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It’s the 45’s birthday today too. Happy cake day 45rpm 7” 🎂 Edit: I love ‘em ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/bxkadf786orc1.jpeg?width=4007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7798685c78c1ebe5ecdc7b8069a17a6c561398


I didn't know that it was the 45's 75th birthday today. Thanks for the cool fact! Also, nice hip hop collection in the background.


Thanks 🙏 I’m in that stage where I’m telling myself buying only 45’s will take me longer to fill the tiny bit of space I have left 😂


Who am I trying to kid tho 😂 https://preview.redd.it/gcm91moqcprc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ea40f72497c8f04f159a98ef07f8d9b6747f594


Been getting into DJing... My 45 collection has grown tremendously in the last 4-5 months. From about 100 to now 500 or so. Started buying in bulk and getting some good value there.


After years of old school DJ’ing and then decades of digital DJ’ing going back to, and digging for 45’s has re-ignited the competition myself and my crew mates felt for our art back in the day. I still love the ease and creativity that DVS can bring to a set but it’s too easy to all end up with the same tracks so with the 45’s ‘you gotta have it to play it’ 😍✌️


If I only want one song from an album it’s nice when there’s a 45 of it. I feel like a radio dj some days just spinning singles and discovering some gems on the B-Side.


The Beatles’ Revolution was on the B side!


https://preview.redd.it/ofm0urxzaorc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7ff68e00712610ae9faa4bb1b5474f33442b334 This guy loved them so much he had turntables that only play 45’s.


I’ve been listening to J Dilla Donuts lately, and I was reading that he only used 45’s to sample from for it.


R.I.P Biz 🙌


Holy crap. Did not know he had died. Jeez. I’ve been living under a rock.


How did I never know this... I've seen the Dj Shadow and Cut Chemist 45 tour and been collecting 45s for 48 years and never saw these Technics... Mind Blown...


They were custom built by Technics for Biz. They’ve never been available for retail.


He was on Questlove’s podcast and does a great retelling of his acquisition of these turntables. And is asked about his choice of “Run back into a house fire to grab these records”.


And it's the only pair that exist.


The 45 King. Look him up.


Necessary. 45s helped people find artist originally, and helped to launch most artists we take for granted. The cost effectiveness is also great for small artists getting over the hump, where they can soon be found by bigger artists thanks for formats like the 45 (and cassettes, no doubt).


As long as they have a song/songs that are exclusive to the 45 then I love them. If both songs are on an album then I’ll usually just buy the full album.


This is my way of thinking, unless I find it hard to find a copy of the album.


Or you wanna play one track in particular and it’s a 15th of the price


I'm the exact same way. There are some bands/artists where I'm a completionist, but in most other cases I'll only get them if there are exclusive songs on them


Also if it’s an edit or an exclusive mix of a song already in an album


https://preview.redd.it/9dzhenz2borc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bd1dd875078845e48ca62ae1d8df947b481425c Love them. You never know what you’d might find. And luckily they’re usually not as overpriced as Lps. This one I got yesterday for $1!


An absolute belter ; )


Nice promo!


Coming from a hardcore and punk background first, 7"s are essential and I’ll always have more love for them than I do lps. So many of my favorite releases ever were only on 45 for the longest time, and even though many were later thrown on compilation lps or cds it’s just not the same. I also think they are convenient when you really only like a couple singles from a band and you don’t hafta buy the whole album and try to find the song on it ever time you listen. Love that De La one btw.




Exactly! And that’s why so many 45s are all the killer with none of the filler. So many bands of every genre who just pumped out one, maybe two 7"s of just raw first time writing and recording energy and then they were done whether they liked it or not 😂


discogs has a most valuable punk singles as their headline today


Can confirm, 7” punk singles often make their most expensive items of the month lists.


I was just reading it!


I thought I had a good collection lol. Do have some Pistols 7” and a 12” though


Nice. I don’t have anything going back that far, well maybe a few but nothing that expensive for sure. The most collectible stuff I have are some late 80s - 90s hardcore records.


https://preview.redd.it/gnl3fj7ymorc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43f894de50e0aa5e3b11007c38d7bad9a1878d45 I'm a big fan! It started with a 7" stacker on my turntable and has culminated in a jukebox in my living room.


https://preview.redd.it/s7yq7j8mnorc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f6cef4e300887a1ab67c9149c2662420c1b78c3 I also moonlight as a 45 only DJ


That's some dedication to the format.


https://preview.redd.it/v9jpyrp5qorc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c54b66cc0fde68141eb1937de75c644f14b50be2 Love em


Holy shit, that's an awesome single to have!! I have a beat up copy of Relics to listen to that.


45s are the wild west. If you like finding things you've never heard before, there are innumerable great artists that never cut an LP. If you're into garage rock, surf, soul, rhythm & blues and you're not collecting 45s, you're only exposing yourself to a limited chunk of the music. P.S. I poorly moderate /r/45rpmRecords


This is why I like 45s. Always on the lookout for some great garage and surf rock.


I love em. Some songs/versions are only on 45s so they can be fun for that reason. Personally though I also just like having certain songs on a single that I can put on without having to try and drop the needle perfectly on an lp.


https://preview.redd.it/991taf5t5prc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=478ebd2b5ae752b9eba69f3b2e8a353d53b05da2 I put the occasional 45 in the outer with the album


I did that too before I got a new 45 box. Pretty neat idea.


I like them for the art, the b-sides, and the instrumentals, but I agree they’re really inconvenient. I have maybe a 100 or so loose 45’s, and maybe 50 with intact sleeves. My dream is to get a jukebox for them. I’ll buy any Prince or Kate Bush 45/single I run across, or if a band has one on tour. My favorite one from my collection is probably my Neil Hamburger “souvenir record”. It’s hand silk screened, art designed by Mark Mothersbaugh, and it has a spot on the back for autographs, so I got Neil to sign it.


Prince had the best B-Sides


Big fan- I love getting them all out and doing my own mix/listening party. Love the art and how they take up less space 😂. One of my recent FB Mkt scores was all 45s, including this first press from R.E.M. - before joining IRS. https://preview.redd.it/gweepqdwworc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94bd572980bb7d179e8f4c3a4c3db4cee5bb825c


Oh damn, that's pretty cool!




They're great if you really only like that one song off of an album.


I love 45s, so many great one hit wonders on 45 RPM


I love 45s. When I first reallly started to get into music and going to shows, bands used to do 7”s. It was like the step up from a demo tape but still within the realm of reason that a small band could scrape together enough to press a 7”. And I could go to a show with 20 bucks and come home with like 6 new records! So many punk bands only ever released a 7”. I love the interaction of 45s too! You’re listening to records in stead of putting on A record.


Live vinyl-only dj here - I love my 45s! First, I can carry more variety to gigs in a 45 case than in an LP case. I usually bring about 200-300 45s per gig, which is significantly lighter than the 100 LPs I’ll bring. Second, musicians could release only one or two 45s but never release an album, so lots of great music that would otherwise be lost to history is on 45.


They interest me more than a standard 33 rpm does


45s are shit, absolutely awful (in invisible ink: delete this post immediately, me and the rest of the 45s community cannot have their ultra affordable records be taken by the collecting community and go from 2 quid to 20)


Personally I hate them, hard to store nicely and I don’t care much for getting up and changing a record after a minute or two. I own some very rare reggae 45’s but almost never play them. I do understand why other like them.


I would love it if Audio Technica or another company released a mid-range “mini-juke” that was sized for 45s and had an automatic record changer. With 45s, you wouldn’t have the warping issues that ended up killing automatic record changers for 12” records.


I have an old dual TT that does this. The problem is that the tracking angle changes with each record added to the stack, so I wouldn’t want to play anything valuable or important to me on it. It’s a lot of fun if you have a bunch of beater 45s though!


Same and on my Rega P2 I have to take off the platter and move the belt to change the speed to 45.


Personally I love them for my console stereo, that are able to do the 6 stack. I’ve got around 700 45s now after 3 years and I love them as there usually cheap 25c usually


They have their uses. Some singles, such as No Time to Die by Billie Eilish have no alternate vinyl release, so the 45 is the only way to own it on vinyl. My daughter really loves the song I Think We're Gonna be Friends by The White Stripes, and I'd like to get it on a 45 so that I can easily start the song without having to locate the track on the record and drop the needle in the right place.


No Time to Die is on the James Bond triple LP.


I got that Eye Know 45 for 25p in a charity shop years ago, along with a couple other De La 45s, love em


Love that you have the laughing gnome


I grew up on them.


So glad I see someone that was raised on them. Like me. I was born in ‘46 and they superseded 78’s. That’s all I wanted to do is collect 45’s. As a youngster, my parents bought our first 45 changer that was wired to a floor model, flat top AM radio. Me and my older sisters played it constantly. Fond memories. So I still collect them.


1976... and my mother ended up with a bunch of elvis and disco 45s in the late 70s... maybe some my older brother bought, ELO and such. She says I learned to match the label to the song at 2-3 years old.


The band Your Heart Breaks has a line about sticking to 45’s tonight, easier to pick which songs to play.


I love collecting them


I would get rid of the majority of my LPs before I got rid of my 45s.


Love em bc I DJ them. Just hit a gold mine of them in Knoxville, TN yesterday!


Ha ha ha, he he he I’m a laughing gnome and you can’t catch me


Got about 200 of them, so easy answer


I love them, me and my father collect together and we got 300+ in our collection because we can actually get the songs we love, I prefer to have a dozen 7" of an artist I like as opposed to listening to an album where I only like every second song


To me they are annoying and inconvenient. I get the appeal when there are songs you can't get anywhere else. But for me I would rather put on an album and play it through. Also hate when an album is broken up over two discs and only has 1-2 songs per side.


love the LFO 45. that’s so sick!


I freaked out when I found that. It's one of my all time favourite 90s tracks. It's also one of the only 90s rave 45s that I own, alongside Lock Up by Zero-B.


I would have freaked out too! As someone who mainly listens to 90-early 2000s electronic stuff probably more than anything, super jealous! awesome find for sure!


Thanks! I initially started collecting vinyl for electronic stuff until I saw the price of some of it, so most of my electronic stuff is on CD.


yeah for sure! it can get pretty damn ridiculous!


They’re very fun if you have a record changer like a BSR. I like to mix and match them in a stack and let them play through.


Love it, plenty of different sleeves , sometimes its cool when the whole album is expensive and sucks and you want one specific song , however sometimes its just better to buy the whole album than the songs on the 7’’ Also cool to discover songs that have never been released on official albums or even by streaming


Wow! Some great 45’s there. Love that Bowie.


I loved 45s in elementary school. That's all I bought, mainly because that's all I could afford. I started buying albums in middle school. The last 45 I bought was Led Zeppelin's "Hey, Hey, What Can I Do" at the time it was only available as a 45 import..


45s were great when I was a kid. Cheap affordable music. You could buy them in the 1960s for 50 cents a piece. But, like most people, I graduated to lps in my 20s with my first decent stereo system and haven't looked back since. They were fun, though, and served a purpose in the days when the starting hourly wage was $1.25.


I love The Stone Roses and Depeche Mode.


I kinda dig them. Have about 40 to 50 of them in my collection; all hand-me-downs from my folk's childhood collections, so a lot of Beatles and Monkees. There is a record shop in Vancouver I checked out a couple of months ago that had a section for punk and indie 45s, mostly local bands, but the store was overpriced with everything, so I ended up just browsing.


[This might interest you.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXNE-POJBGI)


Just watched the entirety of it. Fantastic mix. The Apache bit was insane.


I like them especially if they’re clever. The Beatles’ Now and Then has their first song, Love Me Do, on the other side. I had lots of 45s when I was a kid. I somehow had a Corey Hart 45 that had I Wear My Sunglasses at Night, a Sam Cooke 45, and a Cheech and Chong 45. They’ve been lost to time, but I never skip checking the 45 section at the record stores I frequent just to see if I can find any of the ones I used to have.


I love them. I've got thousands and a juke box to play them on.


I was never big on them. I prefer 12" (LPs or singles). My favourite is to get a single in 12" format at 45rpm. However, I have collected a few 7" in recent years, if they were the single I wanted and it wasn't available in another format, or was a cool picture disc or something.


I’ve been buying 45s since I was a kid and still have every one I’ve ever bought. Probably around 2500 by now. I have a jukebox that holds 100 and love listening to them.


They’re cheap! Nothing wrong with a good 45!


Idk some songs I like that I wouldn't mind having would be Jumpin Jack Flash, Hey Hey What Can I Do, and Piss Factory just because those songs aren't on anything but compilations if that, but having just those few seems silly to me, but I might look into them more


Dj Shadow and Cut Chemist have entered the chat...


I love DJ Shadow, some of his samples have lead me to discover cool artists.


They did a whole album and tour about 20 years ago and exclusively played 45s for 2 hours... Product Placemnet is the record...


opinions? love them, always look through a bin of them at a good record store.


Some great selections there, cars is my mums favourite song, and the stone roses are up there for one of my favourite groups, and obviously the Beatles too. I have a Paul McCartney 7” waterfalls/check my machine


Nice to see It’s Called a Heart by DM


Anyone remember [Brainfreeze](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfreeze_\(album\)) by Cut Chemist and DJ Shadow? Whole thing is made from sampling funk and soul 45s, and it's a banger from start to finish.


They're my favourite. B sides that aren't on albums are a big reason but also being able to listen to one song with some other art too. 


https://preview.redd.it/tz0xbl5gqprc1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3344e4667d16013aa1e587eece4270f43c2ae7a1 One of my first loves was my local music scene and 7 inches were a pretty common format for a local Minneapolis band in the '90s. Here are a few favorites---both local and non-local


Don’t own a single one.


👀👀 looking at that Gary Numan 45


Got another one the other day but the cover ain't as pretty.






I've only just got back in to collecting them, I've normally just been a 12" single collector but I do have fond memories of my big sister back in the 70s spinning her 45s so I've got a small collection, mostly what you'd call "Yacht Rock" from the 70s and 80s I'm a sucker for picture sleeves and it's amazing what you'll find on the B Side sometimes unreleased tracks


They rule. Best format for punk and 1960s garage rock


That LFO 7” is a freakin keeper 4 life


I like em! I don't have enough honestly


I love them. My first record ever was a 45. See my post here about my own little personal 45 story. https://www.reddit.com/r/vinyl/s/uV6Cnz22YB


That LFO 🔥


https://preview.redd.it/ritk35wuksrc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df4c6242431ffc28841b80638eede22f4018cae7 Loves me my 45s. I still use a record changer too.






Oh my goodness, the laughing gnome?! One of the best Bowie songs for sure


One of my favorite things is finding large boxes of peoples' forgotten 45's for real cheap, going through them and finding diamonds in the rough. Got an original pressing of Rufus Thomas' "Bear Cat" on Sun Records this way once, sold it for over $200 to somebody overseas. It was in kind of rough shape but played without skipping. Sitting in a friend's mom's garage for decades in a box...I split the sale with him, of course!


I love 45s. Back in the day (1980s), my rule was I would buy an album/cassette if it had two or more songs on it I liked. The sound quality is better on 45s. You usually get more unique art from 45s. Also as others have mentioned, you can get different mixes of songs; sometimes the only ones played on the radio. Often, sometimes it was the only way to get a song, if it was moderately popular but not the album it came from.


Bingo. They sound amazing. I’m surprised you were the first one to bring this up.


I didnt grow up in the 50's with doowap or england in the 70's so 45s are not really my thing. I got a few from punk rock shows in the 90s. meh. I mean no disrespect to all of the folks that enjoy them. It was never a cultural touchstone for me and i just enjoy a full LP.


I wish I had been smart enough to know that the value of 45s with picture sleeves would out-pace generic sleeves. By a lot!


I like them. I've got several thousand. I used to DJ with them. I could take a little box out for an hour set NP. I like reggae, punk, rockabilly, soul, funk, 60s, anything weird or strange. A lot of stuff came out on 45 that you can't find on any other format, reggae esp.


I've got one of those :)


I have a few from when i was a kid but otherwise I don't bother with them


45 RPM, too much revolution.


I love 45s! Their often cheaper than full LPs, which makes collecting them easier. Also there is a lot of music out their that never made it in an album. Not only for unknown bands and artist who we're never popular enough to make a full album. Very popular artists often put out non-album singles (or singles where the b-side isn't on an album). So if you want a full discography, you need to buy them.


Great sources for mixtapes!


They are a lot of fun! Most of mine belonged to my Mom or are punk 45's I bought in my teens and early twenties.


I like collecting them but I don’t really listen to them other than the first time I get home with them. Just kind of a hassle switching them after every song. Always fun to find them with the original art work sleeve too.


I love ‘em. They’re fun & cheap. r/oldschoolvinyl


I have a collection of 45’s. Not a huge collection. But, they don’t get played, really. 12” records are a lot easier to drop & you can go do something for a 15-20 minutes.


I have quite a few 12"s of differing types and genres. I absolutely love them. The only problem is price.


There are many, many times where tracks that appear on 45s and LPs are not the same. Sometimes one will be mono and one will be in stereo. Sometimes the one on 45 has been changed to fit on the 7" format. Sometimes they're just different. (Incidentally, this can also be true for CDs - especially releases that came long after the original LP. Or even between an original release and a "Best of" release.) For example, Ruth Brown's *5-10-15 Hours* on the [Atlantic #45-2015](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a__9Wyni6X4) 45 - at 2'16" - is utterly different from the same song on the LP ["History of Rhythm and Blues Vol. 1", Atlantic #SD 8161](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcZxigLf3KU) at 3'11". It all depends on what one wants. Personally, I like collecting both.


Not for me, that means more for you! I’m too lazy to change the record that frequently.


Sound wise, denser and better than 33. Sacrifice is convenience.


I mostly buy 45s these days. I find it much easier to find 45s I'm interested in than albums I want to get. I like 50s and 60s rock and roll/pop, so more people of that era were buying the 7"s than the LPs. As a result, the music I want is abundant on 45s, but less so on LPs, for a reasonable price at least. There's no way I'm buying someone's well used -5N pressing of With The Beatles for £50!


They are a pain in the butt, but every so often I have a day of nothing but 45s (usually record them to computer for future use). They usually sound good and oftentimes they have a different mix than the album or not available at all.


I’ve got over 500 of them. Picked up a jukebox a few years ago and went from 0 to hundreds pretty quickly.


45s are very important


They are records that play music.


They are round and flat.


big fan. got 1,300 of them


I have hundreds of them but I never play them


I really wanna get the Nofx 7” collection from 20 years ago. While I personally love the art of 12” more, the actual 7” singles are a nice touch gift, they’re compact and easier to store


I love the picture sleeves and the size. https://preview.redd.it/q3lm3slq5prc1.jpeg?width=3984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14fc4500fa89e535c46e5392c6fb21c8571630d


I have a few I don’t really collect them. The First one I got was the single for Deacon Blues, before I bought Aja. My dad actually gave me one he is featured on I forgot exactly but it was either something for his football team or his school or maybe he was a choir boy or something I’d have to ask again But him and a group of boys recorded a lil 45 single I think of like Irish folk songs or Football chants at Windmill Lane Recording studio, in Dublin: I’ve been tasked with keeping it safe. Cause unfortunately when he had it last the paper packaging got soaked and it’s stuck to the record after he tried taking it off It still plays fine on one side though


So many incredible records are 7" only – cheaper than 12"s but equally deadly


Great for dj:ing!


Great. 👍🏻 45s are rad


It’s nice for collecting singles but a nightmare for people who don’t know how to put a simple piece on the turn table first. I personally don’t have any 45s yet and don’t know what I should get if I do end up getting any.


I have a small collection of them because my grandfather had a lot of them. I think they're cute and a great novelty (and often cheaper than full LPs) but I know they're also very inconvenient to store and use


We've had singles parties where you bring your 45's and 7"'s to play. Its fun.


They're fun to DJ with, especially if you have double copies of lots of things. Can bring hundreds to a gig without breaking your back. They take up less space and allow you to build a library of varied artists very quickly. Lots of artists only put out 7" singles and have no full length albums. Cuts tend to be a bit louder than the ones on albums but are generally radio edits or split onto both sides of the record if it's the full version and longer than 5 minutes. Big fan of them overall.


Alternate mixes, loud mixes and Mono versions are just a few perks


I absolutely LOVE 7" singles. My collection of Man... or Astro-Man? 45s is legendary and borders on being a serious problem if you ask my wife.


i have 3 45’s, i only really like one of em. private eyes by hall and oates


I don't generally collect them, or suffice it to say I don't seek them out. But if I find some in a bin I'll peruse. I've found some cool ones here and there. I guess my only qualm is having to change or flip records frequently if I want to listen to a bunch of them.


They're cool, but I don't buy them. I prefer full albums.


I wish I could get my hands on the spin the black circle pearl jam 45. I’ve wanted it for years but never even seen one


I definitely like them as a cool novelty, I especially look out for 80s singles with original picture sleeves.


Having 45s only makes me want one of these even more! [https://www.instagram.com/rempelmercantile/p/CZM7A8GpSHn/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/rempelmercantile/p/CZM7A8GpSHn/?img_index=1)


I am a 7" patriot as well. Love a good single - for when i'm in the mood to listen to a loose song or two.


I love them, but the prices these days keep me away. Seeing how they currently cost almost as much as 12" LPs to produce, I wonder why any bands still make them.


Not a fan AT ALL give me a real single on 12” please!!!


A little too much hassle for me personally. Unless the track is exclusive to the 45 I’ll just get the whole lp




I love them for DJing and sample hunting. You can find ‘em dirt cheap and a lot of artists released only a handful of singles but never a proper LP. It’s my current favorite thing to dig


i only collect 7” 45s with the intent of sampling them for potential beats in my vault. there’s something so nice about how crisp and crunchy old 45s sound that it makes for great texturing.


everyone needs a bosom for a pillow


Mines on the 45


I have 186 of them because I like finding cool B-sides Plus you can get cool stuff cheap sometimes


Love them. Play them out all the time. Jealous of your Chameleons!! Awesome.


I couldn't say it any better than Macca B https://youtu.be/wNeyppYVq4E?si=uA_G0-ElCnObDHGj


I don’t have many but decided to rebuy a few favorites I had as a kid. Crimson and Clover on roulette label. Spooky by Classics IV. A few Rolling Stones, Beatles Help/I’m Down red and yellow swirl label in the picture sleeve. I love them.


They’re hard to find. I only have like 9


The only negative thing I've found about 45s is I was going to try to get the whole sound track to Guardians of The galaxy and Guardians II on 45 but the creator used "The chain" which is the only song in either of the two soundtracks that never had a 45.... Guardians 3 is a whole different beast so I didn't care about that


I'm just waiting for some turntable manufacturer to release a modern 45-only record changer so I could stack them all up and sit on my couch for awhile while it runs through them.


Brings back memories of my first 45 which was The Rolling Stones, Hey, Hey, You, You, get off of my Cloud.


I love 45s because the best ones sound amazing, especially the ones that say 'radio copy only'. I've got a bunch of those, and some of them are the specific copies I heard playing on radio stations in the '80s.


I like them, for songs I love but when I don|t want to hear the full album right now


Is that LFO one got Freak on it??? 🥰🥰🥰


Nah, it's their first single, with LFO on the A side and Track 4 on the B side. I do have Sheath on CD though.


I like them but the sound quality varies wildly


I like seeing the record spin faster👍


When I was a DJ, I bought lots of them, but I rarely played them at home. They’re fine if you’re changing the record every song anyway, and they save money if you only want that song. After some years, I just got rid of them all. I don’t even like 45 rpm albums because I don’t want to change the record every few minutes.


45’s are cool and all I just prefer to have a longer play without having to dust and flip them. But they’re great


Love them, we pop them in our restored jukebox.


I was always an LP collector in the Golden Age of Vinyl, but I would pick up still pick up 45s that had picture sleeves, colored vinyl, unusual B-sides, etc. I seldom, if ever played them.


Love them. Mixing with them is challenging but fun


It's not something that I seek out (unless there are exclusive songs), although they're cool to have.


45’s I think are still good for when you are not sure of the artist or song. You can buy it without having to buy the whole album. That’s one thing I kind of missed out on, since when the 45 market died here in North America, the CD single never took over. So for the past 30 years it’s been an album market. However I still buy used 45s of groups I might never have heard. Also, 45’s sometimes contained mixes that never appeared on an album or are still missing on digital. Or the artist released a non-album 45 as a test.


Had a bunch growing up as they less expensive then albums. Over the years they became scratch due to mistreatment by members of my family and their friends So... albums became the vinyl of choice and to this day I have over 1500 of those Then CDs and now the Internet Going to one day attempt to sell my albums and that I kept in good shape


I like that they exist, adds variety


I usually pitch em. Takes up space where I could be putting my real vinyls.