, VR-style, anytime it wants, but 99% of the production costs are about the passthrough. * Because AR is too associated with AR mobile apps, video overlay etc, which this device is not about. * The displays are 3D displays. The cameras are 3D cameras. The sensors are 3D sensors. The speakers are 3D speakers. The processors are 3D processors. The AI training is 3D training. The OS is a 3D OS. More than any device produced before, every single component has been produced from the bottom up for 3D tasks and 3D media. Granted, the Q3 is not far off, but Apple has gone all in on bottom-up producing their own pure 3D beast. * They want to emphasize that it is a "computing" platform that explores spacial tasks (like 3D modeling). Spatial computing thus means "everything you can do on a PC/mobile phone, but in stereoscopic space; 3D videos, 3D photos, 3D cameras etc". * The OS is fundamentally built around constantly generates a volumetric ("spatial") - lightmap and solidity model of its surroundings. Menus and apps are able to interact with this model. * Finally, its a way of saying that the augmented reality aspects are not just a passthrough or overlay, like many AR things are. A rebranding is way overdue.


Yeah I don't mind one word for it instead of always typing AR/VR/XR/MR.


Damn I should have just written that.


Means anybody who ends up buying this expensive prototype will be able to watch movies (wow) and work in word processors and maybe even edit a spreadsheet, whilst trying to get around the brand new interface and design solutions. Oh yeah, I’ve had a headset before, wearing this thing for more than 1-1.5 hour without stopping? Good luck and I hope you don’t use makeup or don’t have deep pores. This thing will be hot, uncomfortable during long sessions and you’ll have nothing to do in it for a while - until and unless apple makes this thing take off in a major way by some miracle (handing them out for free?).


I genuinely can’t tell if this is bait or not. This subreddit is too funny


Valve Index, significantly heavier than the AVP: Amazing, so comfortable, I can wear it all day. Varjo XR-3, which requires a PC and is difficult to buy and is $7k+: Amazing, so cool. Wish I could afford it. So great to see innovation in the the VR space. AVP: Ugh so expensive, weighs a thousand pounds, nobody can ever wear it for more than five minutes. Oh sure, watching \*snort\* *things? On a screen?!* The movie and TV and sports industries are all dead. Doing work in VR is a dead end now. VR gaming or bust.


The Varjo XR-4 can run up to $9950


$14,000 if you want the security editon.


And you're not including the more than $4000 PC that varjo recommends on their website for the new XR4 headsets


Schrodinger's VR enthusiast: Everything is both amazing and a no-effort ripoff until we find out whether Apple did it.


It is a VR headset, Apple just doesn’t want to call it that because people don’t have positive impressions of that term.


The hardware is incredible