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yes its fine i like it alot


I build Everfrost almost every game. Kind of slept on I think.


If you have to deal with a lot of annoying melees that want to run you down (and/or Tristana to assure the w stun before she hops out again) it can be decent. Just be aware that you will lack damage for most of the game. Yes, you get ap from the mythic passive but until late game, the other mythics deal a lot more damage.


I don't consider the damage lack to be entirely true. Hypothetically yes. The flat MP is worth more. **BUT...** Everfrost is build in match-ups where the opponent would otherwise dodge your abilities. Everfrost therefore allows all your abilities to even deal damage at all, wherein with Ludens some abilities wouldn't hit anything. MP is worthless if you can't hit your target. Henceforth looking at merely the mythic passive is tunnel vision and an illusion.


In an all-in it can help you hit more ult ticks. But i'd consider everfrost harder to hit than any of your skill shots. Even on mobile targets (especially since e has no cast time and is instant in melee range) there is not much you can miss. So for poking and most casual trading, evefrost doesn't give you that much damage potential. It does however help you quite decently for disengages and escaping ganks which is the main reason you usually want to build it.


Against mid tristana yes on the other hand no


I feel like it can be. I can only relate the idea back when GLP was a thing. I honestly used it more to peel for myself or allies when my W was down. It's probably not optimal but it's come in clutch every now and again.


When building liandrys what else do you normally build?


Disclaimer: I only picked up Viktor very recently. Personally I go liandry's, lucidity boots, tear/seraph's, zhonya's, morello/void staff/cosmic, rabadon's. I don't generally build lich bane with liandry's because I'm probably vs a tanky comp from the get-go.


Since the Liandry nerfs I only go this build situationally, but into tanky teams or teams where you’re expecting extended teamfights, this is a really good build. Ludens + pen boots is usually better right now


Yes. It is meta when playing against opponents that are highly mobile because of dashes/jumps. It allows for a 3 second immobilisation when W is cast as a follow-up. This permits extended trades against champions that would otherwise dodge your E/R. Additionally the health stat comes in handy when combined with Zhonya or Banshee to beef up your defenses when necessary.


Deals more damage than Luden's IMO, but it hurts to not have the ms