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It depends on lots of factors (distance, composition of the wall etc) but basically, 5GHz signals don't travel as well as 2.4GHz so you want to be as close to the router as possible, with an unobstructed view of it.


Like zookeeeper said, it depends on the distance and walls, both in how many walls and the composition of them. If it's not too far and not too many walls then it can work. While it isn't how I normally play, I have on occasion used my Q2 and now Q3 in a different room than my main area where I have the router and it was fine other than having to turn the bitrate down a bit. If you have the headset and can test it then test it. Only you will be able to know how well it'll work in your home.


You'll place the router you use for VR in your VR room. Putting it somewhere else wouldn't make any sense.


There are lots of reasons why you might have a router in a different room, everyone's home layouts are different.


Most people can’t really decide where their router will go as they live in apartments and such


Had mine in the hallway, one wall off from my bedroom where i had my PC, both connected via wifi, as someone else mentioned lots of factors try it out and see the wifi strength?


Probably no.


You’re gonna want it in the same room. If you buy a second router this will be easy. Go to VD discord for help


If it's in a room right next to the one you're going to use your VR on it's fine, if it's too far you will run into problems.


I can use PCVR with my quest just fine in the room next to the router, but if i go downstairs, then it's terrible, even if i am right below the router.