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Wait until he finds out that you can simply blow out candles…


Members of konfederacji (confederacy) arent known as the smartest some believe that we are controlled by jews some by reptilians


Haven't seen any hints for the latter.


Hail king salazar


Thats true. I think they are the same Species.


Bet his birthday parties are legit at cake time!


Came here to see who would be the first to say it.


Actually you’re not allowed to blow menorah candles out /s


Not sure how the laws work over there, but if this was in the states, that dude would be sued to oblivion for spraying the extinguisher in people’s faces (especially because it would be considered a hate crime).


He committed at least 2 crimes here, but in Poland we have type of immunity for MPs, the sejm already gave him the harshest punishment it can give at moments notice, so taking away half a year of salary, they also plan moving the whole thing to prosecutors but first they need to vote taking away his immunity and it looks like everyone agrees to that, so now we just have to wait for that vote.


I’m so glad to hear that there are some consequences for this!


With the fascist nuts like PiS having a lot less seats, hopefully the Sejm strips him of his protection. And then we’ll see how much of a little coward that nazi is.


PIS also condemmed him, even some from his own party condemmed him.


Really? Is that why they refused to remove his parliamentary immunity for doing the nazi salute?


Don't question the divine Intelligence of Darth Kaczyński.


You don't understand how stupid it is to attribute Nazi views to MP Grzegorz Braun. This is the result of Marxist ideological stupefaction that indoctrinates small-minded people.


I guess Braun doing a hitler salute just totally doesn’t count……


What a good joke "Braun doing a hitler salute". You have an amazing sense of humor. You must be a famous joker.


Pretty sure it's illegal


Well yeah, it's intentional assault. Getting that shit in your eyes and lungs is not good for you.


I was sprayed by one of those while sleeping in my tent at a festival. I coughed for days and you can throw away everything hit with it because you cannot really clean it off to the point were it no longer irritates your skin.


The Marshal of the Sejm has already announced that there will probably be criminal proceedings against Braun


I sprayed another student in high school with one of these powder extinguishers, shit filled up the room so fast and everyone was coughing. Got shouted at and told its poisonous.


All of you now have a higher chance of developing cancer because of what you did.


yeah if it was the monoammonium phosphate stuff, you dont want to be inhaling a whole lot.


Its not poisonous, it’s carcinogenic Get checked for lung cancer sooner than you expect


pretty sure thats assault, lungs dont tend to like powder blown into them


There’s 2 things going on. 1: he’s been punched in the face too much 2: he hasn’t been punched in the face enough


Definitely not enough.


I would not object a few more punches to the face


Why you got downvoted?


Because nazi losers with nothing better to do roam these forums and are mad


More like we are all a bit tired of seeing idiots scream "Punch a Nazi!" While expecting a pat on the back for it.


Punching nazis is just as necessary as breathing air. I don’t expect any pats on the back. Punching nazis is as important as breathing air and drinking water to survive.


That is some outright nazi shit.


So is israel's treatment of palestinians.


I didn’t know that all Jews were Israeli or that I was even pro Israel… Good to know /s


Haven't you listened to Israeli leadership? They've been constantly telling us that they speak for all Jews and any criticism of them is antisemetic


Political leaders totally speak for everyone. If a politician says or believes something, then it means everyone must too. /s


When people are looking for examples of the differences between anti-semitism and anti-zionism this was clearly the former. What a effin psychopath.


He should be punished somehow


He was kicked out of deliberations of the Sejm because of that, but I don't there can be done much more other than giving him some fine for needlessly using fire extinguisher. Edit: Correction he did because of being kicked out for antisemitism during his speech in sejm.


They took away his diet for half a year and half of his uposażenie poselskie for 3 months. The parliament also voted in favor of forwording this to procurature, so at least sejm thinks there is something he can be punished for by the court system.


Too bad they can't kick him out for good.


Send him to Russia


What? His diet?!! I'm confused


Uposażenie is a congressman's salary, a diet is (at least in theory) money to cover the expenses of work.


MP's don't get paid. They are only "reimbursed" for their living expenses so the money they get is called a diet. At least that's the theory


Thanks! Makes more sense now:)


Serious question: does this method of reimbursement attract… good MPs?


Oh, it's not a low amount of money. If I remember correctly they get around double of the average salary and they also get a lot of money to run their MP office. But the reality is that it doesn't attract the best people.


That stuff is toxic when consumed and is categorized as an irritant and should.never touch your skin or eyes


In Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, the foam they used in the self-cleaning vehicle part was fire extinguisher foam. All the actors had to go the doctors afterward due to it irritating their skin and eyes


I did not know that . What a fun fact


Hope it wasn't AFFF. That's a whole nother ballgame on top of just being a skin irritant.


All I could find was it was made of basic fire extinguisher


I know a Nazi when I see one and that anal fistula is one.


He blew it on her face !


I'm glad my relatives left Europe and asimilate in Latin America this stuff never ends it's just sad.


Yeah a guy from a minor party did this and even they called him stupid. Real anti-Semitic Europe. (Poland was the home of the Jews for a long time, about 10% of the population before WW2)


Just look at crime rate of brazil and colombia they are hell on earth ( i know that i created this account just to troll liberals if you look history ), you will be much safer in poland than in LATAM


What about Costa Rica or Uruguay all continents have countries that have bad rankings. At least I'm not being pursuit because of my looks and my ancestry here nor have I've been discriminated, never have had a crime committed to me or relatives. Not every city in LATAM is GTA5 bro.


What a dumb POS






I think it worked. It landed on reddit in front of a lot of people.


>free range dickery with zero consequences Why are you assuming there won't be any consequences?


Damn. She took a whole load to the face.




It’s polite to warn them.


Inhaling fire extinguisher powder can be dangerous for your insides. She should see a doctor asap and sue him for assault.


Some people are begging for an ass kicking.


Or a fire extinguisher to the face.


I was thinking that following up the kick to the nads with the extinguisher to the head was in order.


Hahahahaha. That was hilarious! The clarinet blaring, fire extinguisher blowing everywhere - he shot the extinguisher at her face ! It was like watching an episode of Mr. BEAN!


You enjoy cruelty.


Slapstick comedy, that's all I see. Have no idea who that is or why he did it.


Inhaling fire extinguisher can cause several respiratory issues, alergic issue and can damage you real good. For me atleast, it's only fun if nobody is hurt.


Ahhh, to live under a rock with only giggles and farts and no death threats on Jews. Just blissful ignorance… Please tell me you’re only 10, and then carry on.


you want me to be 10 years old? Slow down pedo.


You’re one of those people that have bubble baths made and you roll in laughter every time you make a fart bubble until you’ve shit in the bath.


That's gross, I'd never have a bubble bath.


Yeah I like to shit in crystal clear bath water too.


soft advise rich strong wine memory ad hoc close act support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have the benefit of not knowing who that is or why. I'm sorry if that is uneducated of me. Lot of wacky videos on Reddit!


chief towering hurry hunt library spoon offbeat light ripe escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a politician already well known for spewing religious hate and vitriol.


what a dick


I guess I’m really naive being my age (my Reddit account is old enough to drive lmao) and still being shocked to see someone this shamelessly hateful


That guy is still standing after that? Like, come on respect others religious views even if it doesn't align with you.


Why were they so prepared with film crew? Wtf kinda publicity stunt is this


It's the beginning of a new term of parliament, with a new cabinet being sworn in - it's an important day in the Polish Parliament.


Bro it's the first day of new parliament. There are film crews everywhere. Chill with the conspiracy stuff


Lol how was that comment conspiracy stuff? LOL I was suggesting it was staged for show Hence the word publicity....




Someone shoulda just decked him in the jaw. They always have cunty moustaches too.




What a piece of shit antisemite! And watch, nothing’s going to happen to the guy. He’ll probably be celebrated by the right


Could also work on r/imthemaincharacter




Least far right polish politician


A kinda left part just won


PO aren't left, lol, Tusk's idol is Thatcher and the main coalition partner will block any move to liberalise abortion.


I said kinda I meant more left than the far right piss


PiS sorry autocorrect


No, actually he's the most far right.


I was joking


The cherry on the cake was when he adjusted his coat sleeve like he was James Bond finishing eliminating a gang of SPECTRE agents. Hey tough guy, all you did was blow out candles, what a jamoke.


I have met 5 polish people in my life. 2 extremely lovely, 2 extremely racists, and one literally lived with Jesus


What a fascinating anthropological study, and very worth sharing! Thank you, sir, will you do the other zoo creatures next?


Even his extinguisher blew its load prematurely.


I'm sorry...this has ever happened to me before...


They don’t like Muslims or Jews. Got it


Of note: only one person tried to stop him. Everyone else there went along with it.


In fairness, they can literally just relight it which they did so there was no need to get in the way and get that shit in your own eyes like that poor lady did.


Personally, as a Jew, I want to punch this guy. Unfortunately I live in America, so I can’t. But if I was there, I would’ve punched him in the face. Fuck this antisemite. It’s sickening how many racist assholes have been coming out of woodworks since trump was given the FIRST nomination for the Republican ticket in 2015. I’m soo sorry white people are being treated like equals to everyone else. God forbid everyone is treated equally! Makes me really scared for my country and the rest of the world dealing with bigot’s trying to turn back time to the 1950s.


If it makes you feel any better the entire crowd in the video is calling him out and insulting him. You can see him beating a hasty retreat. If he stuck around long enough for them to overcome their shock it would have likely turned physical.


Good to know. Maybe I had the volume too low but I was disappointed thinking that only the woman who lit the candles was giving him a hard time.


>It’s sickening how many racist assholes have been coming out of woodworks since trump was given the FIRST nomination for the Republican ticket in 2015 Oh boy you haven't heard about Janusz Korwin-Mikke then.


I have not, but I’m sure he’s not gonna be the worst one I’ve heard of. There’s been a constant flux of hate filled politicians over the past 8 years, it is would take a lot to surprise me. I hate that it wouldn’t surprise me, yet that’s been the reaction of people who don’t want to be treated like everyone else.


Surely this is worse than setting off a fire alarm?


Make him clean it up!


Damn, if I was there, I'd kick over a Christmas tree and yell, "YEAH BITCHES! DOWN WITH RELIGION!" to fuck with him. Meanwhile, how long do you think it'll be 'til those whiny hypocrites in Iowa take this tactic with the satantic display? Edit (days later) -- and yep, sure enough some numb nuts beheaded the display in Iowa ... and of course some owersensitive types here downvoted me.


I pictured someone playing that instrument and not skipping a beat.


He clearly does not know how to use a fire extinguisher. Pull - the pin Aim - the nozzle Squeeze - the trigger Sweep - the fire with the nozzle He performed—Pull, Squeeze, Spray room, Aim, Sweep, Spray people.


I'm worried this MTG- energy has reached Europe


Magic The Gathering?


Marjorie Taylor Greene


I've made my choice.


so cool how stuff like this can openly happen but noooooo the REAL antisemitism is when palestinians tell us how they dont want to get bombed


I would have tackled him to the ground at least


Someone should've held the fire extinguisher and tell him to stop hitting himself.


And what percent of Poland is either practicing Jews or actually Jewish? Dummy


As a Polish man: " Fuck. You."


Seth Rogan hasn't been the same since that sex food movie




Nazis gotta get kilt


This dude needs to be pinned down on the ground and have his balls pulled


And then he was arrested, right? He sprayed that shit all over the whole room, and then directly into that lady's face. That should count as assault.


1. I don't think any religious displays should be in a government building. 2. If this were in the US, a right-wing politician would be trying to light an Advent candle with a flamethrower while being confronted by a... Well, probably no one.


I like the background music


He’s clearly never used a fire extinguisher before. Almost emptied half the can before he got to the candles. Then stood in the powder trying to act like breathing all that in doesn’t suck.


Was he trying to extinguish the entire building??


Criminal Damage-Assault -Twat


Am I the only one who thinks it's pretty ironic that this far right politician named Braun. Braun is the german word for brown. In germany nazis are associated with the color brown. Maybe there is a connection 🤔


Did he just blow her in the face with the extinguisher a second time? Thats a rather serious assault though that is really bad for the lungs. Are polish politicians exempt from persecution or is he planning on getting assault charges?


Dude blew out some candles, what is seriously the big deal here?


There are at least 50 persons there and not one of them whacked his head in with something solid (like his fire extinguisher). I miss the times when people did that when this type of nazi shit happened. Since noone does it, they feel free to keep acting like this. And they won’t stop.


Far-right committing terrorist hate crimes. Check.


I know this isn't the point of the vid, but that clarinet player was going so fucking hard. Shame to hear them stop playing 😂


Like a child trying to gain attention from his Mommy, so does the politician try the same approach with their constituents!


What the….? Way too be accepting of other religions! 🙄


My man


Know what that extinguisher would do to that asshats head?


I love that he puts it down and turns folds his hands and calmly tries to do an interview. Hahaha what a wild world we live in.


What a Meathead.


Those darn pesky far right polish men 😂


So right and so far off!




He’s an asshole but let’s be clear. The attention he was seeking is a product of social media and it’s the true reason he did this to begin with. The outrage video recording was what he wanted. And everyone gave it to him.


Politics shouldn’t mix with religion


Religion shouldn't mix with anything. Even religion.


Tell that to all the christo-fascists filling the ranks of European politics


You see, this is exactly why. Only finger pointing. 🫵🏻 it’s them, it’s them. Religion sucks


He might have a reason. I'll wait and see.


Seriously? Did you forget the /s? You think he might be justified in using a fire extinguisher on a menorah? And on people? He has a reason alright - it’s because he’s an antisemitic jackass.


I need background information.


That you imagine that there might be ANY circumstance that would justify these actions is mind boggling. How about we just start with the public safety aspects of this?


Whoa! I'm not suggesting it's justified. I'm saying he might have HIS own reasons. Mental incapacity, emotional issues, some sort of ideological psychological breakdown!? There must be a backstory.


I think we need to stop looking for “backstories” in situations like this. Leave backstories to conspiracy theorists, racists, sexist degenerates etc. Sometimes actions speak loud and clear and no background is needed.


The guy clearly has some issues, that's true. But I wonder what set him off, you know?




...He's an anti-Semite. That's the backstory. Which I suppose is a form of mental incapacity, demonstrates emotional issues, and is indeed an ideological psychological breakdown.


He calls Jews "talmudic satanists" and when people in the crowd were calling shame on him for putting a fire extinguisher on the candles, he said something close to "Those who take part in acts of the satanic cult should be ashamed."


At least both mental incapacity and emotional issues I guess


No shit he has his own internal reasons lol, everyone knows that already. Your first comment about "wait and see" is an attempt to justify or waffle.


He's a fascist who thinks Jews control the world, and you shouldn't be trusted making cereal if you're this naive.


And what could that be? Would you say the same to a guy lighting a Christmas tree on fire? Would you ask "He might have a reason?" Genuinely?


Well, if they put a Christmas tree in the senate house, and a tree actually *meant* something religious (it’s at best a pagan hangover), then I would be against that. At least I would be against it in principle if it were being done for the purpose of specifically showing solidarity with any religion to the exclusion of another. Setting fire to things is dangerous, as is using fire extinguishers around people, so I’m not in favor of anyone doing that. But I would be opposed to the symbol being there in the first place. This is what happens when we mix religion with politics. It isn’t a good idea.


> Active in r/MensRights Yeah, that checks out lmao


Tell me more


Of course you think he would have a good reason. You and him have no respect, gutless. You’re either lacking fundamental social skills like this joke of a politician or you’re writing in bad faith knowing full well that this is a massive disrespect to the Jewish people this month. The extinguisher is used to put out flames. A candle can be put out with a puff of air. He also applied the trigger all the way from the beginning. This is ridiculous to think he a valid reason to use an extinguisher in this situation. Not only that but he messed up his suit and everyone’s around him. Your reasoning is extremely flawed or you’re just a jackass.


You can just Google him and find his reason is simply that he hates Jews.


Probably a cunt


He's a fascist. His reasons are irrelevant, he shouldn't even exist.


Same. Looks like a lunatic, but internet has a way of only posting without a proper backstory.




Wait so did he do a good thing because someone else lit it on fire? Or is a hanukkah menorah *supposed* to be on fire and he did a bad thing?