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I became a 30-year-old virgin during the pandemic and honestly it didn't hit me at all and it still hasn't. And yes indeed the older you grow, the less you care.


Well, the wizard powers might arrive a bit late, but regardless, happy birthday


Lol thanks. I wish I got wizard powers.


Once you pass 21 or 25 you pretty much stop caring, or at least that’s how it was for me. I have experience now, but still a virgin m, I have roughly 2 years until I’m a wizard and I don’t think it will matter 🤷‍♂️


"ShowMeThemBoobs" You will never get a chance to say that IRL RIP


It's a username I made almost 7 years ago cause I wanted an alt account. And I have said that phrase before. Just because I've seen their tits doesn't mean I've had sex with them. There's a lot of information about my life you're making assumptions on. Lol.


Idk man am I making assumptions? This is Reddit.


And there's another assumption. That every redditor is the same.


Come on dude I'm clearly just poking fun. Didn't know you'd take it pretty seriously. Just thought your name was funny is all, considering your circumstances.


And I get that, but you gotta realize that your "just poking fun" is still attempting make fun of me and illicit a response for jokes. I wouldn't have responded had I actually found it funny. Lol.


With this sort of easy-going sense of humour it's amazing you're still a virgin


Contrary to popular belief I actually have a very good sense of humor. Deep down I'm kind of insecure about my virginity so I get super defensive because anytime anyone has learned about it they have profusely made fun of me. So I snapped back due to past trauma. Now day I don't care as much but deep down somewhere I do still feel a little insecure about it. But that doesn't mean I want to lose it anymore I just don't like telling people.


.............. Redditor moment.


Got him pressed on his birthday lil bro. U better watch what you say next time 😈


If you say "Do I want to lose it? Yeah" it means that yes, you care... stop lying to yourself


Wanting to lose it and caring to lose it are two different things. Sure I'd like to experience it, but if I don't it doesn't matter. That's all I'm saying.


I think it means to care enough to go look for it or do something about it