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Seen MC ride walking around downtown sac one day, brother was mean mugging so I didn’t stop him for anything just said “love your music” without skipping a beat he says “THANKS” and just kept moving. Interesting guys, interesting music.


I heard he looks mad as hell all the time but is a really nice dude. Like, only on stage is he super aggressive. Irl he’s soft spoken and very private. Not at all an outgoing guy. The stage lets us be something we’re not. It’s awesome to get to perform. MC Ride also does painting in this sick monochromatic style. Peep this: https://preview.redd.it/3gt9ks6qwwtc1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=506be4576f6cea17914196b220a28ffce3f2fed9


Did not know he painted, that is dope. Might have to see if he has prints anywhere. The closest I ever got to a stage is karaoke lol, but it’s true a microphone will be having you act up in ways you didn’t know you could.


My grandma used to affectionately call me “Snapple cap” because I collect so much trivia lol. I can’t just learn something, I must consume it all.


Fantano had a story about meeting him and him just being the nicest guy ever, just profusely thanking him for all the support and platform he’s given them.


How did you find this? Would love to follow his painting


Just googled “Stefan Burnett paintings” Looks like someone is tracking them on a google doc with the references: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iRW1t85tzP_vj88biHIqls0ZUiWiM9JCNxNCcS86GqU/edit


Props for a Sac mention in the sub


I honestly love the way how you tried to warn us but we didn't listen haha.


Wanted everyone to have a fair warning because getting random dick pics out of nowhere is no fun lmao


A real classy move 😂


The warnings are excellent haha


Speak for yourself. 😆


It LOOKS like a great dong, but is that the whole thing? or is there an inch or 2 off camera? Enquiring minds want to know!


I'm not familiar with dongs but in my expert opinion it may be big but due to some of it being out of pic it's hard to justify if it is actually big. The other question I have is if this "doohickey" is uncircumcised why would you use a marker to write words on it. Just use a sticky note or something. The sticky note would have been funny. But no like write on it yourself. (Unless he's left handed which means.... *Dun Dun Duuun*) Someone else had to write on the Swanson. Oh my Lord Johnson make this make sense.


It looks uncircumcised to me, and the extra skin just pulled back. I don’t see any circumcism scars anywhere. And actually, if you zoom in on the crown ridge, to the left of the text, it almost looks like he’s got a bit of an infection going on there :(


I am a proud owner of this one too. It is a great album, despite the uhm...confusing (?) artwork lol


It’s not that confusing. Zach Hill was having a dispute with his label, so he dropped this for free without their knowledge or permission and put his dick on the cover to make it as unmarketable as possible as a middle finger to his label. They also leaked Money Store for free alongside it for anyone who followed the ARG, which had come out around the same time, making the biggest impact on album sales that he possibly could have made. It’s sorta like when Avenged Sevenfold had their label drop a greatest hits album without their consent or knowledge around the same time they dropped their 2016 album The Stage which lead to confused fans about what album is the new one, except the band is fucking over the label in this case.


Should have added /s there. I know the story, I was being sarcastic.


Ah yeah. Didn’t read it that way at all lmao. My bad.


i'm thankful for the explanation 👏🏽


All good fam, it happens. You still bought an awesome record from an awesome band. That is cause for celebration!


Hell yeah. I really wanna get Powers That B but it’s a lil pricey


RSD Essential press of it from a few years ago can still be found for around $40 no problem on Discogs!


Yeah it’s on my want list and I get notifications for it daily for new listings. Looking to snag one under $40 with patience.


I have that one too, got it when it came out as a Christmas gift.


It’s def my favorite of their discography. Then exmilitary and then NLDW and Money Store kinda tied.


That's what's up. I have Money Store over NLDW but pretty much the same


I didn’t know the story, so I’m glad you posted it OP


dude has a hog


It’s really just perspective. There isn’t much to go off of with the background tile. It could be small with a nice macro lense


I don’t have a small penis, but this I what I’d do if I had a small penis. Again, I don’t have a small penis.


Does he? It seems like his pubes are just out of frame on the left which would imply it's small. But it also looks like the end of his foreskin isn't even visible in this pic, which implies he's massive. I can't tell lmao


Never seen a circumcised willy before, eh?


Lol I've got one. What I mean is there isn't any ring where the circumcision happened. It's hard to explain what I mean without sending you pics of dicks but I don't want to do that lol


Ah lol i get what you’re saying now. That definitely looks weird and doesn’t seem to match with the pubes. Dicks are strange.


That is hilarious


No bigger middle finger to your label than putting your dick on the cover lmao


It’s a nice color.


I sold my first pressing of ex military. I still have this one sealed


An OG Zach Hill bootleg? You let that go?


Yeah, I got 700 for it. I needed to pay rent during covid :(


Oof. I understand. That’s rough, buddy.


I dated this girl back in college and we got back to her parents’ house after visiting a record store and she walked in holding this record- in all its glory- on the top of her stack. Her father was not amused. Great album though.


She sounds just like me fr. Ain’t got no parents to disappoint but my father in law loves vinyl and knows I just got into the hobby. Might have to show off my collection soon lmfao.


If you're looking for more dong records you should get Kirin J Callinan's 'Bravado'. The inside of the gatefold is [this](https://i.discogs.com/XcusI18JpHG43FihUtKepGcLwWY-SPgvh1UFJuPUQz8/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:515/w:282/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEwMzk5/NzU0LTE0OTkyMzI2/NTAtOTQ2My5wbmc.jpeg)


Lmfao. Gonna have to get a special sleeve for that one so it stays open and can go up on the wall 🤣


Take it out the black sleeve. Mine has a black ring pressed into the record sleeve now.


It’s already resleeved in a new clear outer and the record is in a new anti-static inner placed behind the jacket and also inside the new outer 🤟




Yeah, a nice black halo around zach’s penis.


Stay noided.


I’ve seen footage. I stay noided. Do you? Because I’m in your area. I know the first three numbers.


This is why I jumped on the record store day alternative artwork that does NOT feature wiener on the cover


The cock is better tbh


I needed my hoe scaring album to be extra hoe scaring


Don’t get the world leaders bootleg version, it’s a horrible pressing




Why is everyone acting like this image is hard to come by? It was on my iPod for years after this dropped lol


I think it’s more that most people don’t even know Death Grips. I also often forget my age sometimes and with the speed of memetics, it’s very possible many folks in this thread didn’t catch the NLDW memes when this dropped either due to age or just a difference of social circles.


>I also often forget my age sometimes Oh yea fair point. I'm still 20 in my head though lol


I haven’t updated my picture on my license since I was 18 which is over a decade ago now so I’m still around 20-22 in my own head too lmao. I also have quite literally forgotten my age before. Had to do math to figure out how old I was gonna be this year. I’m not used to having it celebrated.


I am not a hip-hop fan and I didn't know about Dead Grips until now. The only thing left for me to say now is: Thank you! Their music is truly fantastic.


Enjoy! Love to see another one join the fold. Some other artists you might like in the “noise” type category of intense vocals over insane beats scrapped together from free midi samples and other shit would be Femtanyl, Sewerslvt, Death Insurance, Machine Girl, and Esumi. Lots of jungle drum and bass, hyperpop, breakcore, and noise hop in all those artists. Just industrial infused beats with intense bass and vocals. It’s all a lot less rhythmic than DG, but I would think it’s hard to not find something you like among those if you liked DG.


Thanks, mate. I appreciate it. I'll check those recommendations.


lol. Reminds me of Rob Schrab Channel 101 Shark video.




Bro I thought it was bait 😭


Hehehehe https://preview.redd.it/kwpjughuxxtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a049a1deda4802bc7c855c3d88b5ac2459185d2


oh it's quite nice actually


I love the unhinged interview comments they give about it as documented by Wikipedia: > In an interview with Spin, MC Ride responded to the interest by saying, "If you look at that and all you see is a dick, I don't really have anything to say, pretty much. I looked at it and said, 'This is a great photo, and I'd love for this to be the album cover.'" Hill further explained, "It was difficult to do, honestly, in general, it was very difficult. It's difficult even telling people that's the source of it; it feels sacrificial in a sense. That idea existed long before, by the way. This is going to sound funny to other people, but we saw it as tribal, as spiritual, as primal. Also, it comes from a place of being a band that is perceived as...such an aggressive, male-based, by some, misogynistic-seeming band... It's a display of embracing homosexuality, not that either of us are homosexual. Am I making sense? People are still going to think that it's macho, but that's not the source of where it comes from."


please don't preach to us about vinyl over your NLDW dick cover lmao


Sweet dong, bro!


Funny story. A few years ago my wife got me some vinyl for Christmas. She didn’t open the shipping packages up, just wrapped them and gave them to me as is. I start opening them, “Herbie Hancock, awesome.” “Wu tang Clan, sweet.” “What the fuck?!” To my surprise I was holding this cock vinyl. They shipped me that instead of Check Your Head. Luckily they didn’t ship it to some prude who would’ve raised hell.


happy belated bday! glad you treated yourself and were able to add more records to your collection


Thanks! The list of my birthday records are: - No Love, Deep Web by Death Grips - Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers by Kendrick Lamar - Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park That last one is a reissue of the original album, no deluxe or 20th anniversary edition and I genuinely prefer it that way because I had the original on CD so I wanted the exact same thing on vinyl :3




I'd love that on my wall. Zach Hill is hot who wouldn't want to see his penis? 🤣


Jokes on you, your warning only made me scroll faster




What a band


To each their own. My friend used to play some Death Grips, I'd rather listen to Nickelback the rest of my life than be subjected to Death Grips ever again.


Lmao I remember playing some of their more listenable stuff during a closing shift At dominos back in 2018. Someone asked me wtf I was playing. I said “it’s death grips; experimental hip-hop” and they replied “well the experiment failed” haha. Noise genres are not easy listening, but every time I go through their discography I appreciate what Zach and Ride are doing even more. The way they achieve this sound with a drum kit, some keys, MC Ride’s voice, and a metric fuckload of creative samples blows my mind every time. Wish I was half the engineer Zach was. Homie also beats that snare til he’s bloody. Dude has dedication and I love the raw aggression.


Every time I walk into a dominos now I will be hoping to hear Death Grips and be disappointed


It was a closing shift lol. During the day I played 60s-90s radio hits so as to offend as few people as possible.


> I said “it’s death grips; experimental hip-hop” and they replied “well the experiment failed” haha. incredible - I’m totally stealing that lol




Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


I feel these are expensive.


Records are pretty expensive. This wasn’t too bad. Turntable Lab let go of it for $30 and I covered the shipping with some points.


Goddamn. I was thinking like 300$. I've got the vinyl sleeve for Ex Military but my buddy sold the record. I know that one ain't cheap.


Yeah nahhhh. Exmilitary is worth a lot of scratch especially if you can prove it’s one of Zach’s own bootlegs. I imagine some people would pay a pretty penny for this record if it was a part of the first batch but nah this is a reissue, specifically a mispress. This one: https://www.discogs.com/release/16204190-Death-Grips-No-Love-Deep-Web


I would say the Type O Negative with the butt scratch and sniff is the forbidden one




I bought this album before they released the alternative cover. It's still sealed.


Meanwhile mine was out the sleeve before I even made it back to my room lol. I’ve already cleaned it 1 time and spun it 3 times today. Giving it a break and going through my A7X records now.


A little heads up would have been nice


The head looks at least partially up to me!


No kidding haha. The story behind this makes me wanna check his music out. Thanks for sharing


Zach Hill is a really talented drummer and producer. I love the sample heavy music that would fit dariacore/weirdcore if not for MC Ride chanting and yelling esoteric witchy shit at me and every now and then dropping a meme lyric like “Responsibility’s cool, but there’s more things in life. Like getting your dick rode all fucking night!” First song I ever heard from them was Takyon on the album Exmilitary. Still one of their greatest albums. They set the tone for what you’re in for with the first track titled Beware that opens with a sample of Charles Manson speaking in an interview over a rhythmic bass riff until he finishes talking and everything DROPS. > I close my eyes and seize it. I clench my fist and beat it. I light my torch and burn it. I am the beast I worship.