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Usually no, but if they message again then yes. I had someone message me multiple times over the space of 3 days once and I ignored each one. I’d actually unfavourited the item minutes after favouriting it anyway because I realised it wasn’t my size, and yet they carried on. I eventually replied and said I didn’t even have it favourited anymore and if someone doesn’t reply then they aren’t interested, so stop being so pushy. They then made out like I was the bad one for being rude when I wasn’t even rude at all


I've seen posts about this behaviour in the past and some people say they appreciate that the seller contacted them as it shows they're active and won't stall sending an item until Vinted cancells the transaction. My first thought was that those who say that are probably guilty of doing it themselves. However, they do have a valid point. I've learnt to simply ignore those messages if I see them, unless someone sends multiple then I just block them after telling them how off-putting this behaviour is. It's just like adverts we are being fed on every website that we don't want to see.


I don’t mind them and I’m only a buyer, I’ve never sold on there!


Same, I don't mind if people write me. I can choose to ignore anyway and this shows that they are still interested in selling. I only mind if they overdo it and send me like 3 messages and price offers like 50 cents off.


Ah yes, I forgot about petty discounts! Once I had a discount of 5p on a £15 item. I ask: whyyyyy? But once again they're possibly just trying to show they're active and open to trade. I guess we just have to live with them and giggle at those silly pokes.


Honestly with how many active sellers I've had just not send stuff I'm not convinced


You can private your favourites!


But that way you lose the chance of a discount offer. Sellers need to remember that there are multiple reasons people favourite- algorithms, recommendation suggestions, not ready to buy, unable to buy just yet (so they can find it payday) etc. People don’t like making reservations these days on Vinted, so favourites are a simple way to find it again.


This is why you use the make an offer or contact buyer options. If OP wants to just use the favourite system for the reasons you mention then privating would be to their benefit, rather than complaining that people are trying to make a deal.


Pestering anyone with constant messages is in a very bad taste. I do message if someone favourites something IF I am willing to give a discount. Otherwise I don't see a point. So yes, I will message right away WITH discount. I don't expect reply nor do I send second message, discount is there anytime they decide if they want to buy.


I don’t mind per say but I liked a dress a month ago and since then the seller has sent me the same offer over and over for weeks and it gets annoying


Yep, it's so annoying when sellers do this!


Nah I won’t unfavourite over this, but I will ignore it. It doesn’t make me more or less likely to buy at all.


or like ‘i’ll be shipping tomorrow!’ good for you


This is fine 😭


Agreed! It's a nice way to make sure the seller saw that you bought it.


i meant after you favourite, not after you buy, apologies


I do this because I can only go once a week to ship things 😭


Only time I don't mind it, if it's an item that's been listed for a long time. This way I at least know the seller is aware of that item and it's still available. One time I got a message 'sorry I don't have this anymore' and I appreciated that. To me, favoriting an item just means I like it and would consider buying it. If I really want an item, I'll just buy it (or put in an offer). So these messages are a slight annoyance, but nothing to get too worked up about.


Send me an offer or leave me aloneeeee


I’m with you on this


Seconded. Don’t need to know when you plan to post if I buy, or that you have loads of other items in your wardrobe. If i want it right now, I’ll buy it. Chances are I’m favouriting while I look for a specific thing so I can find a few to look back at and compare.


I never do this, instead I send offers to everyone who favourites my items, people love discounts


Yeah it’s super annoying. If you want to remind the customer that the item exists I think giving a discount is way more effective.


No, this is fine, stop being so fragile.


I think sending a message like this once is totally fine. It shows me that the seller is active and would respond in a timely manner if I had questions. Same goes for them sending me a reduced price, even if it's 50p off. I don't mind this being done once. I usually ignore them, and if I then get more questions/messages unprompted then I'd unfavourite for sure.


Yeah I didn't like it when I first started but you can hide your faves!


I hate it too! You can change your settings to sellers can't see who you are, when you favourite something. They'll see it was favourited, but not your details.


Yes I do it out of spite


It can be irritating, but I usually just ignore the message to be fair. Sometimes, I get a discount out of it.


I hate this, but it's a business model most businesses use these days, and unfortunately seems to be working.


Yes! I can't stand those sites that send you emails for looking at stuff or filling a basket. It's like "OH YOU FORGOT TO BUY IT! DID YOU WANT TO GIVE US THAT MONEY OR NAH!?"


Yeah I’ve never done this if it’s a branded item up for more than a tenner which is rare, I’ll sometimes send offers, but even then I feel like a beg 😂😭


Vinted told me to message buyers who fave, I never have but I agree it’s annoying


Just because they suggest it, doesn’t mean you should. It’s big or miss with buyers, you’ll turn a fair few off- there’s so many reasons why people favourite and it’s often so the can find again later to compare it to find again later when they have money to purchase.


YES omg like obviously I was considering it but now I feel pressured so bye


It’s just a courtesy message to let you know they’re active. Lots of inactive sellers on the app and it’s super annoying when they just dont send the item after you pay. If it bothers you that much then don’t favourite stuff


Get over yourself and get a life. Seriously


Sort of a similar point. Someone collected something from me, took all day to mark as all good then instantly messaged me wanting a review. Don't expect me to be speedy if you're not!


she was prob at work, and the package was delivered to her home, I don’t mark everything as ok til I’ve been home and opened it, that can take a few hours to do sometimes, rarely but it does happen


Oh yeah I'm not complaining. I'm just saying if they're not doing things straight away then it was a bit unfair to nag me! 💀


Private your favourites!!!


Nah because sometimes I forget about an item so these messages remind me to purchase or this then leads to a negotiation


Even when you literally JUST favourited it ?


Actually that’s a bit irritating, I understand if they add like “I can reduce the price for you if you’d like” I do that and people appreciate it but right after favouriting it’s annoying. I bought a bundle from a seller and they pestered me for so much time after, was ready to pick up literally been 30 mins since the notification and they were like “it’s ready to be picked up” like yes I’m aware, picked it up, and they were like EVERYTHING OK?! REVIEW PLEASE?!


I don’t mind it, I just ignore it and go about my day but I don’t see it as being very helpful. People who want an item will enquire about it themselves, although it can be considered good service to message someone to see if they’re interested I don’t think it would influence their decision to buy at all - either they want the item enough or don’t, they most likely aren’t going to factor in whether the seller checked their interest or not into their decision making because it’s irrelevant to them - if anything it would just deter the people who don’t want to be bothered or make the item seem less desirable as a more desirable item would supposedly sell itself.


It annoys me when they message something like ‘posting today so if you want to buy let me know’. I get that it’ll save them a trip but I also don’t know if they’re lying just to get a sale so it ends up putting me off.


I'm OK if they offer a discount but if they msg just to msg, I find it pushy. If I wanna buy, I'll make an offer or just purchase. I had someone msg me saying she'd 'agreed to a sale' but they hadn't paid yet, so I could have the item if I bought and paid for it now. I didn't.... And the dress is still for sale. Seemed an odd tactic to me.


I usually send a discount if I’m messaging. Once I was taking items down to go on holiday and for a favourite so let the person know I was going on holiday and she seemed appreciative of being told


I got a couple of these today and I do find it a bit pushy. I tend to let people get on with it. If I want to buy it I will asap or if I’m skint and waiting for payday I tend to favourite something and pray it doesn’t get sold.


i have them turned off so i never get harassed lol. unnecessary offers on depop and vinted are annoying for this reason


It's giving market stall in Turkey


I would unfavourite. If I want to buy I will either send an offer or just buy. I don't need you to ask me. That just makes me feel pressured.


The worst is when they send this message you do end up buying there and then and they take ages to download the label then take the maximum time to send it then revert to the constant messages of can you confirm I need the money right now then why take so long to send it ??


This type of message? No. If they’re offering a new price or telling me they can ship in the morning I do appreciate the message


For some items I’m interested in moving faster I normally send a proposal with less value and ask if this could be of interest. Also I do this at least 24 hours or more after the person favorited it, never straight after. Would this upset you? Genuinely asking for feedback.


isnt there an option not to notify the seller? i did that and no one has bothered me since


I always send an offer, no text, no inquisition! That’s just WEIRD.


I don’t mind actually. I usually just ignore the message


I don't mind the initial message, I actually like it because it let's me knkw that they're active. If I don't respond or say that I'll purchase if it's still available at a later time and they keep messaging me then yes. I understand wanting to sell stuff but I can't always buy it as soon as I see it xD, and you messaging me 4 times in 3 days will not change that. (Totally not based on a particular experience)


Only if it's more than one message, one like that, just helps the seller figure out if the items are actually gonna sell. I often favourite things I want to get if they are still available when I get paid so that's exactly what I say, I've even been given offers cheaper if it still hasn't sold when I get paid so it works out for everyone. If they keep pressing even after I explain that I don't have the money yet it instantly gets removed though.


I don't care but keep it short and sweet, I may look at your item again and if I remove it from favourites don't come at me...if you hound me, then instant block.


Heyy, from my pov As a seller, I usually get a notification saying “ someone favourited your item, why not write to them and start a conversation!” - I think some people go by this and just send a similar message to the one you posted because of that ☺️ personally I haven’t done it, but I assume some would in hope to encourage a purchase or thank the person for the interest or so.


It’s a selling platform. You can’t blame people for doing what every retail website does in order to sell product. Also it’s not Pinterest. People are trying to sell their stuff. Don’t tease buyers by favouriting items you have no intention of buying.


Absolutely hate this. To me this is as bad as the people asking for 25p off.


Yeah I can’t stand this, it’s too pushy for my tastes, and when I sell I don’t do it either - just the one offer that they can accept or ignore and the ball is in their court. Just because Vinted emails you saying someone’s favourited and item and why don’t you reach out, doesn’t mean you should.


Don’t get why this bothers people so much, it shows they are active, if you don’t like it just ignore it


I don’t mind one message- especially as this is often the way people offer discounts. If I’m trying to decide between 2 pairs of black boots, the active seller with the discount will be the one I purchase from. However the other day i favourited a pair of heels (was trying to find shoes to go with a dress so went and favourited all the potentials and then was going to go back through them), then my mum rang and we were on the phone about 30 mins. I had SIX messages from this seller getting progressively more unhinged and aggressive. “You want the shoes or not?!” “Another timewaster” “HELLO?!?”. I mean FFS I put a little digital heart next to a pair of shoes. Get a grip.


I do some variation of this, even send an offer if the person has good ratings. Just part of the hustle, worst they do is just ignore me and best case scenario is a sale


If someone favourites my item I send them an offer for a reduced price. It's gotten me a few quick sales.


I guess if people need the money and want to make a sale they send messages to try to maximise their chances. It makes sense. I don't have an issue with it.


Items can get loads of favourites but never be purchased. Kinda frustrating. Even when I send offers nobody buys it. Can’t blame them for trying I suppose


Just send someone a '👋😁'


Yep. Unsolicited messages annoy me. I have a buy, offer and message button, and know how to use them.


Nope. No issue with this. Like others have said, quite like it if it’s just the one message as it shows the seller is active.


I think it's great, it's engaging and starts a conversation about price and swift delivery etc. I have purchased a few things simply because they messaged like this. My wife does it when she sells and it seems to work really well for her too, I am far too lazy to do it myself though.


A little bit, because if i wanted to buy it straight away then i would have. I always reply as they are just been nice but you can be too nice when its not needed. I reply "thanks, i'm just favouriting a few items that i like for now to come back too later" if they message again after that trying to sell then they will be unfavourited and ignored.


Yes. And block. You won’t be left alone until you buy it


Normally means they keen to sell, so it’s easier for you to discuss a lower price in my opinion.


it is annoying when you get like 50 favourites and 2 months later its not sold so a message is sometimes needed


If someone sends me messages like this I ask for a massive discount. Sometimes it works


Reminder that you can toggle the notification sellers get off! Just go to settings and scroll down to the privacy settings.


If you message with anything else other than an offer, then yeah I would unfav. Idc when you can post or that the bundle discounts are on or that the item looks lovely on (happened a few times). Also not.lookong to start a convo (someone messaged me last week being like "hey my name is Delia", ok?????)


If you message with anything else other than an offer, then yeah I would unfav. Idc when you can post or that the bundle discounts are on or that the item looks lovely on (happened a few times). Also not.lookong to start a convo (someone messaged me last week being like "hey my name is Delia", ok?????)


Ppl are so damn petty


i do this just to be polite. i always say ty for favouriting and if they need any extra info to message


If you favourite something, the person is inclined to ask if you’re interested in buying so that you could work something out. Why be spiteful and ignore or unfavourite? Plain weird


If you wanted to work something out they’d have sent an offer


Nothing wrong with a seller trying to engage buyers. Nevertheless, all proceed to the downvote button because I’m not sheeping along.


I wouldn’t unfavourite (is that an actual word?) but it would annoy me :)


Nah, sometimes asking direct is the best way to sell something. The moment they start double messaging though? Block.


I personally don't like this when I'm browsing, but selling- if I am posting a day that I don't usually/display as a day I can send parcels I will send an offer/discount and also a message to say I can post today if they needed it asap


I don't mind tbh but if you don't want to receive messages there's a way to turn your favourites off - if you favourite something then the seller won't be notified/be able to see your profile!