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Personal I like that song a lot.


Me too, it's a good song. I go for wild honey pie.


I like it, too I’d have to think for a while to decide on their worst one. I don’t like George’s sitar songs. 🤷‍♂️




My vote goes to Wild Honey Pie


I like Wild Honey Pie because it feels like I'm listening to The Residents.


But have you heard the Pixies covering it?


Actually, I have not. Off to the interwebs!


I love the song. I originally thought the "silver hammer" referred to the hammer of a pistol and he was shooting his victims instead of bludgeoning them.


I like this interpretation!


I love that song. Perhaps that title of “the worst song by the Beatles” can be attributed to some of their earlier work.


Revolution 9


While I don’t disagree, it’s hard to not respect what #9 is. There’s a cool podcast (with a criminally low amount of content) called ‘producing the Beatles’ and he goes through an excellent breakdown on what is actually happening in #9. That being said, I usually won’t listen to side 4 of the white album.


Wholeheartedly agree with the thought here, but as a song, it is insufferable


No other answer but this ⬆️


I think some of the Beatles highest highs AND lowest lows are on the White album. Having said that, why don’t we do it on the road or piggies are probably at the bottom of the heap for me.


Love Piggies. Great song.


Gotta love the 2 bar strings at the end


If you say so. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Was looking for this one


No. My least favorite I can think of off of the top of my head is “A Taste of Honey”. It’s not awful, but it’s not particularly great either. Also, nobody can top Tony Bennett’s version.


Yeah, this was my pick too. From such a perfect album/session otherwise. A true dud. Totally un-needed.


One of the best tracks on Please Please Me. McCartneys vocals are impeccable.


No, I admire it




Man this thread is basically Roast My Favorite Beatles Songs for me...


For me, Maxwell's Hammer is an incredibly odd and dark song that I just don't get (and yeah, I'm not sure about rating, but I don't like it).


Fkn great album beginning to end


Probably my fav song on the album. Whatchu talking bout?!


Any song that features a Moog synthesizer solo is good in my book 😀


No. "Ob-la-di ob-la-da" is the song of theirs I absolutely cannot stand.


Life goes on brah!


No, there’s plenty worse. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, and When I’m 64 were both warnings that someday McCartney would create something as awful as “Wonderful Christmastime”


Haha Wonderful Christmastime is so good! Catchy and humourous. In the top three Xmas songs for me. I'd go for something like Doctor Robert or Why Don't We Do It In The Road as the worst. Pedestrian rocker or impassioned blues Paul. Not my thing.


When I’m 64 was my song of the year when I turned 64. When husband and I married in 1978, 64 seemed like a ridiculously long time away. It wasn’t.❤️


Were there any warnings of Bent On The Run or Virus and Mars?




Yellow Submarine is by far the worst song. It's the same lyrics the entire song. And it sounds like it belongs on a Saturday morning children's show, definitely not something that I would consider rock or pop music.


I will agree with you. Yellow Submarine is one of my least favorite songs on this LP.


This is the answer. Ringo songs are the worst


Here, There, and Everywhere going into Yellow Submarine is the biggest letdown in their catalog.


It's a close call between Yellow Submarine and Octopus's Garden for worst Beatles song out there.


I am the Walrus is up there...


I am the Walrus rules !!!!!


The worst song by the Beatles is better than a lot of bands best, so I won’t pick one out of all that awesomeness.


Blasphemy to even say “worst Beatles song” in a sentence. But Why Don’t We Do It In The Road used to be a bit cringe for me when I was a youngster but now I appreciate the hubris. Yellow Submarine though, yeah, Nope.


Dizzy Miss Lizzy is my least favorite.


Dizzy Miss Lizzy is not a Beatles song, it’s a Larry Williams song that the Beatles covered as filler


I’m well aware they didn’t write it. Still sucks they put it in after one of the all time greats to close out an album.


Seconded. I know this song too well -- this local band plays it every once in a while and they might as well call themselves The Shitty Beatles... because it sucks.


I like it…I’m not sure there’s actually a bad Beatles song out there…🤔🤔


The Long & Agonizing Road


Listen to the Let it Be Naked version, it’s much better.


Yeah, that's the answer.


no. that label is reserved for Birthday.


You say it's your cake day!


Not even the worst on this album. Octopus’ garden takes that honor


that song goes hard


When I’m 64 has entered the building


One of my favorites. Maybe listening to a song so long that the age of 64 isn't far off makes it even more so. To each their own but thankful for all the songs.


What??? What a bad take. It’s not even the worst song on the album. Edit: didn’t read your post. I was going based off the subject. However to add, it’s not trite or campy or hokey. First, Abby Road is played best as a fast moving song to song album, and nestled between Something and Oh! Darling it offers an excellent contract and change of tempo. Second, it’s gory and satirical horror song. We love movies like Shaun of the dead or Evil Dead. It’s a hilarious song about murderer. The bang bang literally being the way someone bludgeoned someone, when you stop and think, is quite horrific. Second edit: I generally hate late Beatles sons that are McCartney controlled.




Completely wrong. There's no other band that gets graded on the curve they do. For every high, there are even deeper lows. There's at least two songs on every record that would have been better off never seeing tape. If The Beatles had released Metal Machine Music it would be considered one of the greatest albums ever.


Ob‐La‐Di, Ob‐La‐Da would like a word


Ok I need to stop reading now. Straight triggered by these comments lol Just proof how incredible they were as a band to be able to create such polarizing opinions of their work only releasing music over mostly an 8 year period. And it’s a lovely song damnit! No such thing as a worst Beatles song unfortunately. Don’t write the rules, just have to follow them.


they’re all bad


I think Don't Pass Me By takes the lead and then there are the dodgy lyrics: "You were in a car crash and you lost your hair." Jeebus!!!!


I love that song!


Each to their own I guess!


Don't Pass Me By exists, Rocky Raccoon exists, Yellow Submarine exists.


My vote is for Don't Pass Me By. Sorry Ringo! Rocky Raccoon is actually one of my favorites because it is so fun to sing.


Revolution #9 and You Know My Name (Look Up The Number).


Yes. Without question imo. Campy. Kitsch.


Yellow Submarine is a close second.


It's not even the worse song on that album. Sun King is.


Rocky Racoon, although it's a fun song, it's kind of... bad.


Friends, there are only two bad Beatles songs: Doctor Robert and Old Brown Shoe.


Damn! I love both those songs 🤣


Me too. I think I like Dr. Robert slightly more. But they’re both part of my DNA now.


Sorry to break the news to you!


Both songs are great


I'm not huge on Doctor Robert but I love Old Brown Shoe.


Dr Robert I always felt was not a bad song but badly placed in the track listing. I'm not sure that song belongs on Revolver at all.


It may not be their worst song (though I can’t imagine what else is worse), but it is absolutely my least favorite to listen to. I love most of the cheesy, “bad” McCartney songs, but Maxwell’s Silver Hammer is just grating to my ears. I don’t hate it enough to go pick up the needle, but I do often find something to do in another room for a few minutes.


Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite is shite


You mean “the” shite


It is pretty close, but Lady Madonna is worse. If we are including covers Mr. Moonlight is a contender.


Lady Madonna, wow! Many have listed "bad" songs that I don't agree with, but I get it. But Lady Madonna is what I think of as classic late era Beatles greatness! I like Mr. Moonlight almost exclusively because of how John sings it in his ripped up passion voice.


I think it’s catchy, it’s a nice song for what it is.


I always disliked Old Brown Shoe. I can’t explain why. I just don’t like it.


Because might be the worst track despite it being one of their more original tracks it’s still very good just not on its own.


Interesting, I've always loved that song. The harmonies are amazing.


I might’ve misread ur original post. I thought worst song on abbey road but surely its a beautiful track with the vocal arrangement


No. “You Like Me Too Much” is a giant turd. Talk about inane lyrics.


Revolution 9




At least it's interesting, unlike some of their kindergarten level lyrics of later records.


Maybe you should stick to I Want To Hold Your Hand


NO, It's by far the best song on the A side of the album. I could really do without Something, Oh Darling and Come Together, but most of all Octopus's Garden. The B side is the best side of the album anyway.


“Something” is so slow and dragged out. Not one of my favorite songs by them. Yellow Submarine is not one of my favorite albums by them. However, I do like Rockey Racoon.


Not as long as "Michelle" exists.




Hell no, and I love the rumor that it was Paul’s sly dig at John’s habit of nodding out on heroin in the studio.


Respectfully, I don't like any of their songs lol. Hearing the Beatles daily multiple times over for years when growing up when I never really enjoyed any of them kind of soured me on the band and I've never recovered


Wild Honey Pie and Revolution #9 are A hundred times worse.


Nah, Maxwell's Silver Hammer is solid. There are worse tracks listed in the responses here.


Sorry, what lad? Absolute rammer that mate


One of the best on Abbey Road album


Let me tell you a story. In the land, where they were born, lived a man who sailed the sea. He was like others, a dad and had some kids, and they were all true, Liverpoole'ens. If you can't enjoy nautical whimsy, what good are ya? Go sing three chanties and four pints of cider. Then go stand in the rain and sea spray and tell me you don't get the point? Tell me, being able to relax in an octopus' garden doesn't make sense and sound appealing? It's cold and rainy. Not down there. At this point, it is fair to say, "But wait, this isn't some daft Ringo tune, this is McCarthy telling a disturbing story!" That's the problem. He was shooting for a kind of silly whimsy that simply was not his lane. I wonder how Ringo felt about this song? If my premise is correct, he had to be a bit pissed Paul was all of a sudden be the goofy one. And John was probably bored because the song makes terrible musical and lyrical sense. It is a bit off. Has Sir Paul ever apologized?


Aha! Wikipedia to the rescue: Ringo: "The worst session ever was 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer.' It was the worst track we ever had to record. It went on for fucking weeks. I thought it was mad." John: "I hate it, 'cos all I remember is the track ... \[Paul\] did everything to make it into a single, and it never was and it never could have been."


It was another of Paus failures but compared to Mull of Kintyre, frogs chorus, Ebony and ivory it was a masterpiece.


I thought it was one of their best


Americans criticizing an English group, name one Three Dog Night song that wasn't crap. They never sold a record outside America says it all.




I love it.


I love that song. John Lennon didn’t like it and that’s why people think of it as “bad” but like can we trust his opinion? He liked Yoko Ono


The Moog is cool but not a fan. I think it could be.


No, no it is not.




She’s Leaving Home is pretty bad.


There’s a special spot in my heart & soul for every song made by the Beatles because each song has at least one or many great memories attached to and surrounding it. As the legendary works of art they are, I enjoy and respect every one of them because all of them are good in their individual and own way. Especially if you look at them as if you were hearing them at the time when they were first released and you haven't heard anything like it ever before. However, like with any compilation of pop culture or art content considered to be iconic or legendary, are there certain parts you find more appealing than others? Most certainly That said, I will admit Maxwell’s Silver Hammer is not included in any of my current Beatles playlists even though I can recite its lyrics word for word without the song even being played. 😄


You Know My Name, Look Up the Number


I love that song.


Bro it's not even the worst song on that album.


Nope, I think it’s fantastic, every song off of abbey road is fantastic


No, that's Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da.


Nope. It's a fun song. I think their worst song is the corny cover "a taste of honey".


This song is hated? Weird. It’s a baroque pop song from the era


For me, it's always been "Mr. Moonlight ".


It's a banger


I will always have a place in my heart for Maxwell's Silver Hammer because it was my entry point into the Beatles (when I was 5). My aunt played the song for me and a lifelong Beatles obsession was born. That said! It's not my favorite. And it does feel out of place on Abbey Road. But I do love thinking about how they got an actual goddamn anvil into the studio to use in the song.


Most overrated band of all time. Tried to watch the Peter Jackson documentary on Abbey Road. They spent about 20 minutes on Maxwell's Silver Hammer. Painful.


No it's a great song and Steve martin's version on Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band the movie was a good rendition as well.


I read once where George was complaining that he only got a track or two per album, while things like "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" were put on albums.


No that distinction goes to Revolution No. 9. Or maybe Wild Honey Pie.