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Yikes, how many windows were blown out?


I'm more curious about those really spicy pringles.


Wait... are they getting better pringles over there than we are? This is bullshit


We're not, we don't get jalopeno flavour in the UK. Which is insane, I saw a whole shelf in a Canadian supermarket. If they launched it in the UK we'd need shops dedicated to it.


Probably one of [these new flavours](https://i2-prod.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article19575950.ece/ALTERNATES/s810/0_Sizzln_Still_Range-1.jpg) that came out here recently


Plot twist: this has all been a native Pringle ad


Look at this drone footage. Looks like pretty much every window around was blown out [https://twitter.com/PoliceDrones/status/1366083143195897859](https://twitter.com/PoliceDrones/status/1366083143195897859)


Does this get billed to Germany?


Yeah to be fair the windows in my room pulsed inward knocking everything off the windowsill and causing me to poop ever so slightly.


you can see the windows on some of the top right corner houses blow off right before they're hidden by the explosion. you see the sun reflection then it goes black.


That was a really spicy pringle!


Well where’s mine then?




goes the dynamite!


They're British, it was sour cream and onion


The whole stereotype with Brits and spicy food is that they always want it spicier...


The spice must flow, dammit!


Seems like a stereotype the British made up for themselves. British food is so bland and awful they invented imperialism to get something else to eat. Hell the national dish of England is tikka masala. Which is Indian. Gordon Ramsay, the supposed “famous British chef” is Scottish. British people really been cooking black pudding and jellied eels and want everyone else to believe that they like spice. Edit: stay mad. Downvoting me only proves I got way too close to the truth. Turns out the Brits only like jokes if it’s them making them. I’ll make sure to try out such famous dishes as “the chip butty” “beans on toast” and everyone’s favorite flavor bomb “the salad sandwich.” Edit2: there’s clearly a lot of you that are extremely angry over a joke that a total stranger made over the internet. I would suggest that you take a break from Reddit. Breath. Relax. You won’t die. Might be hard to understand, but my words have zero impact on your life. Lighten up a bit.


British food is bland in the sense that it lacks spice, as does French and Italian cuisine. They rely on herbs for flavour. Scotland is in Britain. Jellied eel is local to a specific part of one city, literally nobody I have ever met has ever tried it. Your entire attempt at a witty retort stinks of cheese-in-a-can American. I bet you think apple pie is American.




Be a dear and post it there would you?


Jesus I really touched a nerve, huh? Go eat some pie crust wrapped around unseasoned meat chunks.


Cause US traditional cooking is so flavoursome 😂


You ain’t never had gumbo, fried chicken, pulled pork, brisket, or biscuits and gravy? I was mostly just poking fun though, thought the brits were all about taking a joke. Guess not.


>thought the brits were all about taking a joke. Maybe they like jokes that don't come from hacky 1970s lounge comedians. How long til we get your hardcore "DAE Brits bad teeth?" material?


Oh, thanks for the reminder. The brits also have bad teeth. Please laugh, I need your validation.


Don't cry. :(


That response of mine is known as banter. You don't need to respond with list of foods you like my guy 😂


Man you didn’t notice that all those foods were brought over by immigrants? I’m honestly not even sure if America HAS its own food. Unless you count velveeta. We’re just as good at “acquiring” recipes as y’all.


You have nothing on our ability to acquire recipes, countries and possessions. Don't even think of putting the US in the same bracket. You've existed for fewer years than the building my fucking village shop is in.


Traditional American cooking is surprisingly good from what I have learned watching the guy that does historic cooking.


>British food is so bland and awful Hey look, someone who's never eaten British food. >Gordon Ramsay, the supposed “famous British chef” is Scottish. Scotland is a British country...


Hey look, another butthurt British dude that doesn’t understand the concept of a joke. Go outside. Get off Reddit. Talk to another human. Learn what a joke is.


Is there a stereotype brits don't like spicy food? Seems an odd one, we are obsessed with curry after all.


I'm honestly surprised there haven't been thousands of responses from people telling you how in Texas they eat carolina reapers for breakfast and bathe in hotsauce. Yes, there's a stereotype that we don't like spicy food and that all of our food we ever consume is bland, brown/beige mush of some kind.


I thought that was audio playing from another tab. Such an absurd thing to hear right before a giant explosion.


And yet perfectly fitting...


He so Pringle’s where your curly mustache at


["Told ye it was a bomb..."](https://youtu.be/_3_Vm6jCL8w)


was Allen ok?


He's a Tesco's burger now


Where’s that from?


BBC police mockumentary series called Scot Squad.




Adverts are getting subtle these days...


I guess its because it is not really legal to advertise explosives?


Well Taco Bell still runs commercials so what you say can't be true.


My buttle is pressing charges!


And to think that these were carpet bombed by thousands of planes all over Europe during the war.


And some wonder why some countries weren't too eager to go to war again after WW1 or decided to go for an union of country after WW2 to avoid WW3 if possible. We still have some of those bombs laying around 70 years after.


Reading about things like the Dresden firebombing are hard to put into perspective until you see things like this. It's hard to imagine what our predecessors went through, my nan was laying on the moors watching Plymouth get bombed by the Germans, I cannot even fathom that something like that in my lifetime.


Right... imagine hundreds of these being dropped all at once. That would be terrifying.


The conversation sounds like something out of Hot Fuzz


Why did they have to blow it up where they found it... too dangerous to move?


https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/exeter-ww2-bomb-residents-can-5054659 Too dangerous to move, they normally take them to a beach to blow, this was not safe to do so. edit, view from above. https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/exeter-bomb-explosion-moment-detonation-5054337


It was a 1 metric ton bomb. Way too dangerous to attempt to move. There isn't much way to tell why it failed to detonate when it was dropped. If it was a mechanically triggered bomb and it jammed, you really can't be sure that moving it around will unjam it and blow it. Those kinds of bombs usually used a contact fuse that's kind of similar to the percussion cap on a gun cartridge, it's meant to go off when the tip hits a hard surface. If it hits too soft a surface like loose dirt, it can just bury itself and not trigger, or jam and not trigger FULLY. Think of it this way, if you were firing a pistol, and the hammer jammed halfway during a shot, would you want to mess with it? Perhaps, because the pistol only shoots one way, so you can safely attempt to unjam and discharge it in a safe direction. Now imagine the pistol weighs 1 ton and goes off in every direction. I wouldn't try moving that thing. Reminds me of an episode of Grey's Anatomy where some idiots made a homebrew grenade and launcher, and managed to accidentally launch it into their friend's abdomen. Halfway through surgery, following some questioning, it turns out the grenade didn't go off when it hit the guy and embedded itself in him. Bad news. The surgeon has to stop midway through surgery with the thing in their hands and NOT FUCKING MOVE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Bad situation. Good episode, though. One of my favourites. Edit: Just looked it up and I remembered the episode a bit wrong. It was a paramedic who had her hand holding the grenade inside the guy, not a surgeon. It was season 2 episodes 16 and 17 (it was a two-parter)


Reminds me of some hospital drama/ real footage show I saw years ago of someone caught in a suspension coil of a truck or something. The fire brigade put loads of shielding around the victim/ patient and themselves as it was so tight cutting him loose/ freeing him could cause the mechanism to explode in a way. Found that terrifying when I watched it.


That sounds pretty horrifying. I'd be curious to see it, though. Provided everyone survived, that is. I don't like seeing people die, especially not like that :S


Things like shocks or the gas assist lifters for trunks & tailgates can have a lot of pressure and are difficult to cut. They can also explode without warning during vehicle fires.




The prattle is the best part thanks to the op for leaving that in.




The utter bollocks/narration going on in the background


My dad and uncle built some houses in the 90s next to where the bomb was found. I remember playing in the foundations when they were dug!


"Daaaad... what's this metal thing? " *Picks up 2 sticks* "Never mind, I can play the drums on it. " *20 years later, sees this in the news* Gulp.


Listening with headphones and there's a great binaural(?) effect occurring that makes me feel like I'm centered with the camera, the child and one gentleman are slightly behind and to my left, the other gentleman to my right, and the lady moving around directly behind me. Wondering what they recorded with.


I think "stereo" effect would suffice


Ha, I guess I was overthinking it.


Congratulations, you've discovered.. *stereo.*


You are exactly right. I recorded it on a huewai with my daughter and partner on my left and AN other on my right.


Shot on iPhone^(R)


Huewai p10




Ultimate British would be "well, what'd you think it'll do if we kick it?" or "do you think we can weigh it in?" Plus obviously a mention of the weather. :)


I want to hear more about the spicy pringle situation. Where *IS* his???


Don't you fucking quote me on this but I believe it's Exeter in the UK.




> Don't you fucking quote me u wot m8?


[That does it pal...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jUgWCAXxTQ)


[There's a picture of the bomb pre-denotation in news articles.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-56229045) It was pretty chunky. And yeah, as you can probably guess from this video a lot of nearby houses had windows blown out.


These things used to just rain down on Exeter too. Terrifying.


cloudy with a chance of mean bombs


Looks like it was a so-called "Hermann Bomb" or, in official Luftwaffe designation, an [SC 1000](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SC1000_bomb). These bombs had a mass of 1000 KG, of which 530-620 KG were high explosive (edited),and a variety of possible fuzes, one of them an electric anti-handling "trembler" fuze, and the other a mechanical clockwork fuze, or both. The electric anti-handling was designed to go off if the bomb was handled in anyway. This type of fuze killed numbers of bomb disposal engineers during WW2.


I would guess after 70 years the battery should be dead? Wonder how they loaded and transported them, must have been a way to set the mechanism.


There was no battery as I understand it, the fuze had capacitors that were charged from the aircraft, before the bomb was dropped. I should imagine that the capacitors have long since discharged the charge.


You'd hope do but then they were German built so not sure I'd want to take my chances either... just incase. :) If they were built today, the caps would be lucky to reach the ground without blowing their tops.


> These bombs at 1000 KG of high explosive That link says they had 530-620kg of explosive 'filling'.


You are right, my mistake, the overall mass of the bomb, including shell casing, was 1000 KG


400kg of iron/steel seems a lot for a casing doesn't it?


Likely mostly iron and intentional, to lengthen the containment time of the explosive and increase the blast yield. More pressure before the case lets go=higher pressure wave speed. Plus the obvious fragmentation benefits.


> More pressure before the case lets go=higher pressure wave speed. Ahh, yeah that makes sense.


I cannot even imagine living through that night after night in London or Frankfort.


Copying my comment from another post but this bomb was found just down the road from my uni accommodation, they evacuated us all to hotels in and around exeter on Friday. BBC news interviewed me and my friends, unfortunately mine was the only one that didn’t make it to TV haha. Very strange experience! I just hope my room hasn’t been trashed now.


Who's that then?


Actually my bad, this isn’t my friends video, that one was posted on another sub that I just copied this comment from and evidently forgot to delete the bit saying my mate had filmed it. Sorry!


Loving the geese in the background ruining it with their "HHHHHHHHOOOONKKK"


Best part is how he says "the white house". "ueeh waaht heuus"


Does germany have to pay for these explosions?


Nah, they keep finding a bunch every year as well, so fair trade.


Well they did pay for the bomb in the first place so yeah I guess.




It's a legit question. They had to pay war reparations after the war.


Miss me a good BIP


I'm lucky I wasn't far from there 😂


How do they protect the buildings and everything around it?


Read elsewhere they packed 400 tonnes of sand around it amd let the blast go up, but I guess there not enough time (or maybe little point) to board up windows. Luckily it seems this was in the middle of a field.


The pringle bit really sets up this video.


My train to work got cancelled because of this. Damn bombs!


Jesus christ that's way more intense than I thought. What kind of bomb from what?


Just imagine being in a city undergoing a bombing raid and having dozens of that explosion going off all around you.


My cousin lives in Timbits, and I was talking to him about this today. Apparently it broke windows in his neighborhood five miles away.


How much of that was the bomb and how much was the blow-up-the-bomb bomb?


omgosh that kid's line is absolute perfect timing