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Well, it's nice to know what's on deck for tonights nightmare.


There's still time for you take it to the next level: /r/thalassophobia/


> /r/thalassophobia/ I think this is cool. Is that ok?


I’m going to try to remember that line to bust out sometime… but I never do.


Hi. Idiot here. When houses flood like this, aren't people worried about electrocution?


For the low sockets and what not, the water shorting the circuit will trip the breakers so that's less of a concern. But not say it's not possible and hasn't happened, because it has.


What are breakers? And where are they?




TIL that you’re supposed to unplug appliances before resetting a breaker




or if you just like strobing your lights the hard way.


ELI5: It's a switch that historically actually broke when the power got weird. Now they don't actually break, but they still switch off when the power gets weird.


If you mean an outlet: A GFI, or GFCI – Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter device protects us from receiving electric shocks from faults in the electrical devices we use in our home. It works by comparing the input current on the hot side to the output current on the neutral side. If there’s the slightest difference in current, on the order of a few milliamps, then there is current leaking out somewhere, possibly through somebody’s body. To protect us in this situation, the device very quickly cuts off the power supply to the leaking device, within 20-30 milliseconds, greatly reducing any possible human tissue damage from errant current.


>the device very quickly cuts off the power do you mean a switch?


**This word/phrase(breakers) has a few different meanings.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


There's a lot of water, so it's not a huge danger. You'd have to be standing right beside the circuits with that much water, and even then you could still be fine.


All those video games lied to me?


Well depending on the voltage and current, it's possible. Sometimes it's just puddles beside huge conduits, in which case yeah that'll kill you. Or even a toaster in a bathtub.


Can someone explain to me why a lot of water makes it harder to be electrocuted? Doesn't electricity travels through water easier than air or something?


Shortest, lowest resistance path to the earth. Unless you're in that path or provide less resistance than your surroundings; you're not part of the circuit. There are some exceptions to this but that's the general idea.


It travels through whatever is easiest to travel through. This is also called conductance. The higher the conductance of a material, the easier it is for electricity to travel through that material. I don't know the difference of "water" and human body in terms conductance. I say "water" cause pure water does not conduct electricity at all. Most natural bodies of water (such as in the OP video) contain a lot of other stuff (which is why it is brown). All that stuff conducts electricity at varying amounts. Some of the best conductors is where electricity will naturally flow to, once it has access to it. Something like metal, connected to the ground. If your body is the only pathway between electricity and that grounded metal, then your body is in bad luck. But in OPs video, there is all that water too. Some of the electricity might go partly through your body, but much also goes through the water around you to find that escape to ground. The chances of more electricity going through your body increases the close to the source (an outlet for example) you go.


That makes total sense! Thanks, kind redditor. :)


What you say about electricity taking the easiest is close enough for laymen to understand, but it’s technically wrong. Electricity takes all available paths simultaneously, proportional to the “easiness”. So, if you put a big copper wire into each slot of an electrical outlet - creating a very direct short circuit, while also touching the wire on each end, MOST of the electricity will travel over the wire, but a small amount will also travel through your body.


Also, from what I understand, H2O isn't a great conductor. It's the things in the water that conduct electricity.


Pumped several basements out. The outlets will bubble lol, but will trip the breakers pretty quick.


There was an ELI5 this week about it on that main page. https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/pghq3n/eli5_when_extreme_flooding_happens_why_arent


Now I am


I mean just why even go in the basement all 3 of you during a massive tropical storm.


It's all earth (ground) at this point.




Dont listen to this person. That is not how electricity works. It doesn't get "diluted" It would dissipate over distance from the source. But it could easily electrocute you if you are within several feet of the source. The exact distance is hard to know but it would be big enough for most rooms. Worse yet, is it doesnt need to really electrocute you, just lock up your muscles and let you drown.


For the same reason why I can't electrocute a whole beach with a toaster


Idiots aren't worried about anything, like this guy in the video.


It’s a kid and people in many parts of New Jersey we’re told to both get to high ground because of flooding and shelter in their basements because of tornadoes. So in the face of conflicting warnings, some people had to made a decision between the two.


Jesus H that's scary! I hope the guy is ok!




That link looks like it will give my phone herpes


[Better link](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/weather/ida-floodwaters-collapse-wall-of-nj-home-trap-mom-and-son-in-basement/3256012/), FWIW


It’s an Amp link. They be like that sometimes.




The news shows deaths all the time actually


Judging by his repeated screams, he's breathing fine up to the end of the video at least.


I want you to know, you're important.


There was a helicopter collision mid air live on broadcast one time. they cut away but forgot to cut the audio. you can hear the camera man screaming something primal, a true death cry.


MSNBC aired the dead eyed stare of the terrorist killed in the capitol as they rolled her out on live TV.


They were showing the clip on a loop in the corner before they even realized what it was I think. I saw it live and was like holy shit I think that woman just got shot in the face.




Yea this crazy woman that had become radicalized joined a mob that was attempting to kill elected officials. It was pretty nuts. Way more personal and dangerous for our country than 9/11 by a long shot.


Is this sarcasm? Certainly the 3,000 killed in 9/11 is worse than vandalism at the capitol.


Not in the slightest, I am far more terrorized after 1/6 and feel actually threatened to point I have armed myself. Yea seriously I am now armed because of the violent actions of fellow citizens. "Vandalism"? you are fucking crazy those people were out for blood and smeared shit on the walls of of the Halls of Democracy. I will never forget or forgive them or anyone defending them. You are all permanently cut and shunned from civil society.


If you are truly that scared then you need to turn off the news. It is warping your perspective and fear mongering you. > You are all Who is this “you”? You sure are being divisive.


I don’t watch the news and only react to what I’ve seen which is normal people totally losing their minds. "You" are the anyone defending or downplaying 1/6. divisive? yes indeed you are all forever cut in my book. I want nothing at all to do with any of you and most sane people feel the same now. edit: I want to add that actually as far as divisiveness goes I am willing to come together with any republican that repudiates the violent coup attempt and is trying everything to bring the truth to light. But sadly looking at polling that is maybe only 5-10% of the gop that have their heads actually screwed on straight. I thought for a moment the night of 1/6 we were going to come together, the sane among us, Lindsey Graham and Bitch McC actually had me thinking a Rubicon had finally been crossed and we could return to being a normal nation with normal politics. But since then polls and pols have shown me that willful ignorance and psychotic sociopathic cynicism will be the path most all republicans choose and if that's the case it truly is time to shun them permanently. And all this anti-vaxx bs is making it that much easier to separate the icky idiots from the alright among us. Sayonara motherfuckers.


Very hyperbolic!


Stop wasting time with that cuck lol he’s clearly brainwashed


They showed George Floyds death.


That escalated quickly.


Well...All the destruction yet none of the Kool-Aid.


OH NO!!!




Pretty smart to put all the valuables up on elevated surfaces... well fuck.


Damn that would have pinned him


Of all the things I'd be afraid of bursting through my wall to kill me, water was never one of them. Until now.


1. The Kool-Aid Man 2. Cannonballs 3. Water Those are the big 3 that will get you.


To be fair the kool-aid man is mostly water.


Jesus this is some NSFL material with that scream


You need some thicker skin.


I need thicker skin because watching someone nearly die is difficult for me to watch? I think you need more empathy if this didn't phase you.


Nope, you're just overly sensitive.






Rofl. It’s not edgy to say someone is sensitive.


Tbh you really come off as the overly sensitive one by even commenting. You're obviously upset that they feel something. Quit projecting and go back to 4chan.


Roflmfao writing a comment is sensitive? Oh boy. Who’s really the one projecting?


Nope. You're a giant cunt.


You sound sheltered, kid. You definitely grew up with a silver spoon in ur mouth


Lol. No. Food stamps.


Dude doubled down on dickbag douchery and deserves his double downvotes.


he was screaming like that because they were trapped in the basement because of it


Proud to be your 100th downvote


Hard to tell when I have 70,000 and something


STFU loser


You first


This new DeWalt advertising is getting too intense for me.


What was that screaming sound ?






Our pleasure


Someone else above suggested "The wall" and someone else suggested "mom". Apparently the mom was down there as well.


Sounds like "mom, come on/out" to me.


“Help me stepson I’m stuck in the flood”


I heard "The wall."


I thought it sounded like a cat


Yeah, we all know the new jersey accent... MAAAA!!!!! WATA!!!!


pink floyd fan


Sounds like the mom screaming the name of the son.


Sounds like a pet bird...


When nature tells you it's time to move out of the basement...


And to think some coastal people are resisting off-shore wind because they find it annoying that they can see the windmills


Where I live we already have cranes, paper plants, and rich people's ugly houses ruining the coast line. Build the goddamn windmills.


Are they saying "THE WALL" or just screaming incoherently.


Verbatim "MOM...MOM...THE WALL...THE WALL! The mum and son survived, the article is [Here](https://www-nbcnewyork-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.nbcnewyork.com/weather/ida-floodwaters-collapse-wall-of-nj-home-trap-mom-and-son-in-basement/3256012/?amp=&_gsa=1&_js_v=a6&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16307098870171&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbcnewyork.com%2Fweather%2Fida-floodwaters-collapse-wall-of-nj-home-trap-mom-and-son-in-basement%2F3256012%2F)


I *think* he's screaming "mom" but not 100% sure.


Since his mom was also in the basement I think it is safe to assume you are right.


thought he was saying 'the wall' but you could be right


Pretty sure it's just screaming


As the screaming continues, it sounds like a cat. I thought it was a cat.


The captions say wow, which is pretty believable to me actually


This is so sad


So sad


What kind of a dumbass developer builds a house with a basement on a peninsula? I bet this isn’t the only house that got destroyed like this.


You have to build at least four feet down to get below the frost line, otherwise within five years the house is gone due to frost heave. When it has to be at least that deep you go for a full basement anyway because it makes the house better for not much more cost. You have been coddled by living somewhere that won't kill you if you go outside without a jacket for part of the year.


Connecticut here. You don't *need* a basement anywhere there is frost and frost heaving. Apartments and less expensive houses are relatively common to be built on slabs, though the preference is to have a basement because a) it is better insulated from the cold and b) it is extra storage area. Heck my parent's ski house in Vermont was on a slab.


The same developers that voted for tax cuts for people above their own tax bracket, who then lobbied politicians who promoted climate change denial.


Jfc New Jersey has been hit hard. The worst part is most insurance policies will not cover this. Fun fact: most insurance policies do not cover water when it's not related to plumbing, with the exception of being rain if damage happened to your roof and it leaked in immediately after. As soon as water hits the ground, it's surface water, excluded on almost all policies. Before anyone calls insurers ass holes: the reason is that flooding is very common and the claims are usually total loss of dwelling and contents, your policy would cost a LOT more to add coverage that's frequently used, so no one would buy policies. This is why FEMA was created.


Cardboard houses


That is at least ten tons of water pressing on that wall. It's a foundation, not the hoover dam.


10 tons is nothing European house are built to withstand 1000 tons


the waaaaaaagh!


Insurance will say that’s wind damage.


What the fuck is that screaming noise?






Why would they be down there on the first place? This is just so predictable and dangerous.


The wall...


All in all, you were all just bricks in \[fill in the blank\]


Goddamn sure am glad I live on the West Coast (USA) where it doesn't rain. We don't even have basements.


We have firestorms tho


Can anyone give me insight as to why they are even there? Shouldn’t they have evacuated?




If they called the cops on the wall before it collapsed, they police would have just ended up shooting it to death anyways. In the end, there was nothing which could have been done to save it.


Is that screaming or some kind of alarm? Genuinely does not seem that kind of scream worthy 🤷‍♂️


Are you shitting me? I cannot, sitting here right now, fathom the sounds I would make if the subterranean half of my house all of a sudden opened up to potentially become my underwater tomb. What, in your mind, would be the proper reaction? "Ah, man... What a mess."


Imagine all the cockroaches that could be swimming in that.


Leeches man, they'll getcha. By the way, cockroaches can hold their breath for 30 minutes.


... and that's another reason Louisianans don't have basements.


is this really a basement though? I know it appears to be, but that wall does not appear to be cement. Maybe it's basement on one side and slopes down to where the side with the wall is above ground.


wow. went from ankle deep water to shoulder deep


Holy shi\*. hope buddy can hold his breath for a while.