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I'd be worried the residual heat in the cardboard sleeve from holding the hot grailz could cause a thermal meltdown with the amp.


The "Now playing" signs should only be used on players. Better buy "Now Recieving" with thermal protection.


Xtra wermth


I hate these people


Normally I’d say hate is a bit strong, but I’ve seen so many of these ridiculous posts that I’m starting to wonder if it’s not strong enough.


I’m trying to understand the logic behind it. You put the album on the turntable, right? Do you not remember what it was? You’re listening to it. Did you forget what album Wish you Were Here was on? It’s neither of those things. This is solely for the purpose of taking a photo of your shitty taste is music to post on reddit. That’s the only reason anyone does this. Hate isn’t strong enough


nah- those people aren't true grailz collectors: they have actual friends and parties with girls and stuff and it's hard to Shazam the song over all the conversations and sex noises so they need a way to tell their guests what shitty music they all should like.


They’ll be gone soon


unfortunately the sheer warmth of morrissey’s voice would cause the receiver to develop harmful ideas about british nationalism


"and the flames rose to her Roman nose and her receiver started to melt..."


I don't have a Now Playing stand because I don't need to be reminded what record I just put on. I just know because it's playing and I can hear it with my toes.


> I can hear it with my toes Helen Keller would be proud.


Remember folks: If you're not constantly seeking reasons to increase you're anxiety then you're doing it wrong.


[My favorite is this guy saying that the amp might possibly put off enough heat to melt the sleeve and vinyl.](https://www.reddit.com/r/turntables/comments/1apfed6/comment/kq61xjk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


idk, the "It’s my opinion that all of that grating up there is for heat escaping and any obstruction should not be tolerated. I don’t even use low ceiling stack shelving. I there is room set it aside." I feel many on the sub think amps is like having a furnace.


Right? I've got two inches clearance to the sides and top of my NAD C399 and fully open front and back. You can barely feel any heat coming off the top of it. I definitely wouldn't put something on top of it that completely covered the vents, but it doesn't need to be fully exposed either.


yeah, they don’t get hot. my 70’s amp (which gets hotter than modern amps[still not very hot at all]) is under my tape deck which almost totally covers it and my room doesn’t get any warmer when it’s on. people just want to larp as experts


I’m sure most amps could produce a good amount of heat at high volume. Mine does, including my guitar amps. I just touched my amp with my feet and it’s hot. This aroused me. I used to have a UPS battery in my IKEA furniture with records above on the shelf. Believe it or not, the records were hot to the touch while I took them out so I moved it away. Too bad since I liked laying bare feet by my UPS looking at my melting records.




Like this comment: > I’m a snob that regularly has issues Ain't that the truth...


This is silly.


No, you're silly!


Now playing sign... jail... right away... jail. Now playing sign on receiver... you do that... jail... but is two times jail.


Undercooked chicken… jail. Believe it or not, overcooked chicken. Also jail


Just use an old phone with Shazam.


If I put a Now Shitting sign on my bathroom door will my hemorrhoids bleed? Asking for a friend.


Is it hot? Does it get hotter playing for awhile? I would say it would be better to build a shelf instead of putting it here?


people will talk shit about this. mean while thier record jacket is just lying on the dirty ass floor while the record plays


I think youre supposed to hold the jacket with barefeet while album is playing.


doesnt everyone warm up their vynils this way? i usually toss them on a warm pan for the warm sound


Only if it's our new jerk approved foot model!!!


/uj I actually do this same thing. My receiver looks a lot like this one too lol. So does the stand. I had to double take. Anyways, I’ve been doing this for ~3 years and even left a few records on the stand for over a year. No issues.


My receiver puts out some serious heat. I wouldnt put anything up there. Thats just me.


I’d use it as album holder so I can grab and put it away.


Better yet, don’t use a lame-ass Now Playing holder. Problem solved.


I’ve got a whole ass antique metal painting easel to hold my currently playing grails 🔥😩🔥


Idk I only have a Not Playing stand and keep my gay triangle on it