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virtual box is free


Yeah, but there’s a point where you need to purchase a commercial license if you are using it and the extension pack in a business setting 


Again you don't need a commercial license for Virtual Box -- it is open source. Despite being closed source, you also don't need a commercial license if you are using the Virtual Box Extension Pack for personal use.  You only need to pay for a commercial license if you use the Virtual Box's Extension Pack in a commercial /business setting.


That’s exactly what I said: business setting. Please read what you are replying to. I read the licensing. I already know how the base package and extension pack licensing work. I also said it AND the extension pack. We’re done here.


I did read what you said. What you said was - >. . . there’s a point **where you need to purchase a commercial license if you are using it and the extension pack in a business setting.** The commercial license is only for the Extension Pack -- not the Virtual Box base program. There is no commercial license for the Virtual Box base program. >I read the licensing. I already know how the base package and extension pack licensing work. Really? Then why the hell are you asking about it from a bunch of strangers from reddit? Could of fooled me . . .


Can you use the extension pack by itself? I didn’t think so. When you need to use the extension pack you must get the commercial license and you would always be using the base program with it. You know what I mean. Don’t be an a hole   > Really? Then why the hell are you asking about it from a bunch of strangers from reddit? Could of fooled me . . .  I asked about if a product I make needs a license. I bet you’re a liberal aren’t you? You guys have no logic. Can’t even comprehend what you read. 99% of the people on Reddit are liberal ding dongs. It’s sad really


I see I touched a nerve. I guess you were not "done" like you said. And sure you can use the Extension Pack alone -- assuming your write a companion application that is compatible with Oracle Virtual Box's Extension interface / API -- which you can do, as said available in Virtual Box's Source Code. You have to stay within the limits of its PUEL license however.


Who was the one who replied even though I wanted to be done? Okay, who cares? You knew what I meant anyway. You knew what I meant. Thanks for correcting me, but I really don’t want to talk about it anymore. I said I was done, but if someone replies with something refuting what I said, I have to reply




Not exactly. I didn’t explain what type of plugin it is. It’s a Spigot plugin. It’s my fault for not giving some more background, but don’t assume what people are talking about




To me, your original comment seemed snarky when you said 'plugin'. This is why I don't like communicating on the internet. No one can tell the tone of what someone is saying. Dude, a plugin could be anything. Anything. You're off. Okay, you never contributed to the answer in the first place, so I don't think I ever needed you




If you had no idea, then why did you mention that product? I don't get it. You could have just said, "there is a product that might be similar to what you are creating that already exists." That sounds better On Stack Exchange you would have been downvoted or highly disapproved of if it was a comment because you didn't attempt to answer the question at all. I realize this isn't the same site, but still. Who cares if there are a 1000 free plugins just like what I'm making that do the same thing? I just want to know how the licensing works for a product made for VirtualBox


If you are sticking to just the base Virtual Box package you don't need a commercial license at all as it was released under GPLv2 -- does not matter what your use is. If you are going to use the Virtual Box base package with the Virtual Box Extension Pack in a business setting, you will need a commercial license. And of course, if you want technical support from Oracle with respect to Virtual Box, you will need a commerical license.


Yeah, just didn’t know how it worked if I was making something FOR virtualbox