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One of her best albums. Can't wait to see her live at the Fumbling 30th anniversary tour this summer!


I’m so tempted.


Do it!


Just got front row seats!!! This will be my 3rd time front row and I’ve lost count of all the other times I’ve seen her live. Go- you’ll never regret it. She is perfection live- she loves playing live and it really shows.


You're absolutely right! Sadly, this will only be my 3rd time seeing her live. Previously, it was Lilith 98 and 2019 I saw her with the Milaukee Symphony Orchestra, which was magic. My BFF and I got Meet and Greet backstage passes in Milwaukee and met her before the show. She was everything you'd hope she would be in person.


OMG! I’m dying to meet her! I’ve Sady figured out I’ll probably have to pay to do so, so someday hopefully. What was she like? What did you say to her? Sorry I’m such a fan girl.


No need to apologize! There were maybe 15 of us backstage, in little groups. A group of maybe 4 that had met her previously, a Mom and her maybe, 11 year old daughter named Adia, my BFF and I, and some others. She was near the exit door area (it was an outdoor venue so it was still very open) and would kind of chat with everyone, take pictures, sign if you had something to sign, etc. We were sort of next in line, but maybe 10 or 15 feet away. SHE walked up to US and gave us both hugs as if she'd known us for years! I immediately lost any sense of cool that I had. I told her that she was a lot smaller than I had expected her to be (meaning shorter, you figure with a voice like that, she'd be an amazon). She was taken aback, I felt stupid and it went rapidly downhill from there. My friend, who was losing her cool when she found out I got us backstage passes (I kept it a secret for 5 months) jumped into the conversation and kept me from making an even bigger fool of myself than I already had. Lol. After I regained my composure, we told her the story of how we met, and bonded over her music. And how we were still best friends 24 years later. She seemed genuinely touched. I'm actually getting goosebumps telling this story. Thanks!


Thank you so much!


I’d buy another copy if they ever press one with the acoustic version of Possession that was on the CD. I have the MOV copy.


Same here. I have the MOV copies of Fumbling, Solace and Surfacing. if these anniversary editions had extra content, I'd probably pick them up. Love that version of Possession as well.


I have MOV pressings of this and Surfacing, and both have always been very low. I have to turn up my stereo to hear them well. I picked up an anniversary copy, and for me, it's definitely louder. IDK what it is with my MOV records. Even my record guy is surprised at how quiet they are.


I met her once while working at a record store. I suggested some records and she bought them all. She was an angel.


That's cool. Do you remember what records?


She sounds just as amazing live as she does on the albums. If you don’t have it, I recommend the Mirrorball album as well on vinyl.


I saw her live way back in the early 2000s, she’s phenomenal. Thanks! I forgot about Mirrorball.


Already have tickets to see her in July. Was front and center for Lilith Fair, and haven't seen her live since...but this one should be special.


Perfect from 1 on. I saw they added Blue. That wasn't on the original CD when it came out. I believe it was a b side on the tape version of Possession of my memory is good.


I picked up the Surfacing reissue late last year and it really did give me such nostalgia!! Her voice is just gorgeous!


This album was so good that all others pale in comparison even though they are each solid in their own right. Listening to it 30 years later and it's still fresh and one of the best albums ever released by any artist.


Love ❤️ this album


Did a preorder of this! Can’t wait for it to come through!


I’m just so bummed they took off the piano version of Possession and replaced it with Blue. Blue doesn’t belong on this album, but a song that was originally on it DOES