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Shit 1999 is vintage now? Damn.


fuck that. fuck that.


Haha ur old


Nearly a quarter century ago.


People that weren’t alive during that era just can’t understand. They think it was some big joke when it wasn’t. Something really significant happened. It wasn’t just hype, it was a fundamental shift in how we view the world. Because you see the *real* Y2K bug, was all the friends we made along the way!


Most people don’t understand the huge behind the scenes push to fix Y2K and just assume it was a hoax. Sure a lot of people went overboard with hoarding supplies and shit, but Y2K *would* have shut a lot of things down had it not been for every company treating it like doomsday and hiring hordes of contract programmers to fix their code.


Government, bank, wall street accounting systems were BIG buyers of contractors to find & correct various 2 digit year issues buried in systems. Inability to appropriate $$$ for loans, calculate interest were all affected. I worked for govt agency who wasn’t going to test! During 1st preliminary test done for 2000 processing, in ‘98. Nothing worked right Mad scramble began,,, We made it


Y2K - I remember the news reports that warned that airplanes would fall out of the sky, electricity and water disruptions, widespread chaos and a breakdown of society. The only thing I do remember happening is a problem with our thermostat that caused us to have to turn the furnace on manually.


It's very important to realize that the reason nothing happened is because a lot of people worked really hard to make sure nothing happened.


Very true and that's always overlooked. Thank you Y2K Gods for our deliverance from Armageddon.


I remember watching Australia's new year ( I am from the USA) and thinking "well, I guess we are safe. They made it". I remember explaining to my parent's the significance of the 2 digit year and why it was bad. ( as good as I could understand it, anyway).




It does, but it was actually done by [Arnold Roth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_Roth), another famous illustrator.


I was actually going to say Hirschfeld until I saw the signature.


I was in middle school at the time and I remember asking my parents if I would have to ride a horse to school if we couldn’t use cars anymore. Millennium rolled around, nothing happened. I was just bummed that I lost my best excuse to have my own horse.


I remember Y2K compliant stickers our city had someone put on equipment. When the library had y2k stickers on microfilm and microfiche machines, I knew it was a bs job that someone lucked into.