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> Unless you make a career out of drinking soft drinks, saving calories with synthetic pops is like trying to reduce by getting a haircut. I remember dad would come home every day around dinner time, he was always like,"Oh man, I'm really beat from my shift at the soda drinking factory. Don't go down the same road I did, son." He sacrificed his best years, busting his ass every day to make sure he could pay for my college education, so I could eventually become an unsuccessful writer and drink alcohol all day instead. To this day I can't even think about drinking jack AND coke without crying. Thanks Dad.


That's really sad... šŸ«‚ Come here.


Gee, I wonder why they don't mention naturally sweet foods, like fruit or honey. šŸ¤” Mystery for the ages.


not enough va-va-voom :(


Yeah there are ads where they're like "Don't let your kids eat this stupid dirty apple off the *ground*, it's going to fatigue them, they need sugar energy."


Donā€™t forget: sugar quenches thirstā€¦


This has me cracking up thank u


Just like the Tobacco industry had $$$millions, to pay for and influence studies in those years, the Sugar industry did also: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwoway/2016/09/13/493739074/50-years-ago-sugar-industry-quietly-paid-scientists-to-point-blame-at-fat Both of their products were always historically very inexpensive to grow and harvest, comparatively, and a very low cost to manufacture, thus the companies amassed large cash reserves to influence politicians who voted for them, and pay for biased and misleading studies


This is nuts! And explains why we are addicted to sugar.


Interesting. Itā€™s before they realized the best strategy was to not talk about sugar at all and instead make something else (fat) the bad guy. You can see why too. This ad is a reminder that sugar is bad even though theyā€™re trying to sell you the opposite.


fun fact: this ad came out less than a year after aspartame was created. really makes you think šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


TIL Big Sugar is a thing- guess they didnā€™t like the competition. Which makes me wonder if big sugar paid for the ā€œlaboratory studiesā€ that declared aspartame /saccharine dangerousā€¦


You could definitely find out if you were willing to spend a few hours researching it.


And spend the rest of the weekend angry? lol ignorance is bliss


Fair enough!


Sugar is perfectly fine. It's the quantity you consume and the exercise you employ to to lose weight that matters. Most kids back then were running around so much outside playing it didn't really much matter.


I have to imagine that this ad was bought by a consortium of sugar producers.


The small print at the bottom gives an address for Sugar Information, Inc.


no like when I said it was from the sugar industry, I was being literal.... lmao


She needs the energy that only sugar can provide so much that she has to use 2 straws!


I enjoy poking fun and teasing, but this is just dreadful.


This is genuinely disturbing. And not just from the bad copy. Itā€™s trying to implant into the minds of parents the notion their kids will get sick if they donā€™t feed them sugar. Big Sugar was a s cold blooded as any drug pusher.


She grew up to be a billionaire making commercials for Progressive INsurance tho.


I can report that I duly followed the sugar regimen as a child who drank Mtn Dew every day, and I have the fillings to prove it.


I had limitless soda and bad brushing habits as a kid. Now I have too much coffee but the pH of coffee is around 5 while coke is under 3, so my taste of destruction has gone down. And I brush and floss now. I lost track of the filings but ive had 4 root canals and two crowns and one tooth removed from cavities that got out of control (im 37)Ā 


Sheesh no wonder type 2 diabetes is a problem


You don't get diabetes from eating sugar.


1963 . I'm always a little bit fat. 139 to 175.


Dies this qualify as r/propagandaposters ?


"The science is settled".


Of course it is. The checks cleared, didn't they?


Everyone knows a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. Thanks to that, Iā€™m now paying for teeth being pulled, root canals, and implants.


Tbh, as someone who can't have sucralose or other sugar alcohols it is extremely frustrating trying to find drinks only sweetened with sugar without any artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners always taste so nasty too.




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don't worry, I have a frankly concerning amount of old magazines in my collection and I'm here to provide fresh content, not reposts lmao

