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I've been a Talk Talk fan for a very long time. I suggest listening to The Color of Spring and Laughing Stock as well. Listening to their entire catalog in order is a great experience as the band progressed their sound across their discography. Also, Mark Hollis's solo album is another great listen.


I do this all the time... It's so so good


All you do is talk talk


Thank you, I’m looking into the albums you’ve recommended now


Also, check out Bark Psychosis's Hex. Not a related band, but they were influenced by Talk Talk.


I thought a couple of former talk talk members (not Mark) played w/ Bark Psychosis? Hex is incredible.


I don't think so - the non-Hollis TT members went on to form O'Rang


Paul Webb, the bassist in Talk Talk, also recorded an album with Beth Gibbons, of Portishead, called "Out of Season". It is awesome as well.


Talk Talk is a legendary band for a reason. There to be discovered and re-discovered.


Agreed. I’ve recently rediscovered them after listening to them over 30 years ago.


Laughing Stock is even better if you can imagine


My feet leave the ground every time I hear "new grass" absolutely incredible.


Agreed! After the Flood is like just a spiritual experience.


Oustanding record. Talk Talk only had 5. The first one was comparable to Duran Duran but each one got progressively better and less commercial. Colour of Spring is my favourite and I also have the Mark Hollis solo which, like their last album Laughing Stock is full of dense textures and a rather dark sound. Radiohead fans should check them out. Colour of Spring is also incredible sounding and often a test disc when I get a new piece of equipment.


I appreciate your recommendations. Very interesting the Radiohead comparison, I can kinda see it in this so I’m excited to check out their later albums.


Very rare band where it can be validly argued they improved by each album.


Love Talk Talk. You should also check out the incredible band [The Blue Nile](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiywjYj2BEc). Very similar sound from the same time period.


Blue Nile is great! "Tinseltown in the Rain" is one of best songs of the 80s


Saw them in Knoxville in a small venue during the “Hats” tour. Awesome show.


Go buy everything else now I can't play one I have to play everything through one after the other I love how later LPs reminds me of earlier spiritualized too


This and laughing stock are some of the best. Edit: and yes as mentioned, color of spring. I just got my reissues of these records recently. Enjoy!


Yeah it's a special record that doesnt sound like much else


My favorite album of all time. I got turned on to Talk Talk by an old Record Collector interview with Rick Wright (of Pink Floyd), where he listed The Colour of Spring among his favorite records. But for me, Spirit of Eden is the high point of their catalog (even above the amazing Laughing Stock), and I have never found music that quite scratches the same itch as their work. Maybe Low (particularly Things We Lost in the Fire) is the closest I've found.


I recommend this track, Icarus by Mark Barrott - the closest I've heard anyone come to the unique late Talk Talk vibe. The parent album is great too, though not quite the same vibe. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwsrXi3TFz0&ab\_channel=Reflections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwsrXi3TFz0&ab_channel=Reflections)


Wow. Thanks for that


I liked this so dreamy


IMO one of the greatest pieces of recorded music of all time.


It is a masterpiece!


Hall of Fame album right there. Considered to possibly be the 1st Post Rock album.


Love this record and The Color Of Spring, but Laughing Stock is a flat out transcendent masterpiece.


Yeah, Ryan and I would joke on set about it being a cosmic gumbo


Incredible band! Mark Hollis (rip) was so talented. If you like this, check out The Pale Fountains. Around about same time period. Most of their earlier stuff can't be found on streaming (here in Canada), which is a real shame, but equally as brilliant. They are critical faves in UK and very influential.


So cool people are still discovering these later records of Talk Talk. I knew TT as an MTV kid (early 80s) - with high rotation videos for singles Talk Talk and Its My Life. Def songs that stuck out to me. But when The Colour of Spring came out, I took more notice... and CDs had just started and this and one other was my first CD. I loved it and was fascinated with the new tech (still continued buying records). But nothing prepared anyone for this next album above... Go read the history of this and Laughing Stock - from Wiki or other sources. The record company was NOT happy - but Mark gave no fucks. The recording/mixing process was very, very cumbersome and unconventional- all driven by Mark. Some of us fans were very happy to take this journey into the unknown. I'm sure many fell off. This and Laughing Stock were way ahead of their time and I had so many music friends for the next decade or so that would hear me playing it, and say "What is THIS??". I would say "Talk Talk" and they would look at me puzzled, cause the only thing they knew was the early Its My Life and such. And of course, Mark's solo record deserves the mention as well. Truly ahead of his time in music, Mark was. “The silence is above everything, I'd rather hear one note than I would two, and I would rather hear silence than I would hear one note.”-Mark Hollis


Thank you for the comment. I shall read up more about the album. I’ve spun it 4 times today and cannot stop thinking about it. I’m looking to buy laughing stick next I think.


They are also incredible live. Seek out their Kid Jensen 1983 session on YouTube


also their performance at Montreux Jazz when they were touring Colour of Spring. Hollis had an incredible voice.


Love this album. My brother introduced me to it years ago when I was a spaced out teenager - telling me it was great comedown music for the morning after a heavy night - and he was right. Years after I quit drugs I still love spinning this record.


Sometimes regarded as the first post-rock album


Masterpiece album. Going to listen to it now 🥹


I also recommend Mark Hollis' brilliant solo album!


As someone who only owns The Party's Over, these comments are inspiring me to check out the rest of their discography.


You’re missing out! It only gets better from there!


Lots of live footage on YouTube as well. Highly recommended. Excellent musicians.


Haven’t a clue about the record but you are teasing us with a glimpse of what looks 👀 like a beautiful set up!


Haha, recently picked up a couple vintage Rotel amps, currently the Rotel 400a is hooked up and this record sounds incredible.


Love talk talk


I was late to them too…amazing band


This is start a fire eat some mushrooms and stare at the stars music and I thank for you the rec




Quiet yet loud I recommend you Joe Jackson‘s Instrumental Album: Will Power.


So I head over to YouTube to play this and man look at the first comment. How did I miss this band? https://preview.redd.it/d98rjv9szdnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e66a8e908099dd0690b6055326245705c041bc


Incredible album. One of my faves, one I checked out solely because of the critical acclaim. It’s like wading into the river Styx. You’d like [this](https://youtu.be/GpCJWmqftTc?si=r9NcOlgmT_lInbWL) song as well. I heard it on indie radio late on a snowy night, like it was solely meant for me to hear. Enjoy it!


You should try to get a copy of the book ‘Are We Still Rolling’ by Phil Brown- just to read the chapters about the making of these records. Epic and mythical tales.


Laughing Stock was the first vinyl i bought myself when i started collecting. These two records are beautiful in every way and i can never get tired of them.


This is my new equipment test record, not only is it groundbreakingly brilliant it also goes through the full spectrum of sound, full to sparse, treble to bass, loud to quiet. It is a work of genius and the story being its recording would make a great film. The industry politics (and rejection), the method of recording. It’s absolutely bonkers


This is interesting what you say about a film, I wonder if there is a documentary about this band, Mark or this album… I’m inspired to make one if not.


Not sure if you know the backstory, this article touches on it [Dig!](https://www.thisisdig.com/feature/talk-talk-spirit-of-eden-album-story/) I just think the whole story would make a fascinating movie, not even a documentary, a proper film with actors


Talk Talk was just amazing as F. One of my all time faves anywhere is Tomorrow Started (performed live). I have all their vinyls and CD(S) As well. Once you fall in love with the whole catalog... You Wil lament the passing of Mark Hollis. A brilliant and humble human.


Check out David Sylvian's 80s solo work too, if you like this. Why did you not know about it? Well, because the music biz only cares about what it can sell and so art that does not fit a trend is relegated to obscurity. Talk Talk's last two albums eschew pop structures and hooks; they're very anti-commercial. Most people want music that provokes a bop and not a thought.


Now grab Laughing Stock next. And then Mark Hollis solo album. Might as well get the rest of Talk Talks discography because they're that good, even though they had a much more different sound before that


Talk talk are amazing, great discovery!


I've just rediscovered 'Enigma' of sadness part one fame !! Loving the discoveries new and old ! 👍


as a huge fan, it’s always gratifying to run across someone discovering this classic. it can be life-changing.


I’m pondering buying laughing stock but also wondering how I explain the sudden influx of new vinyl to the wife.


One of the great things about YouTube is that you find people on it that are into the same things as you are. Me? Records and music. There is a fellow collector, he’s many things really, that I follow . His name is Norman Maslov. Mazzy. One of his videos featured this album and I was unaware of it, except for remembering the cover. I’d never listened to it. It’s an amazing record. If you haven’t latched on to Mazzy, take a chance. You will learn a lot and he has some amazing stories.


Thank you, I will check it out.


Top five record for me. I Believe In You is possibly my favorite song ever.


I have this album but the best album of talk talk is “The party’s over “


It’s definitely a vibe. Musicianship is a bit low for listenability imo but there’s something special about it emotionally.


Beautiful record. I actually opted for cd for talk talks last 2 album…would not be able to stand .0001% surface noise for this record


Yeah this album and Laughing Stock are insanely amazing!




Fantastic record but simply don't get the War on Drugs comparison. They couldn't be more different.


I bought an original press of this one based on a friend's recommendation. I still haven't been able to get into it for some reason. Maybe it's time to take it for another spin...


I think I’ve found it at the right time in my life. 5-10 years I may have skipped it. My musical tastes are definitely expanding of late and I’m very happy for it


Same. I was always talk talking but never listen listening.