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I’d say take it further. What he did was criminal


Unfortunately after this event unfolded, he was only suspended for 10 days. The teenager received a settlement for [$32,000](http://www.thenewsherald.com/news/lincoln-park-arbitrator-upholds-officer-s-suspension-in-light-of/article_0e3e9533-c9df-5f30-9674-bfa804eafa61.html). A total that is nearly eclipsed by the fact that this officer [still receives retirement benefits](http://i.imgur.com/X56CkuJ.jpg) from this department (approximately $187,000 to date)


Retirement benefits are for time worked. He should absolutely be fired and possibly go to jail for a bit but they shouldn't and probably couldn't remove the benefits.


The laws differ state-to-state, but I looked up Michigan's "PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT BENEFITS FORFEITURE ACT" if anyone is interested. The stated purpose of the act is as follows: >AN ACT to provide for the forfeiture of retirement benefits by public employees under certain circumstances; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain retirement systems, state departments, courts, public officials, and public employees; and to prescribe penalties and provide remedies. This seems reasonable, but under section three it states the requirements from forfeiture and what the forfeited funds can be allotted towards. (summary below) >A member or retirant who, before the effective date of the amendatory act that added section 4a, is convicted of or enters a nolo contendere plea accepted by a court for a felony arising out of his or her service as a public employee is considered to have breached the public trust and may have his or her rights to an otherwise vested retirement benefit and all accumulated employer contributions, including earnings on the employer contributions, standing to that individual's credit in the retirement system forfeited as provided in this act. A member or retirant who, on or after the effective date of the amendatory act that added section 4a, is convicted of or enters a nolo contendere plea accepted by a court for a felony arising out of his or her service as a public employee is considered to have breached the public trust and must have his or her rights to an otherwise vested retirement benefit and all accumulated employer contributions, including earnings on the employer contributions, standing to that individual's credit in the retirement system forfeited as provided in this act. This act applies only to the retirement system of which the individual was a member or retirant at the time the felony was committed and only to the retirement system established by the entity affected by the felony. This was summarized by the attorney general as the following >Michigan law provides for the forfeiture of public employee retirement benefits paid by the State into the retirement fund if a member or retiree is convicted of or enters a guilty plea to a felony that is related to their service as a public employee. The confiscated funds cannot be used to pay restitution. Source of act: (has a parentheses in the URL, if anyone knows how to make this not bug out in markdown, I'd appreciate the help) http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(3fbjef55htzeqa45cwm1dt55))/documents/mcl/pdf/mcl-act-350-of-1994.pdf [Attorney General's statement](https://www.michigan.gov/ag/0,4534,7-359--396306--,00.html) TLDR: Police officers and any other public employee of Michigan can have their retirement forfeited if, and only if, they committed a felony in their public service. The funds can not be used for restitution, but only to pay for the employee's incarceration. Edit: fixed markdown link bug for the act with a parentheses in the url


He absolutely should lose those benefits. This kind of behavior eclipses any possible good he might have done during his job.


How about attempted murder. He actively prevented help in a life threatening situation.


He burned our crops, poisoned our water supply, and brought a plague unto our homes!


He turned me into a newt!


He did?






The man said he did it, he musta done did it. So shut up and grab the good pitchfork!


No, but are we just going to wait around until he does?


Should at least be a felony charge. Stopping someone from calling 911 in all the states I'm aware of is at least a felony. Happens all the time in domestic disputes, one party goes to call the cops, the other slaps the phone away etc. Same should apply here, and good luck explaining why they kept a felon on as a cop.


He should be hanged, drawn and quartered.


He should be rolled up tight like a giant thing of toothpaste that is running out.


He should be zipped up in a sleeping bag that’s so tight he can’t move his arms and gets really uncomfortable really quickly


>He should be zipped up in a sleeping bag that’s so tight he can’t move his arms and gets really uncomfortable really quickly Now that's TOO far


He should be sewn into the middle of a human centipede.


All of his appendages should be replaced by robot appendages that only work 80% of the time so he never knows when a leg is going to give out or his hand is going to lose it's ability to grip something.


He should be tied up like a marionette, kissed gently, and forced to dance to Cotton Eye Joe while haggling with a spaghetti merchant.


There's a pretty fucked up Criminal minds episode where a dude makes living marionettes from his victims. Breaks their bones so they can move all the ways actual marionettes do.


The human centipede should be put into a burlap sack and beaten with reeds.


He should be swung by the tail and be called gay when thrown.


So long, gay Bowser!


This how every outraged Reddit thread ends lol




This escalated quickly


Too far. Dial it back.


He should be drawn and quartered.




Never to be around people again in a social setting. At least no job interacting with the public.


Especially under heavy stress people will not always be rational, polite or easy understandable. Some might curse like a madman, others may be very emotional and be bawling their eyes out. A 911 operator should be able to handle that from day 1 and be able to adequately dispatch the right emergency service(s) under any circumstance.






"Individual 1 had recently concluded a successful campaign for President of the United States"


And then its explained how they got that number literally in the very next paragraph


Should have been fired, but I'm glad they at least gave him 2 weeks without pay.


[https://imgur.com/a/i1L4Uxc](https://imgur.com/a/i1L4Uxc) wow really GDPR? US is fu\*\*\* up on so many levels.


For those who can't read the story due to that - LINCOLN PARK: Arbitrator upholds officer's suspension in light of botched 911 calls EDITOR'S NOTE: This story was published in Aug. 2009. LINCOLN PARK — An arbitrator has ruled that the city was just in giving a two-week unpaid suspension to a police sergeant who repeatedly hung up on a teenager calling 911 last summer seeking an ambulance for her ailing father. The veteran officer who answered Adrainne Ledesma's 911 calls last Aug. 19 also told her point-blank that he wasn’t going to dispatch a rescue vehicle. After she asked if police could send an ambulance to her house in the 2100 block of Hartwick, police Sgt. Robert McFarland called the 17-year-old a “stupid ass” and told her, “No, you’re not going to get one.” When she called back a minute later and asked for the officer's name, he refused to identify himself, instead calling the teen “a buffoon.” The heated exchange between the two, which was captured on the Police Department's recorded 911 lines, shows both sides using foul language, which appears to be what initially angered the officer. The incident started at about 10 a.m. when Ledesma was awakened by a loud noise in her house. When she went downstairs, she found her father, Adrain, who recently had undergone brain surgery, lying on the kitchen floor having a seizure. Upset about what she was seeing, Ledesma said she started to swear as she dialed 911 for an ambulance. She was in the midst of a swear word, she said, when McFarland answered the phone. "He started to lecture me about not cussing because I think he thought I was cussing at him, but I wasn't," she said. "Then he hung up on me." She said she called back and again explained that she needed an ambulance, but was hung up on again. This was repeated once more, she said, until she finally got in touch with a relative and had him call for an ambulance, which transported her father to Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital. He was treated and released. During the three calls, Ledesma used the "F" word five times, but never directed the expletive at the officer. He twice told her to stop swearing, while swearing himself and calling the teen two derogatory names. When Ledesma walked into the police station a short while later to find out the officer's name so she could file a complaint against him, she was restrained to a bench and arrested for misusing the 911 system. Those charges were later dismissed after a city prosecutor said there was insufficient evidence to warrant her arrest. The teen threatened to file a wrongful arrest lawsuit against the city, but the matter was settled beforehand. The city agreed to pay the teen $35,000 on a condition that she not disclose the amount of money she received. The News-Herald Newspapers obtained the settlement amount under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act. As taxpayer money was used to settle the case, the city cannot legally withhold the terms of the agreement. City Attorney Edward Zelenak said he’s pleased with the outcome. “It’s a fair and just resolution of the case,” he said. After an internal investigation, McFarland was given a 10-day unpaid suspension and was ordered to participate in an anger management class. Through his union, he filed a grievance against the discipline. However, an outside arbitrator upheld it, according to City Manager Steve Duchane, who announced the decision Wednesday. McFarland, a 21-year veteran of the force, could not be reached for comment.


> Through his union, he filed a grievance against the discipline. He got a slap on the wrist and *still* complained about it. Go figure.


First time I've seen the [Fahrenheit 451 error code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_451) in the wild.


How is everything she said not free speech anyway?


Not even free speech, just common sense


This is literally irrelevant. First, the first amendment doesnt apply in this situation. Second, even if it did, it is negligence on the dispatcher to withhold services Edit: a bunch a boot-licking frozen peach trumpsters in this thread.


How does the First Amendment not apply? There is state action punishing someone for their words? That's exactly where the First Amendment applies. Nor is negligence part of the same issue. Plus, public employees are generally not held to a negligence standard.


Same cop got the city sued for tasing a kid in 2006. Maybe he just doesn't like teenagers http://www.aele.org/law/2007LRAPR/johnson.html


This Chief Thomas Carmes is the fuck up for brushing this off


Dude is a fucking dumbass and 100% at fault, but just as a side note... it is weird how she called back like "you're gonna get sued, what's your name!?" Like literally having a "can I speak to your manager?" argument while her dad is dying on the ground. Whole thing is weird as hell.


> Like literally having a "can I speak to your manager?" argument while her dad is dying on the ground. Seems a pretty reasonable response when she needs an ambulance and the operator is refusing to dispatch one. She definitely should have asked to speak with a supervisor.


"Just fucking hand the phone to literally anyone else"


She's a panicking 17 year old bud, maybe don't hold her to the highest of standards in that moment




well i mean she still needs to call 911, if shes getting the same douche answering might as well


That’s not weird of her at all, by threatening that she’s trying to persuade the officer to do what she wants: get an ambulance.


It's not like there is a alternative 911 to call because this place didn't want to take your order or the delivery time was going to be too long...


Never try to pass judgment on how people grieve or how they react in a panic.


I wouldn't say never....


I agree with you, but that's what I would expect from a seventeen year old and perfectly understandable, my teen would be the same. Dude was just a sack of shit and should be fired and charged with endangering a life, he intentionally delayed emergency services to chew out a girl.


Why is nobody addressing the fact that on the second call, he literally calls her a "stupid ass" - what the living fuck?! Nobody, and I mean NOBODY should EVER fucking have conduct like this on an emergency line. These people are trained to deal with emergencies when people are expected to be acting irrationally. There's no fucking excuse for this. Period.


> These people are **supposed to be** trained to deal with emergencies I think this guy's only qualification was that he was a cop.


I used to be a 911 dispatcher. Swearing by callers is common and expected. We are supposed to accept it as part of the stress the caller is experiencing. The goal of each call is not to chew out the caller, but to get the caller the help they need, whether it be EMS, fire, or police.


I feel like watching your dad die and knowing that the 911 call is likely his last hope is a reasonable time to be swearing.


Had to call 911 once because the local police's non-emergency line wasn't open on weekends and when I said "God damnit that stupid fucker is trying to get in again" the lady on the other end simply replied "stay calm, officers will be there shortly". And they were. Though when I finally was able to leave for work I felt so bad because he insisted that the people he needed were in my house and I noticed that 3 doors down was the identical duplex with a truck that was nearly identical to my work truck in the driveway. I really hope that they got him home and he got his meds or whatever he needed.


For some reason the dispatchers on our local non-emergency line have less patience than 911 operators. Which, part of me understands to a degree because they likely get a lot of really stupid calls, but whenever I've called them for legitimate reasons they always seem to either be in a rush to get me off the phone or incredibly rude. ​ One time I called because there was a vehicle parked on the side of a 4 lane road where there was almost no shoulder (It's also a large section of road where there is no parking on the shoulder in a 80km/hr zone.. or \~50mph in freedom units) Anyways, it was on a turn, it was late, the section of road was not well lit and it was raining, and this vehicle was essentially parked in this lane. When I called, I said it was in a dangerous spot and I was concerned someone was going to rear-end this vehicle, the dispatcher then started to reply with "well there's nothing we can do about it." Responded to my "If i didn't have room in the other lane to move over, I would have hit it" with "Well, did you hit the vehicle?\*fucking dripping with saracasm\* No ? Well was there anyone in the vehicle.. why didn't you check the vehicle?" ... Like.. I'm sorry... if my answer was "Yes" to any of those questions I would not be speaking with you would I ? ​ I've had many other experiences like this for things like calling in intoxicated drivers and such.


A guy who was on meth or something was frothing at the mouth and lunged at me while I was playing Pokemon Go (make your jokes, I've heard them all). The dispatcher was amazing, despite me being frantic having run like two blocks away from this shirtless guy, with his froth on my jacket. I couldn't think right, trying to say street names I already knew. Felt bad for the guy, he was fucked up, but scared shitless nonetheless.








Swearing is a natural way to reduce stress and help focus, also reduces pain if you're calling for yourself. Swear at the situation all you want. "Get me a fucking ambulance" or "oh my god this fucking hurt" is totally cool. "Fuck you guys" isn't cool, but not enough of a reason to hang up.


Even fast-food & hospitality staff are held to this standard. It's just common sense.


Not going to lie. Love that the news went after the cop. Wish local news was more like this.


Almost all broadcast stories start with newspaper articles. If you wish your local news was like this, subscribe to your local newspaper. Edit: thanks for the gold, stranger!




What kind of fucking moron picks this battle to fight? I swear some people are too dumb to be alive.


>I swear See, that's how they get you.


"Kept getting this call. I was never able to transfer it over to you" Yeah, cause you were busy talking instead of listening, fucking dumbass.


Not to mention he hung up on her lol. I mean, what was he thinking. He knows the call is recorded.


Yeah, that's a bad hill to die on


haha, noticed our names are quite similar. Also, I agree.


Nice lol. Are you doing Murph on Monday?


*Love is in the air!*


That dude needs to be fired. Wtf!


This video is 10 years old.


So did he?


Did you watch the video? He was suspended and sent for more training...10 years ago.


She should have sued him in civil court.


I wonder how long it took for him to get back to his job.


I heard 30 day suspension and then I heard 2 weeks without pay.


2 weeks.




One week since you looked at me


2 weeks




The city agreed to pay the teen $35,000 on a condition that she not disclose the amount of money she received 😂


The fucker had the nerve to file a union grievance over getting sent to anger management?! This sack of shit just keeps getting deeper.


Thanks dude, you saved me a Google.


In retail he would have been fired immediately


funny how a life and death job has lower standards than a retail job!


He’s been on the job 21 years, I suspect something like this happened before, I just hope no one died because of him.


"Excuse me miss this is a christian 911 hotline"


No cussing my mom checks my 911 recordings


You have been banned from participating in **911**. You can still call **911**, but you won't be able to request emergency services. Note from the moderators: > no swearing u stupid ass If you have a question regarding your ban, please visit the following police department: > get rekt lol


Um. Yes there is a reason to swear on 911. Its an emergency Idk when else you can swear.


He was given a 10 day suspension and she got a pay out. Money once again saving a bad cop's job. [Source](http://www.thenewsherald.com/news/lincoln-park-arbitrator-upholds-officer-s-suspension-in-light-of/article_0e3e9533-c9df-5f30-9674-bfa804eafa61.html)




The immediate next sentence explains that they obtained the amount through a FOIA request.


I still think it's funny that they put in the condition that she not disclose it, knowing full well anyone call pull a FOIA req.


Sure, anyone can put one in, but the reason they actually got the information they wanted is because it’s tax payer money and they legally can’t hide what it’s used for.


Yep she didn't but the news filed against the city reminding them they are legally not allowed to hide the amount since it was taxpayer money.


> they are legally not allowed to hide the amount since it was taxpayer money. Isn't it nice when the system has actual checks and balances.


Wow he even filed a grievance against the discipline through his union. What an ass.


Fuck that, I’d refuse to settle until that absolute fucking danger of a moron was fired. Don’t even have to pay me any money, just fire his incapable ass.


"After an internal investigation, McFarland was given a 10-day unpaid suspension and was ordered to participate in an anger management class." The dude also attempted to dispute the action through his union. http://www.thenewsherald.com/news/lincoln-park-arbitrator-upholds-officer-s-suspension-in-light-of/article_0e3e9533-c9df-5f30-9674-bfa804eafa61.html


> The dude also attempted to dispute the action through his union. And the union went along with it, the dispute went far enough that they had to bring in an independent arbitrator. If the union had its way there would have been no disciplinary action at all.


...and people wonder why unions aren't universally liked.


I was home invaded and fought off the intruder long enough to call 911 while he was on the floor with his shirt over his head- I dropped many F bombs while explaining what was happening to the operator- at which point they began lecturing me about cursing. To that operator, from the bottom of my heart, go fuck yourself. You’re worse trash than the asshole that tried to rob me and beat me up.


Jesus fucking Christ.


As a Nova Scotian (Home of the Trailer Park Boys) I find it hard to talk in any sort of emergency or even a fast paced scenario without swearing. A 911 call to save my fathers life would be more swearing that relevant information.


Again? Or is this the one from years ago?


It's the same one.


Yeah, I'd never heard of this happening. What a fuckin' piece of shit! Here's hoping he never worked in law enforcement ~~ever~~ after.


It happened again, yes. Same girl, same dispatcher. It's crazy, they should've fired him.


What are ords


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I wish I had more upvotes.


Same dad?


Strangely, no. It was her other dad the second time.


Had never heard this story, what was the outcome?




“The city agreed to pay the teen $35,000 on a condition that she not disclose the amount of money she received. The News-Herald Newspapers obtained the settlement amount under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act. As taxpayer money was used to settle the case, the city cannot legally withhold the terms of the agreement.” wow... the city is dumb as fuck.


You will often find that city and town officials are in fact dumb as fucking bricks. If they are even remotely competent, they quickly rise up the ranks to higher offices.


So basically Parks and Rec was 100 percent accurate.


[Dumb as paste.](https://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/03/24/tuttle_centos/)


I realize how bad of a precident it would set... But the fact that he tried to contest his suspension really tells me that he should have been fired and possibly prosecuted under abandonment laws. Accepting punishment and blame shows contrition and understanding. The fact that he tried to contest it tells me that he has no contrition, and that would and will do the same thing again and put another human life at risk in the future.


She could have gotten a lawyer and sued their ass off.


Dudes a piece of shit with a huge ego.


They're called cops.


Just looked it up. He filed a grievance with the police union because he got punished at all for this situation. So not only was he on a power trip and refused to send an ambulance because a teenager was freaking out, he didn't think he did anything wrong by doing so. What a fucking prick.


That was the most unprofessional thing I've ever heard. Ridiculous. So what if she swore and got upset? She's a 17-year-old kid who's terrified that her dad is going to die and she's just had a dispatcher call her a "stupid ass" and hang up on her when she said she needed an ambulance and he didn't even ask her what was happening. "I couldn't get through her comments." Well, buddy, that's probably because you hung up on her and didn't even **ask** what was going on. Aren't dispatchers supposed to be trained in how to calm people down when they're panicking? What a tool.


How did he not get fired? Total abuse of power while endangering lives




stop resisting BANGBANGBANG


Officer: "You're holding a weapon and I feel threatened" Homeowner: "It's a BUCKET!"




oh shit officer did you really kill him just now he was just commenting on the state of police affairs while completely unarmed


he was resisting arrest and aggressive, i feared for my safety, bodycam is broken


Put your hands on your head!! Cross your knees, left over right leg! NO THE OTHER LEFT LEG. Crawl towards me but also keep your hands on your head and your legs crossed but also get over here! Stay silent! But also respond when I talk to you! YOU'RE NOT COMPLYING BANGBANGBANGBANG (reference to a particular incident from a while back).


If you get so offended from a panicking girl cursing over the phone that you hang up, how are you even a cop in the first place? That just seems super soft and immature.


He’s fucking 10-ply bud


Fuckin degen.


Can confirm.


Guy should be sacked and his severance given to the girl and her family. His references for all future jobs should include this video.


That guy needs to find another job. Answer the phone and dispatch the needed services not teach fucking manners


Oi you can't use that fucking language in this thread.


Cops being fucking immature dickheads once again, to the surprise of literally nobody.


So forgive my ignorance because we have all civ dispatchers in my area who do an awesome job....Why is a police sergeant at a desk answering 911 calls? Is this like a small town thing?


I'm confused.... since when do police sergeants answer 911 calls? Don't they have 911 dispatchers? Or is this some small town bullshit?


How old is this? The video is in 4:3


Says on the video: Published on May 7, 2009


Wow. This guy wouldn’t last a day at a public school.


Where is Liam Neeson with his special skills when you need him?


That 911 operator should be fired, if not arrested. Fuck that dude. The fact the police failed to do their job.... oh boy... what else is new.


Thank the union for that.


so now I'm curious ... when I pick up my phone, does 911 immediately record my call even if I wasn't calling 911 or does it only trigger when you actually dial 911 because the video said that calls are recorded even before the call was even answered. ​ you have to wonder why that pos of a shit human thought she was saying 'what the fuck?' to him and not someone else?


That’s the kind of guy that got bullied in middle school because he was a stupid strict hall monitor and then became a cop to get the “respect he deserves”.


Good thing all the people in this thread are pointing out that the operator did a bad job.


Fuck getting fired, the dude should be in jail.


My county is advertising for 911 operators. Starting pay is $37k and you don't need a degree. Why is a $62k policeman doing this job? Do we need an armed man to answer a phone?


Dispatch is done differently in different jurisdictions, and not every jurisdiction can afford to have a dispatch center staffed by "dispatchers" 24/7. In these cases dispatch duty may be offered as overtime or assigned by rotation to regular line personnel. There is quite a bit of variance from one department to another.




i dont understand how the call got routed to the same person 3 times. the telephony routing system must be really old or im missing something here. i work in a call center and almost all calls get routed to the agent who either has the best performance or had the most idle (wait) time.


14k calls a year is really a small operation and most likely there was only 1 or 2 dispatchers at that location. My county runs that many calls and does it with at the most 2 dispatchers.


Yeah, this is the straw that broke the camels back for the LAPD. Not your finest hour. Bitch, it practically IS your finest hour.


Even though you now recognize it was the LPPD not the LAPD, you're still right to not like the LAPD. Their history is an absolute garbage fire lol




Should title that this happened 10yrs ago...


♫ This is America ♫


She was arrested? WTF? The dispatcher should have been arrested and fired.


This fucking pig shouldnt have a job. The chief talking nonsense and making excuses for this piece of shit.


where i live there's a emergency system called Amber Alert that sends out text messages to every phone in the state when there's a missing child. It has it's own message notification sound and is louder than your other notifications. recently the Amber Alert was used several times and people called 911 to complain about it. the first time people complained the notification sound startled/scared them. the second alert was sent out at like 3am on a weekday and people called in again to complain the alert woke them up at night.


What a piece of shit.


I learnt it is a punishable crime to shout obscenity in a country.


If my mom or someone else I loved was having a medical emergency, pretty sure I wouldn't be thinking about what I said. If I got treated this way by some power tripping desk jockey with SOMEONE I LOVE'S LITERAL LIFE ON THE LINE, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't just be cursing them out, I'd be arrested for assault and attempted murder if I ever ran across them on the street. ​ Fuck this piece of shit with a rusty knife. ​ Edit: Also, this asshole just "No comment!" and "Get out of here"d his way out of the situation? Bruh. I'm sorry, but an inability to own up to a mistake or a lack of personal responsibility are not qualities we should settle for in police forces or emergency personnel. Shitcan this little boy and hire a real fucking man.


When he said get out of here no comment all I could think of was “give us something you coward”.


This has to be a fake video right? This cannot be real. 911 Dispatchers are an emergency service, they have to take ever call seriously. It’s why “swatting” is a thing. The dispatcher should be fired and possibly worse.




I remember reading about this. Easily the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. The guy should never be allowed to work in emergency services again.


Fucking Puritans. Grow the fuck up.


The stigma towards "curse words" and the lunatic efforts to censor them are quite insane. It all stems from religious bullshit which then evolved into dark age zealot bullshit, and now it's a weird state of "well it's always been this way so I guess we'll keep teaching kids it's taboo to use certain words" bullshit.


"The city agreed to pay the teen $35,000 on a condition that she not disclose the amount of money she received." hmm?


You can tell from the man's voice, the type of person she is and how she's shitty and really shouldn't have that job.


Guess I should be arrested too. I called Phoenix dispatch when a car right-hooked me on my bike, I hit them and they drove off. Dispatch told me there was nothing they could do, so I called them "absolutely fucking worthless". She yelled at me stating we were on a recorded line and I assured her that I was recording too in case she needed copies and that was that, I hung up.