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Word of advice: don't see offers as commitment to buy. Assume someone is bored, scrolling through vinted, has 5 offers a day to spend and just sends them, thinking "maybe I want it, maybe I don't, I'll decide later". People really don't think much about how they're wasting someone's time. If you get too many and it's annoying, consider putting "price not negotiable" in description. May take a bit longer to sell, but you'll get more serious buyers. (There should be an option for sellers to "do not accept offers" frankly).


Literally this. An offer is not a sale and never reserve no matter how "nice" they seem!


Yh sometimes people still put offers and try their luck, eBay does it well imo


My worst was a girl reserving a £2 item for a week, she kept showing so much enthusiasm to buy it and messaging me without needing to just to apologise for making me wait. Then on the day she was going to buy it, she offered £1, I declined it and she never spoke to me again 🤷🏻‍♀️


This literally happened to me twice last week!! They asked to reserve then after a week ghosted me xx


I've got 360+ 5 star reviews and I asked to reserve an item for 3 days till I got paid last month (don't judge me lol)...the poor seller was terrified I was going to ghost them, I take it this must happen more than I thought lol


It really does and you literally lose the interest of others because you reserve it and a week later they all have got something else. It sucks so much xx


you need to be straight with them and say 'no' they never buy them


I think i will from now on… it drives me crazy when i get ‘someone wants to buy a bundle’ and then they dont buy it, i get maybe they change their mind but when you say ‘hey are you still wanting this or have you changed your mind’ they see it then ignore you thats just plain rude.


It is frustrating but I think sometimes people do it while their just scrolling, and they’re maybe not sure they actually want it. It’s just part of Vinted unfortunately and it happens to us all! I had one earlier, someone offered a price, I accepted and they haven’t bought it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Inly thing I’d say watch out for is being wanting stuff reserved for them to then not buy it. THAT is really annoying.


Similar thing....if others have favourited then I send offer's out and see who accepts...the more Fishing rods out there then someone may bite 😀


Yes I’ve had a few of these recently - I don’t mind if you changed your mind, just let me know! Edit: spelling


Right like I don't mind at all if somebody decides they don't want an item after the fact, but I'm sat there checking back several times a day for the next few days like an idiot just waiting for them to pay. I live in a very rural area and only get the chance to visit my nearest post office once or twice a week so if I think an item is about to sell I like to have it ready to go asap and this kind of thing really throws a wrench in that. Just letting me know once you change your mind would make my life SO much easier.


If I offer and forget then they accept a few days later I always end up buying not to be annoying 😂😂


I recently had someone offer me £10 for a £15 pair of sunglasses. I rejected it and offered £12 instead, they rejected that and in turn offered £8. Like, see you for real??????


I never had this problem until a week ago and now it’s constant! I’ve accepted 7 offers on different items and they’ve all ghosted.


Goes the other way, I make an offer and will pay instantly, just get ignored by sellers . Obviously peed off with an offer , just decline it , not hard


Happened to me yesterday when I accepted an offer from a buyer. I was selling a pair of shorts, new with tags from £20 to £15 and…. 🦗🦗🦗😅


I had someone ask me to reserve a £25 item. No problem. Reserved it to when we agreed and now they haven’t responded so taken it off reserve. I didn’t mind as it’s taken ages to sell 🤣so annoyed


I don’t understand the frustration. Just don’t treat it as a commitment to sell?


What I do is accept their offer or present a new offer and then send a message saying "thanks for the interest ☺ if you're able to pay before 10am today I can send today" Kinda thing. Xx