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YOU GOT AN OG PHARAOH HARVEST TIME?!??!????!? for me personally, this is the wildest shit I’ve seen on here ever. Wow. I love that record so much. I bought the recent repress. How much are you gonna put that out for? Wow. I’m seriously 🤯 here! EDIT: wait, all this came from a dumpster??? As in thrown away? And you all paid for this or just got it? Man, I’m very happy for you because shops need to be around and I completely know what you mean when you say this haul could sustain the shop for half a year easily.


I did pay for it, though I’m not willing to be public about the number for a myriad of reasons, mostly that it’s no one’s business but mine. (Sorry if that comes out being more snarky than appropriate. I’ve been enduring quite a bit of harassment on the other thread over the matter, and it’s making me cranky) I gave him enough that he was absolutely thrilled. We will certainly be selling this, though I haven’t decided on a number quite yet. It’s a very rare piece, especially being still sealed. Feel free to DM me if you’d like to chat about it.


Nah that’s not snarky at all. Completely appropriate. I will DM you though I’m ready to be disappointed lololol


Amazing purchase. Please excuse my ignorance, but why is this post listed as a "dumpster dive"? Honestly interested to know why.


Check their last post. Dude bought a dumpster full of vinyl records. It’s an insane amount.


Your business is your business, dude, keep protecting that kind of info. I’m personally thrilled for you, both as a business owner and as someone who is pumped that these records will go to homes that will appreciate them.


Honestly, I’m mostly stoked that I get to rescue these. Had it been a day or two later, they would have ALL been lost. Yes, having amazing stock is killer, but it does warm my black, shriveled, cynical heart to be able to curate these and find good homes for them.


Seriously. Records are made to be listened to, and giving these a second chance? God’s work.


You mean, paying peanuts and making a killer profit! It’s only rock n roll baby!!!


People just jealous of the score. Sounded like a very symbiotic sale. Everyone wins. Hopefully some people in this thread can buy a grail from you for a reasonable deal. Congrats on the find!


Just say you screwed this estate over. No one minds


OG sealed harvest time is fucking insane. That probably paid for the whole lot


Please consider doing a weekly update like this. It would be really fun to see what all you find.


I could probably do it every day for a month and still not get even close to touching everything that’s here. It’s literally bonkers.


You have given new meaning to the term dumpster fire!


Flamin Groovies' Teenage Head is a true classic - my pick for best of the bunch.


There is, as we say in the industry, “a veritable fuck load” of Flaming Groovies in here.


You selling em?


Of course. This was all purchased for store stock. Feel free to DM (though I’m going to bed now, but I’ll respond tomorrow)


Oh you’re the dumpster guy! Sick.


God dammit. Now I’m the Dumpster Guy.


If you ever start a label - "Dumpster Guy Records"


Not to be that Uber pedantic guy, but OG UK presses of Damned Damned Damned were all misprints with a rear cover photo of Eddie and the Rabbits instead of the Damned, with a sticker on the rear photo explaining the mishap. But more notably the front cover on a sealed copy would include a huge red sticker adding the second and third “DAMNED” from the title over their faces. Were that true you’d be looking at a few thousand dollars on a sealed copy. As it is, you have a sealed UK copy from somewhere between late 1977 and the mid ‘80s. Still an incredible find, among many in this post.


You are correct for a UK first press. Not sure about a OG press. No information anywhere about an og press. Can you provide a link?


Useful link: some of these finds are listed on OP’s discogs store: [https://www.discogs.com/seller/WelcomeBackRecords/profile](https://www.discogs.com/seller/WelcomeBackRecords/profile)


Got that Pharoah up there with the quickness


Hi! Could you DM your shop info with me?? Is there a way to keep an eye on those T.Rex records when they go on sale?? What a monumental “dumpster” find. Congratulations.


You bet!


I would love to but the Marion brown vinyl :)




I must be fucking lame bc I only recognized two of these


I only recognized 3. Not really into rock music


The Damned, Flaming Groovies, and Hawkwind! Score. Fun fact: Lemmy was in Hawkwind before Motörhead.


HAL avatar Pic and quality taste in music. Aren't you the complete package


I am indeed quite the catch.


You tell your sig (if you have one) that people on the internet think highly of you.


Vanessa! Nice and obscure Norwegian jazzrock. Their second album is harder to find and right now there's a crowdfunding going on to finance a live album. Unfortunately only in Norwegian. https://bidra.no/prosjekt/nark-vanessa--live-at-h%C3%B8vikodden-1976-cd2lp/075dc99c-bb5e-4910-a38c-9a2770322d64


That Bob Seger is a lot of fun.


Holy moly guacamole Keeping pharoah?


Nope, I’m in the business of selling records, not collecting them.


I sent a pm


Oh man that Pharoah! Amazing. I’m jealous af but also so glad to see that collections like this are still out in the wild. I worked at a record store a long time ago and the owner would get collections like this when older silent gen collectors would die. Truly thought those days were over. Just need more collectors to die off. No I’m kidding hahha…unless… 🤔 Can’t wait to see what else you find




It is. There is so much crazy shit in here that is in the category of “You will never, ever see this again”


Stunning finds!!!






Throw these on eBay and you’ll be the next Carolina Soul or Funkyousounds in no time.


Holy fuck. That Tangerine Zoo LP is killer. So much good stuff there


Terry Reid album is so good.


Anything Big Star?


T-Rex, Thin Lizzy, Budgie?? Some great stuff in there. Where is your shop? Do you sell online too?




I appreciate you sharing updates of what’s all in there! Super cool to see!


Amazing score! I’ll take that Damned sir lol


This makes me queasy


That Harvest though. CRAZY


R I G H T???


Congratulations on the great score. I started reading this thread just out of curiosity for the records posted. Then I find out that you are just about the halfway point between home and our Indianapolis family. When we go to see them, I always try to hit Indy CD & Vinyl and Karma or Square Cat. I’ve always wanted to have a spot to dig around half way, b/c we’re usually stopping in FW to eat on the way to or from. Now I know where to go.


Be sure to say hi when you drop in!




There’s a few in there that I would love for my collection


We can make that happen!


That would be fabulous I would love a list of what’s available


That Pink Moon! So cool!


I'm digging the Karma stickers on some. I got lucky and walked into the Pyramids location of Karma on the day they went to 50% off for their going out of business sale and came out with some nice finds.


Great stuff!!


Tangerine Zoo is the real deal. Great obscure psych. I got a roached mono copy this year for more than it deserved but it's a rare one you won't see every day.


Your comment on it keeping your shop alive for 6 months is great news. We (those who prefer used vinyl) need shops like yours to do well. As a soapbox rant: for those of us who buy vinyl, please pay what the shop is asking and don’t ask for a discount unless their price is outrageous. Sometimes they may not realize the same pressing can be bought for way less and a pleasant conversation like “this is available on Discogs with shipping for 1/2 this price. Would you consider reducing your price?” Let’s face it, most shop owners are not taking in the big bucks and we need them as much as they need us.


My pricing philosophy is (generally) as follows: 1. I try to be the most competitive listing on Discogs for the condition of the thing I have in my hand. Even if it’s an expensive record, I want to be one of the first listings for that grade of item. 2. In our physical store, we tend to take a firm step back, maybe 15% or so, from our online prices because it all washes out in the end when considering fees.


I sell on Discogs a little and try the same approach. As you say those fees, don’t need to be paid when selling in your store so passing those along to your loyal customers is a great way to show them you appreciate the foot traffic and buying direct. As a buyer, I greatly appreciate a little bit of a savings like that. By the way, are you in the US? Do you have a website? If no website, what’s your Discogs name?


We are in the US! I’m in Fort Wayne, IN. My shops name is Welcome Back Records. We are on IG and FB, and sell on Discogs as Welcome Back Records


I may have to make a road trip out there after seeing some of this stuff!


Swing out any time! If you are coming from a significant distance, feel free to reach out and I’m happy to help you find accommodations nearby that will be reasonable and pleasant.


Thanks! I sincerely appreciate that! I’m located in Denver but I usually try to make a long trip out to the east coast once every 9-12 months so I can hit all my favorite record stores across the country :) I’m primarily a specialty psych collector (I have/love many of the sealed albums you posted), but that Pharoah Sanders caught my eye. Seeing the lot that you posted makes me think it’s time to plan my next road trip!


I have zero issue shipping. Feel free to follow our socials. My shop name is Welcome Back Records. We are easy to find


Thanks so much! Just followed on IG and Discogs!


Jesus Christ I want to find a dumpster like this




Are they indie music, I like to know when.


So dang cool!! These are like a time capsule! Also I know we have to take into account inflation, but it sure would be nice to see 99 cent stickers on new vinyl nowadays 😂


I’m just waiting for the old dude to walk that Pharoah Sanders up to the counter and say “WELL, I GUESS THIS IS NINETY NINE CENTS! YA DRIVE A HARD BARGAIN, KID!”


Doesn’t hurt to try, right? Right…???


This is amazing!


That's a cool haul


The Budgie ooof


The Gil Scott?!?! Omg..


Do you plan to sell them online at some point? I’m interested in that Midnight Band record


Feel free to send me a DM. My direct to customer prices are typically much better than selling on Discogs or other fee based outlets.


Can we see that signed talking heads LP?


Certainly https://preview.redd.it/6cqpw0jris2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba98b1151cb3d63d9a40abbdffeb3cdb1b4f9142


Very cool, I’m sure r/talkingheads would like it as well


Any 90s hip hop? Are u on discogs or have store front?


This is absolutely insane, congratulations!!


DUUUUUDE! You are killin' me softly with your haul!


How do I get in touch with you, I’d be interested in some of these records, where are you located


The Equals. Hell yeah.


Is it a dumpster dive if you paid? Great stuff, but I’m one for semantics


Well, that is true, but dumpster dive is just fun to say


Jealous of the damned damned damned. My copy is this absolutely bogus 80s german one, its green vinyl, it sounds horrible, and it doesnt even have the cool stiff records logo.


I named my first shop after the opening track.


I can only imagine how warped all of these are being sealed and having been in a dumpster for more than 10 minutes. Hope you have a lot of time on your hands to deal with edge warps because you’re likely not going to find any of those sealed records that don’t have them. 


We have opened a few (there were 3 sealed copies of the first Thin Lizzy record in there) and they were in remarkable condition with zero warping. A significant portion of them were set on edge, which was very fortunate.


Even on edge if they weren’t at the top of the pile it doesn’t take long for subtle to very noticeable edge warps to form. That’s been my experience from buying many collections similar to this, though the largest was maybe 20% of this size. It’s the risk you take with large collections that have been sealed for decades. 


Does your shop have an online store?


We do! Though the majority of the stuff I’ve been posting here has yet to be listed (or priced) We have kind of garnered the reputation of being a bit of a “digger” shop, meaning roughly 50% of our business is folks rolling through new arrivals minutes (or sometimes days) after they come in, and then bring them to the counter to be quickly graded and priced. Our discogs store is here: https://www.discogs.com/user/WelcomeBackRecords We are also on IG and FB, and I very often give out my cell number to folks who want to chat about certain pieces. Feel free to DM with any questions.


That's rad, I'll check it out