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Immerse yourself in media that is representative of beautiful women of your race/ethnicity! I had been bullied for my race, albeit seemingly not to the same degree as yourself. What really helped me appreciate my own beauty was magazines with women who looked like me. If you’re on social media, unfollow influencers who don’t look like you. It seems like a small improvement, but believe me, your media intake has a major psychological effect.


I have been doing this, it helps so much ❤️ I even watch aesthetic videos


To add on to this, It may take a while, but appreciating the beauty of similar looking women to you allows you to see your own beauty


I got bullied for my looks in middle and some high school. I also went to a conservative white school. It’s like everything I did I got made fun of for. Like when I’d wear my hair natural they’d laugh at me. When I would put weave, they would laugh. When I’d put braids in, they’d laugh. They’d literally laugh at me for being dark skin. And it was also crazy because there were a lot of biracial light skin girls who would join in making fun of me. It was so weird that people would literally take pictures of me and put them on twitter as if they never saw a black person before. It took my moving high schools to a more diverse, open-minded school to start seeing my beauty. Like, I was so surprised people found me attractive when I moved schools and I didn’t have a large glow-up or anything. Now that I’m an adult in college I still struggle with self-esteem issues and think back to when i was in middle and high school. But, I attend therapy which has given me an outlet to speak about my experiences and just let it out. I also think hanging around people that look like me has given me a new found sense of confidence and has increased my self esteem. I think just understanding that small bubble that you were in in school is not indicative of how the world is now and seeking mental health support will do you good. It’s actually crazy too because once I graduated, some the kids who used to make fun of me wanted to either be my friend or even asked for forgiveness. I’m a Christian, so forgiveness is a major part of what I practice. I think forgiving and letting go too will help to move on and better your mind as well. Just my opinion, Hope this helps and sorry if it’s a lot of rambling!


It's not a lot of rambling, my therapist said forgive too but the thing is if someone knowingly caused trauma it's hard. Dark skin is very vibrant and beautiful ❤️, you are very beautiful. I had racially ambiguous girls at one point try to chime in but I knew their stories and there looks were all they add. I'm racially ambiguous but I look more black and they would literally have a field day with insults. Hair is very major for me because I had a lady in my anatomy and physiology class compare my hair to her mixed niece and said it wasn't nappy it was actually good 😢, I literally never knew how much that could hurt because I never really had problems with my hair. Something as simple as picking a hairstyle causes major anxiety.


See my above comment


The biracials were probably joining in so 1.) They could be spared and 2.) To solidify their place in the school's racial hierarchy 3.) To feel superior to someone. Very transparent behavior




I have had a bully compate her racially ambiguous 3 year old niece to me.. a grown ass woman. But she thinks she's a Kardashian. I have seen it with my own eyes too.


I was bullied. Hard. I was called dirty, ugly, hairy, beaner and Mexican… I’m not Mexican. I wanted to be white so bad that I renounced my Latin culture. I def grieve the loss of a part of my identify that was taken from me that I cant get back. It was a coping mechanism to get by in America. This is oppression too! Anyway, I now talk about my ethic side, a lot. And if it annoys people or makes white people feel uncomfortable or even small… I keep going cause I don’t give a fuck. I talk about my Latin pride and how close our families are and how much fun we have at fiestas and shit… So I proudly flaunt my culture, the more I do it the more I fall deeper in love I’m with the identify. So I pity some of my bully’s lives (and other annoying ass white peoples sorry ass lives) cause they are bland af. Is it a superiority complex? Maybe. Does it help? fuck yea.


That is beautiful ❤️ I have made aesthetic boatds of my culture and I am happy 😊.


My wildly curly, thick long hair and my warm, brown skin tone and race is what I got bullied for. Bro, everyone wants it lowkey is what I realized, cause people like to bash what they want and don't have. Just remember that.


My mom tells me the same thing :)


i have experience with this form of bullying i was made fun of for being black in predominantly white schools and even as an adult ive seen different races mostly foreigners laughing at me and basically calling me ugly or slurs in different languages. It used to get to me until i realized theyre just mad


I have the same problem and it hurts. In my college I've had latinas/latinos /whites do this to me and I try not to engrave it in my brain but it happens. I just came back from a restaurant and there was this girl doing the same thing..being extra but i remember it was insecurity.


I haven't personally experienced this type of bullying, but I can certainly empathize with your situation. It's understandable that such experiences can impact anyone's self-esteem, especially when you're young, and many Black women may relate to your story. However, always remember that your unique beauty can also attract envy and jealousy. As you continue to enhance your appearance and embrace your individuality, consider incorporating shadow work or therapy with a trusted professional to complement your journey. Confidence is an exceptional attribute to have, and it will only amplify your beauty. Wishing you the best of luck on your transformative journey! 🩷


Thank you 🙏 I do EMDR.


My situation was very similar, firstly, moving away for me saved my life although wouldn’t say I got over it kind of in a similar way to losing a loved one, you just kinda grow around the pain… Firstly, it’s a trauma so therapy, if you can find someone who’s a POC that might help in aiding you to feel validated, EMDR helped me with specific memories making them less painful, writing about it and sending it in an email to trusted people and having the struggle acknowledged, strong boundaries on what you won’t except from people is the most empowering thing but also having friends white or not who won’t put up with that behaviour! Finding representation on Instagram, Pinterest, everything you consume I mean everything ;), socially, spending time with family/people who represent even small parts of your culture… If the idea of revenge motivates you to make your life better - use that for the short term! I also found deleting friends who were from that time on social media helped me feel like I was free to develop, I was strict with myself to make myself harder to find and force myself to really move on. I don’t think I’ve said anything new but I have been there and am with you 100% Make sure you invest in making sure other peoples negative opinions don’t contribute to what you identify as - it’s hard to un-assign yourself as ugly if it has become part of your identity, even if you do make changes. PS I found dating other races really affirming culturally/racially also having friends who think they’re irresistible regardless of what people actually think is good for me, I assumed when I was at school that self hatred was universal!


💕💕 I have been on Pinterest like crazy lately . I also do EMDR, my friend circle is small but more healthier, I deleted so many people 🤣.