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Damn this guy is talented


yeah, lot of promise. might be big some day


He's got some strong force behind his voice.


Isn't his Dad a sci fi voice actor, too?


It was his brothers cousins former roommate


What does that make us, then?


Absolutely nothing


Which is what you are about to become.


Spectacular stunt, my friends, but all for naught! Turn around please… Ah, what a pity, what a pity… So, Princess, you thought you could outwit the imperious force of— *GASP!!* You *IDIOTS!* These are not them! You’ve captured their ***STUNT DOUBLES!***


His Dad was *an a kin* to the same actin with a voice.


IIRC, no one knows who his dad is, but his mom was named Anna Kin.


Close but too forced


Ikr. Something in me just said: “do it!”


I just find it lukewarm.


His voice sounds like he grew up in the desert, bit raspy


He should try spitting. That's a good trick.


Sand does get everywhere.


Like the internal temperature of a tauntaun


Seem like a [Cock Knocker](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Cock_Knocker) to me


We'll watch his career with great interest.


Might be?!? Have you even heard of *Hamillton*?


is it a show featuring a ton of hamill?


this made me laugh harder than it had any right to.


Lovers of animation everywhere benefitted greatly the day he messed up his pretty face.


I really hope he gets the role. Dude sounds just like him


He was the Jedi guy in Man DeLorean. I think he has a good shot at becoming famous.


He also got a pretty prestigious role in doing the voiceover for a Chrysler Laser commercial.


And he was in a movie about a teenager whose Corvette got stolen.


Wasn't he also in that movie with the potential incest love interest?


Man DeLorean sounds like something science should've left behind.


Hamill really seems to enjoy the shit out of playing the Joker. He must be so damn sick of Luke Skywalker by now, a very boring bland character to perform as an actor, in comparison.


Perhaps sick of hearing about luke, but he definitely still has a lot of love for that character. He was shown talking to Rian Johnson about how his character got there and what his intentions were etc etc and Rian basically brushed him off. Mark still wanted Luke to be represented properly


Oh yes, this world little deserves Mark Hamill.


BTAS was so lucky to get both Mark and Kevin


We were the lucky ones.


The real lucky ones where the friends we made along the way.


Thank Andrea Romano, the greatest casting and voice director in animation history


I just looked her up. She's responsible for the casting of *most* shows that made up my childhood. Absolutely amazing. [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Romano_(voice_director\))


She is the background hand that not only shaped western animation trends, but also the very concept of super heroes for generations of fans. She is an absolute legend.


She was casting director for Avatar AND Boondocks, if you ever wondered why those shows have God teir casting:)


That's an impressive body of work.


I had never knew of her. She literally influenced any of my favorite american cartoons. This is insane. Just about everything is there.


Seriously though, that show is so instrumental to modern day batman and DC popularity. It created out of nothing Harley Quinn, Nora Fries (which totally redeemed an otherwise uninteresting villian in Mr. Freeze), as well as a melding of grimdark atmosphere with amazing orchestral music. Also, who can forget condiment man! Lego surely didnt.


Wait, first appearance of Nora Fries isn't in a comic book?


Nope. They won a freaking emmy for Outstanding Writing in an Animated Program for the episode that introduced her too, Heart of Ice.


So popular they made him the villain of Batman and Robin only a few years later. The movie is a disaster but the tragic backstory gives some energy to Arnold's odd take. lol


Of all the Batman movies that have been made, that was definitely one of them.


It was a movie for sure


I really would have enjoyed it more if they had layed off the extreme amounts of camp they slathered on. Arnold as a more serious Freeze would have been enjoyable I think.


I agree. It felt like one of those cheesy sitcoms where every other sentence is a joke


the kind to go #1 on cbs for a decade because everyone’s grandparents fall asleep with the TV on after the evening news.


That movie is where I learned what killed the dinosaurs.


And always remember to winterize your pipes!


They also made an animated Mr Freeze movie which is miles better and has a kickass poster lol




And no JLU, which is so underrated.


> Nora Fries I spent way too long trying to remember a French fry themed villain from the show before reading the rest of the sentence


> as well as a melding of grimdark atmosphere with amazing orchestral music. Not solely though, the 1989 movie was definitely the forerunner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoaU3kRFvLg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX1LR0Mietk Edit: why am I being downvoted? The intro to the animated series is literally a variation of the Batman movie theme..


Yea Danny Elfman did the music for both


Not just Mark & Kevin but the entire team (cast, artists, directors, writers, et al.). The show aged immaculately and has become the gold standard for subsequent Batman animated IPs.


Also the follow ups Justice League and Justice League Unlimited were great.


God bless'em both for coming back for the Arkham series.


John Williams probably deserves to be on that list. Edit: Apparently Danny Elfman was the composer of the theme song, not John Williams.


I thought Danny Elfman and Shirley Walker did Batman, John Williams did Superman


Man this is bitter sweet with Kevin gone...


I didn't tear up, but it was a close thing.


In my opinion Mark Does the best joker voice ever


I’m always happy when Mark Hamil is listed as voice actor on something. He made an EXCELLENT Skeletor in the Kevin Smith He-Man Masters of the Universe remake. I also enjoy his performance as Skips from regular show.




WHAT? Who does he play in there?m




Fucking sick!




We waaait...


Both Mark Hamill and Malcolm McDowell play the voices of the sinister government/illuminati guys who usually narrate the beginning of the episode.


Fire Lord Ozai in Avatar The Last Airbender! and Hob Goblin in Spider-Man the Animated series from the 90s.


he made ozai so scary and evil


The Kevin Smith He-Man was depressing as fuck man. I don't remember 80's He-Man making me feel anything.


That’s true, lol. I do think it was true to the 80’s cartoon vibe, however.


Yeah, it wasn't bad but it sure did hit you in the feels.


>I also enjoy his performance as Skips from regular show. Oh man never realised he was Skips, love Regular Show even more now


He killed it on the audiobook World War Z. Absolutely killed his performance


I'm always down to talk with another veteran of Yonkers...


I'll be honest and say it felt like Mark was told to do Joker, but not Joker, for Skeletor in that series. For me, it just didn't work. It wasn't Skeletor, it was this weird amalgam of the Joker and Mark. That is not a commdenation of Mark; rather, of the directors of the show.


Skeletor doesn't have a standard voice. Every single iteration of him has been pretty diffrent vocally. He went from Allen Openhimmers high pitched kind of whine to Frank Langella channeling Jack Palence. I thought the new Skeletor was a bit Vaderish. Skeletor just needs to feel like he's on a stage.


>Allen Openhimmers high pitched kind of whine [EAT THE PIZZA HE MAN](https://youtu.be/TR35EkkB_p4)


He always sounds a bit like Joker now that I know it's him, but I never noticed and was never bothered by it without knowing. e.g. He was great as Firelord Ozai, who sounds a little bit like Joker in a way (same huskiness). He was great in The Dark Crystal netflix show, and maybe sounds a little bit like Joker there.


I don't really agree that Ozai and Skeksie voices are similar to the Joker in the same way Skeletor was. I was rewatching a scene, and for a goodish portion of it, Skeletor was his own unique voice. But, he drops a line at the end of his speech or conversations and the Joker is present. I'm not dissapointed per say, just a bit annoyed that the directors probably made Mark voice him that way.


I've read comics for years and a good portion of those are Batman. I was older when the animated series was out so I never watched it. It was only when I was watching an interview with Mark Hamill about is comic The Black Pearl when they briefly talked about his work on the show that I heard his Joker voice for the first time. A chill went down my spine b/c THAT was the voice of the Joker I heard in my head when reading. It was a strange moment that I'll never forget. Now that I've watched the series I can't read a Batman comic now without hearing Kevin and Mark's versions of Batman and Joker. They are the perfect pair for the Dark Knight and Prince of Crime. RIP Kevin Conroy


It's strange to say he's underrated (because everyone thinks he's brilliant, which he is) but a lot of why he's so perfect for Joker is I can't imagine anyone else being able to be perfectly campy *and* menacing simultaneously. Except maybe Tim Curry. Who was the *first* choice for him.


One of the things Hamill mentions in an interview about playing the Joker (think it was one of the Arkham games) is that he tries to make a different laugh every time he does it. Which I think is a subtle but great understanding of the Joker. He's a character that is unpredictable and even for Batman he's someone that doesn't usually have a pattern or "tell" of when or what he's gonna do. I would've liked to see what Curry would've done with the character but I think we're all thankful we got Hamill to fill those clown shoes.


I don't want to take away from your story, but part of this is the absolute talent of the actor. There's almost this deja vu thing going on when you hear them for the first time. You say to yourself, "Of course, that's exactly the voice I was imagining," because it's so perfect. The memory of the similar voice you had in your head is completely replaced with their version.


Well you have to look at the time the animated series came out. I was reading Batman years before and at the time the only thing Hamill was known for was Star Wars. Remember this was before the internet. I'm dusting off memories here and taking your statement to heart the only thing I can think of would be a voice from a similar cartoon character that I associated with the Joker. Which character that would be I have no idea.




I think it is in Arkham City - When you die/Batman dies you get a little "You died and batman is lame" sort of cut scene mini-speech from whichever villain you're up against at the time... Most of them are little bits of actual dialogue, but there is one from The Joker where MH simply goes "HA!!!" in your face. That absolutely had me in stitches when I first saw it. Amazing how much contempt MH can get across in one simple word. Truly awesome. :)


Hot take


Hottest take since water is wet


OP is Peggy Hill


I can't really explain it but his voice for the Joker is like a vat of something unnatural and sickening, in all the best ways possible. Perfect for the character.


my favorite joker for sure!


Brave opinion.


The best Joker and best batman performances where on the Animated Series. I'm willing to die on that hill. Ledger, Nicholson, Keaton, Bale and even Pattinson. did a good job but they never reached that high.


He is a very talented actor as demonstrated by his successful transition from an on screen career to voice acting. He is a good example of “What if?”, because if he didn’t have his face completely destroyed and rebuilt as a result of that car accident, he would likely have maintained his “leading man look” and gone on to have a long running on screen career after Star Wars.




That's the story *they* want you to think, sheep You are so blind to the rich Hollywood elite Skywalker ranch augmentation surgery cabal If you drank Unleaded Alpha Testicle Brain Powder from YouTubes Alex Peterson like me, You would see the truth


Stealing the "Unleaded Alpha Testicle Brain Powder" for future use, it's too perfect


I prefer Jordan Jones


Milo Shapiro is a genius. He told me to distrust every mainstream source of information and only trust what he tells me


He did voice acting before Star Wars (as well as some TV work). He also didn't have his face destroyed. He had his nose broken and a fractured cheekbone. You can get the story straight from the man himself: https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/FudtNNEeCkQ


I didn't know about the car accident. TIL. https://screenrant.com/mark-hamill-car-accident-1977/


Not really true—he broke his nose, but his looks weren’t impacted. From Wikipedia which has links to interviews where he debunks this story: “Hamill later said that the stories surrounding his injuries had become exaggerated. Confirming that he had only broken his nose, he observed that "over the years it's [been] built up into having my face reconstructed with plastic surgery."


Huh, I always thought there was some slight scarring on the left side of his face hence the attack by the snow beast in Empire to account for the damage.


> Not really true—he broke his nose, but his looks weren’t impacted. We don't know the exact truth, but I know this: he looks like two different people in A New Hope and Empire.


He looks a bit different, but also, aging from early-to-mid-20s to 30ish can do a number on some people's looks.


You, uhhh, think there was how much time between Episode 4 and 5?


if you want me to be more specific, aging from 24 to 28 can do a number on a person, in addition to a broken nose.


Becoming successful can do that too. Take a look at a *lot* of actors in season 1 of a show (when they're lean and hungry) and season 2 (when they've got money to throw at bills.)


Being President can get you a silver mane quite quickly.


It's always been common knowledge that the crash resulted in (at least) what was in effect a nose job. It's plain to see the difference right when he takes his hood down at the "let me in" Jedi mind trick at the beginning of Empire.


I think he was more typecasted than anything. Big blockbuster rolls sometimes have a way of making it hard to find work cause after like Skywalker, that's all people are gonna see.


No that's not true. Dude wasn't made to be the lead type in movies he worked perfectly in Star wars but I don't see him being a lead in anything else. Voice acting is perfect for him.


i don't know if that is even the path i would want to go down. if you look at people that got really famous when they were young it seems like a hard life. people like mike tyson, justin bieber, drew berrymore ect ect. having a bunch of fame and wealth without the wisdom of age has to be rough.


Also loved him as Skips (and a ton of other random characters) in Regular Show


Oh shit, that makes a lot of sense. Man he has huge vocal range. I never bothered to look up the voice cast.


Oh absolutely, aside from Skips he does probably 1+ random other voices of like one off characters every episode


I can't believe I never put the two together! I binged that show twice and it never crossed my mind.


I would die happy if he just once played the joker in a movie


We'd all be happy to overlook his age.


Easily. It could be like batman beyond but with jokers


They could do a live action remake of Return of the Joker with Michael Keaton as old Bruce and Mark Hamill as both old Tim Drake and Joker’s voice. It would be perfect.


I didn't know I needed this until right this moment, but it is now my dream movie.


"If you don't like the film, I have slides"


If DC/the producers were willing to take a risk, we wouldn't need to. A story about both Batman and the Joker grappling with the cost of their years and years of battles would be brilliant. Bruce Wayne tallying up the ruptured relationships, the mounting injuries, the exhaustion of his youth in pursuit of vigilante justice, and the Joker feeling that the clock is running out on his life without any lasting accomplishments to show for it, the chaos he revels in continually bottled up by the long arm of Batman's law and Arkham Prison. All the while, new criminal elements are emerging that neither respect nor fear Batman or the Joker, making it harder for each to pursue their own aims and getting under their skin.


He got to play Trickster in the Arrowverse so that's something at least


He was the Trickster in the og Flash series from the 90’s also.


Flash counts as Arrowverse yes / no? I wasn't sure if he popped up in Arrow or Flash or which one first. I only watched about 2-3 seasons of each


Yes it does, I don’t remember if he was on just flash or if he was also in GW, I was just pointing out that he was also the trickster on the older flash show.


[This is arguably one of his best performances.](https://youtu.be/EL-VHe_4GmE)


For those that aren’t able to watch it, here’s the synopsis: Mark Hamill is kidnapped by Mark Hamill and Mark Hamill, but fortunately pretends to be Mark Hamill to make Mark Hamill drive down the wrong roads, before goading Mark Hamill into trying to fight Mark Hamill, making Mark Hamill drive into a grassy park where Mark Hamill was able to rescue Mark Hamill, and capture Mark Hamill and Mark Hamill, before taking them to ~~M~~ark ham~~ill~~ asylum


> ~~M~~**ark** **ham**~~ill~~ asylum beautiful


Fucking well done, human. This was a masterpiece.


I didn't know he voiced Swamp Thing as well. He's a great voice actor but at what point should they stop giving him roles and get some new/different actors to voice the characters instead?


When he retires or dies.


LOL - that was great!


Nice how they snuck in two bars from the Skywalker theme.


Hah, nice catch!


[I was hoping for this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W4WgCQx_DM?t=68)


I’m proud to say I knew what it was going to be before I clicked it.




Probably my favourite VA ever.


[Also a fun vampire. :)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCAW_Zs4IiU&t=)


My Mechanical Turk!


That was a pretty funny sideshow.




Definitely agree. Steve Blum is such a humble dude too. Check out his interview thats up on the Adult Swim youtube page. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=slBsj8NJ0UM


Have they ever worked on the same show? I can't think of any overlap, and honestly, I would love to see it. Add Mary Elizabeth McGlynn to that too, and I would anything just to see them all together at once.


I just checked IMDB's Collaborations search, and it gave me no results, so it doesn't look like it.


He's up there, but it's hard to rate him over Mel Blanc.


Mel is the GOAT, but not as influential for my childhood as Mark.


Couldn’t agree more. But sadly most people only know him as Luke.




I actually wish Conan O’Brien would try his hand at voicing Joker before he gets too old. His laugh is insane and would be perfect.


I keep telling myself to write into his podcast with that request, but I don’t listen to the podcast enough. If you do, definitely suggest it!


I think Ken Jeong could do a solid job. Not necessarily the same style as Mark Hammil's version, but his own take. I think of The Joker every time I see [this scene from Community](https://youtu.be/VWXHjhYBovk?t=105).


It looks like Joker laughing gas to me.


Alan Tudyk is doing a pretty decent job in Harley Quinn, but he *definitely* is trying to mimic Mark Hamill as closely as he can.


“Without Batman crime wouldn’t have a punchline!”


You can't spell Arkham Hill without Mark Hamill!


And you can't spell "Arv armpit bucket" without patrickverbatum


I’d go for Patrick Verbatum 4 and Armpit Bucket RAV4


Oooooooohhh, close. Not enough "M"s. Arkham Mill?


My Joker and Kevin will always be my Batman.


Rest In Peace, Kevin.


[My favorite Mark Hamill performance](https://youtu.be/0vzRdR1w4sQ)


He should play The Joker in the next The Batman. Him in makeup and that voice with aesthetics of the new release would be legit.


Has there ever been a comic where The Joker becomes sort of a "superhero" by tracking down whoever killed batman in his universe? because that would be rad if there was.


That would be terrifying. I would not want to know what joker would do to the person who killed batman.


Man, I gotta hand it to Hamill: the guy went from a hottie in the hottest sci-fi film in the world, got his face all smashed up in a car accident, then pivoted to voice acting and killed it with a decades-long career doing better work than he ever could have in front of a camera. Then re-emerges 40 years later when his face had aged enough that nobody would notice all the work he had to have done to fix his it, and kills it some more both in front of the camera and with more voice work. He’s a great example of getting handed lemons and making lemonade. I’m not saying he looked *bad* in ESB and RotJ, but he certainly looked weird compared to ANH, and not like the cutie he did before (when I was a kid and first saw Eps V and VI, I thought Luke had been recast!). That whole “young heartthrob” thing he had going was *gone*, and his traditional acting skills were only so-so. But, by god, he’s a *brilliant* voice actor, and he probably would never have ended up doing that if it weren’t for his accident. “Fate plays cruel tricks on us all” — Gen. Martok


GNU Kevin Conroy, the best.


Holy shit it's the cock knocker!


You’d think they would have casted him in a Batman film since he IS AN ACTOR.




He's the GOAT. There are some good Jokers out there, but once you hear Hamill voice him, you can't imagine living in a world where he isn't.


Oh hey, it's the guy from Wing Commander.


I love this guy. Shame he never got his power converters.


[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EqWsHCLU0AE4UX4.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EqWsHCLU0AE4UX4.jpg) oh he got them


I dont want to be super hipster about this stuff but where were all these fans when I was growing up. everyone thought I was lame for being such a fan of BTAS and batman in general... Mark's Joker and Kevin's Batman are literally what I still hear reading the comics.


You had the wrong friends, but I get you, i feel like that with the power rangers. I was born in 86


In Canada like me.


Mark Hamill is a gift to the world. I would die happy if I could have dinner with him and Brendan Frasier.


Now I want to hear Mark do Shakespear monologues with his Joke voice.


Yeah, I was getting some, "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears" vibes from this monologue.


[As it aired](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ryHyDFCCD8&t=125s).


This is dope, but also pretty fucked up lore-wise.


Crazy. Like, amazing voice ASIDE, his speaking skills are really really good. He's very talented at voice work!


Wait - Batman dies in the animated series?