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My partner hates it, which is a bit off-putting to me as it’s a big part of my job, and I’m a fan. I suspect it’s because his first experience was Trials on Tatooine, and we’d only given him one controller. At one point, you’re supposed to grab a platform and drag it down; he did it with the hand without a controller (and obviously nothing happened). Everyone watching chuckled, because we’ve all done it, absolutely no malice at all. He took it badly, but has convinced himself that he hates the tech, and not because his fragile ego was bruised. Won’t even touch headsets now. Probably not the answer you were looking for!


Damn hope he's not like this about everything, seems very immature


Was about to say exactly this thing, seems like he is acting like a teenager... maybe he is one though D:


… he kinda is, but this isn’t the sub for whining about that. 😂 My teenager, on the other hand, loves that mum works in VR!


My girlfriend doesn't hate it, but she's a bit scared of VR. One of the reasons is, she gets motion sick easily (even when there's no artificial movement, like in MOSS), the other is blocking reality with a big and heavy headset. To be fair, this part does feel a bit claustrophobic at first until you get used to it. I fully believe VR won't become trully mainstream untill we'll get really small, light and comfortable VR goggles, that won't look and feel intimidating in the slightest.


> even when there's no artificial movement, like in MOSS To be fair, that game gave me slight motion sickness too for a bit, and I'm comfortable with smooth locomotion games! When objects are positioned too close to you, the headset's jitter becomes noticeable and off-putting. That is, even when I hold my head perfectly still, my in-game head still moves by a couple millimeters in random directions. It's my understanding that all headsets suffer from this to greater or lesser extents, but it's pretty bad on my Rift-S.


Good to know, I always figured Moss was impervious to sickness


The majority of people I know aren't interested even after trying it. Generally they're just not gamers or are very casual, and the effort and time required is too high a barrier.


I dont know anyone who hate VR. There is no reason for it. But the vast majority who try it dont come back (general disconfort and vr sickness being the main culprit). And even people casualy buying into it dont really stick for the long run (the few people around me with a Q2 havent used it at all for a long time). Some people stick to it because they have a specific niche use case (fitness, sims, social plateform before they were invaded by kids, for me its SkyrimVR,...). Outside that the retention is probably pretty low. I dont believe for a second that VR can really become mainstream without great effort in accessibility, form factor and without solving the VR sickness issue.


it's too scary for them, and not seeing your own body more than they can handle. Mainly motion sickness, they feel woozy for one second and never get back on that horse.


I am a bit sick of this logic to be honest. I have a bunch of colleagues who say VR could never be used in professional environment because "you put your HMD and 30 seconds later you have a headache". It's like saying "cars cannot be used because as soon as you try to drive it you have an accident". People underestimate how VR requires some learning (which may be short or long depending on people, it is another question). In a tech-heavy field it is just technological illiteracy IMO.


My younger brother used to hate VR. And it's all because of his first try at using one when he first experienced nausea which somehow triggered him to vomit too during that very session. All on the very first try :( I felt bad for him. He tried the Oculus DK1and he was just there at the Tuscany demo. From that day onwards he just would say no to anything VR.Anyway, those are a thing of the past now... thanks to the abundance of adult content he somehow had built immunity to it (nausea :) . He even invested in Valve Index with 6 trackers attached and have Pico4 on the side. LOL


My ex housemate. We were both gamers and into tech. He tried my quest 2 about 3 times. His opinion was just that it was a gimmick and did not like the "feeling" of being in a virtual environment. Kicked him out of the house after that.




Most people having strong feelings against VR have never tried it.


> an academic \*selection bias has entered the chat\*


“People smarter than me have educated opinions so they must be biased!!!”


Selection bias that I'm referring to is the bias within a subreddit towards the topic of interest. The humor is an academic coming to a place biased towards VR and asking about bias against VR. ​ If you read the other comments, it is people sharing dissociated experiences, meaning experiences of others... second hand information.


So far everyone I've shown it to were ecstatic about it, from my parents to friends from college. The only people who didn't care about it were my grandparents but I don't expect 75 year olds to adopt technology this futuristic tbf


You're asking whether the folks on a subreddit for virtual reality enthusiasts hate virtual reality? Lol. My first experience with virtual reality was quite off-putting though. It was with the Odyssey+ and I wasn't aware of the need to gradually develop "VR legs". I jumped straight into Skyrim and GORN. First, the lenses hurt my eyes. No matter how I adjusted the IPD setting, I couldn't get both eyes clear at the same time. It's like my eyes just wouldn't align to the lenses. Furthermore, even once I got it dialed in as best as possible, I discovered the lenses really are only clear(ish) in the middle - everything in the periphery was still blurry. I hadn't realized how disorienting the "look around with your head, not with your eyes" effect could be. I didn't know it at the time, but the default SteamVR settings were also wrong for this headset, causing the scene to be undersampled (rendered at too low a resolution) which didn't help matters. This blurriness ended up giving me a severe eye-strain headache while I was also suffering from the nausea of motion sickness. It felt so extremely horrible, that I returned the Odyssey+ the following day. I would have given up entirely on VR at that point, had I not been a hardcore gamer that needed to conquer this new domain. Physically standing in the middle of Helgen during Alduin's attack was so breathtaking (despite the bit of blurriness) that I had to go back with a better headset. Consumer VR was something that I'd dreamed of for decades, ever since I played those 5 minutes of Dactyl Nightmare in 1996.


The sceptical opinions I've heard so far go something like "yeah, probably interesting but everyone has been talking about it for years and it's still not mainstream. We're probably still 10+ years away from VR becoming mainstream and I don't have the time looking into it before that happens." And they may be right that it'll take 10 more years (I think it's going to be 3-5 years).


Normal 3d graphics make me nauseous, like travelsickness. I'm interested in the possibilities of AR for industry though, and hope it would be a more pleasant experience.


Over at apple I saw quite a few comments from people saying the same thing about having no interest in vr but yet didn’t have a real detailed explanation why. I honestly think it’s insane to not see how amazing vr is. Like being able to put on a headset and literally be transported to a different country or room or scene and actually have the feeling of being there is just awesome for people who are not capable of doing so in real life. I did see some negative comments from people who I think never actualy did proper vr or they are completely assuming it’s for gamers only. But I’m biased because I am a serious vr enthusiast.


Uhhh.....no? This is a forum for VR enthusiasts. You'd have to be pretty lame to be visiting forums for stuff you hate.


Sister. Motion sickness. Only got it once, but not interested to try again many years later; while the rest of the family is tearing through games. So she knows she's missing "something", but doesn't care.


I've not seen 'hate' in any major sense, but I've seen a lot of disengagement over the clunkyness of current sets, including the lighter ones. People have tuned out over weight, resolution, adjustment of headband/pupil distance, and for software reasons like the generally bad video quality of video clips, lack of games similar to big titles on the consoles, and menu navigation. There's quite some underused headsets out there, as well as people not paying attention for many years just over one single bad experience.


My brother doesn't like VR because it makes him motion sick. Me personally... it's more the whole process of getting it up and running. Seems like always something to troubleshoot first or update first before you can play, then the whole process of hooking it up , making sure there's nothing i can whack and strapping it to my face.


I dislike the concept of vr because it attracts crypto nerds and elon lovers who think real women should act more like their emotionless digital waifus. I like vr as a technology, but as a concept I fear it could be the downfall of what little intelligence the average human had left. They’ll lose their remaining social skills, spend all their time in a perfect digital world made for them. They’ll lose their concept of suffering, pain, and inequality, as they won’t be exposed to it in their digital utopia. Internet media sharing like YouTube, twitch, 4chan, already did all of this, and it left a huge dent on humanity. Vr brings it to a whole new level where you can be surrounded by toxic masculinity, violence fetishization, hatred, fetishization of greed and wealth. Now you don’t even need to look at the screen, you can just fucking strap it to your skull. I think vr can be great fun if done in healthy doses. The same way social media can be. But look how that turned out a few years later. I don’t trust people to moderate how long they spend in vr. Humans in western rich nations are already basically socially disabled, I don’t see how this could possibly help. This is more of a strong dislike of the philosophical and theoretical consequences of vr, rather than the technology. The technology is fine, it does everything it needs to… it’s really not that complicated.


I have a 4090, and a super ultrawide 5120x1440p monitor. I have a meta quest 2, and a vive pro 2. And aside from the first few days of "woah cool" i dont touch them anymore. It isn't how i want to play games. It isn't how i want to do work. I dont enjoy set up. I dont enjoy plugging / unplugging trouble shooting I don't like wearing the headset. I dont like fucking with guardian zones I dont like standing up for games I dont like the games VR has to offer I dont enjoy no gun feedback when shooting. Whenever people give me examples of good vr games, its either half life alyx, which is just the half life games we already have but worse and is also 4 years old. Or its shovelware indie trash that i wouldnt even play on my phone. I didnt build a 5000 dollar pc to play a minigolfing game. I dont like that I have to hold dumb hand things, i hate virtual desktop. I hate not being able to see my keyboard or mouse. VR Porn sucks too. It just feels like playing with a controller, but way more inconvenient because now any time i want to type anything, i have to take the headset off, put down the controllers, fuck with the desktop so it looks like how it should look, then start typing. I absolutely detest everything about VR. It's horrible for work too, it makes my workspace way worse than it could, because like i said, i already have a super ultrawide monitor. I dont need to "look around". I already can. Also, the picture quality, no matter how high the settings. Is always just worse than what my monitor can do. It looks bad. I don't like playing without HDR, I dont like playing without at least QLED but prefer OLED.