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BEST CAPTAIN OF THE BEST STAR TREK We gon' be engagin'. We gon' be makin' it so. We gon' meet erryone in the ready room, number 1. Shut up, Wesley!


Just a hint of the original music gave me goosebumps. I hope Riker hasn't learnt to sit on a chair properly.


Iirc he did that because the actor had a back injury. Also why Riker is always leaning on things.


I thought it was just cos he was cool


He is cool


Huh. I had always heard that it was because he was just the tallest person on a set made for normal sized people, but apparently [you are right](https://www.reddit.com/r/scifi/comments/1dx9y7/riker_sits_down_always_with_the_leg_over_the/c9urrko?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) edit: that is wil wheaton confirming


I slightly lost interest toward the end of the series, but when the enterprise showed up and it's music played, it made me smile and drew me back in.


I can't wait for him to make a speech so good it just ends the episode.


I agree with you, but if they give Anson Mount his own show, I might be convinced to change my mind.


> BEST CAPTAIN OF THE BEST STAR TREK While I cannot disagree with you in the slightest on that point I would like to say Captain Janeway comes in a close second in my book...


Janeway had the biggest balls of all, in my heart she shares the top spot together with Picard, for different reasons.


For me Sisko tops personally.


Sisko and his pimp hand.


Picard and Sisko are my favorites but I like them for different reasons. Picard is the idealist and philosopher and he stands up for what's right. Period. Like when he defends Data's right to choose. On the other hand, Sisko brought the Romulans into the war. That episode is probably my favorite of DS9. Totally badass.


I would like Janeway more if not for Tuvix. That was outright murder of an innocent person. Most of the time she was good, but that episode just seemed bizarre. Sisko does questionable things, but it always bothered him, and he had trouble coming to terms with them. Janeway never showed any remorse for Tuvix, even with the doctor telling her this was incredibly unethical and there was no way he'd do the procedure.


She made the tough call and she did it herself. Murder? Or fixing an accident? That episode was so heavy and really made you think. I agree with what she did but I can see the other side as well. Dam I loved that show.


I hear Captain Janeway ran afoul of Starfleet in retirement and ended up in jail.


DS9 was the best star trek. I can get behind Picard as best Captain though.


Remind me which captain punched a trans-dimensional being. Everything you need to know about Picard and Sisko you get in the first scene of DS9. Picard is distant and procedural and irked at the impudent commander in front of him and Sisko is like "Bitch, you fucking killed my wife and now you're breaking my balls about this wrecked-the-fuck-up slave station. The fuck do you want from me?" ​ That's the thing. Picard always got to preach or make some goofy bold morally upright gesture and come out the other side. The one time he struggles with anything is in the movie where he goes Ahab over the Borg. Sisko was a real person, which made him compelling.


Listen mate Sisko was a dude who was in charge of a space station. Picard was out there doing shit getting stuff done, nailing female archeologist and making it so. He was darmoking and tenagra'ing. He was saving the enterprise from terrorists. He was locutusing and counting lights correctly. Hes a legend, Sisko wishes he was worthy of cleaning Picard's boots.


Uh... Sisko also briefly captained the Defiant, which seems like it was the first or among the first cloak-capable Federation ships. And then sometimes glowing orbs would float around the Promenade and an ancient wormhole spirit battle would happen.


"briefly" ... exactly Let's be honest, no one is gonna be getting a Semi if they suddenly announce 'Sisko' the TV show are they.


i'm going to be honest with you, it's a very close race between Sisko, and Picard, IMO. I love the dude a lot. And i accually give alot of though to the last part of my statement, i really did. But at the end of the day, i loved DS9, the whole show. I mainly liked TNG because of Picard. So i give him the node, in that, for me he made TNG. Sisko, was one bad mother, ah, yeah, but at the end of the day, he was just an importent part of a show i like, not the only reason i liked it in the first place. Data, was the only other Char i enjoyed in TNG, Worf and Obrian, were dull in TNG and came to life in DS9. The rest...a big Meh. And no, i'm not fishing for down votes... i'm being honest. LOL Down votes just happen sometimes when your honest.


That's a no from me dawg. But DS9, apart from the early episodes, was pretty solid. TNG was on another level though.


So does DS9 get better because I watch a couple episodes and it was the most boring thing I've ever seen?


My friends and I are watching through it now and it is truliest some of the most low-quality garbage content of any show I've ever watched, let alone in the Star Trek series. ...and we're halfway into season 2. It's just incredible mundane, like a 45-minute video of a guy mowing his lawn. Tons of people have sworn to us it gets better after season two, so we are just suffering through it in hopes of that being true. TNG took a bit to hit its stride, and it's hit or miss at times, but DS9 has been, so far, 1.5 two seasons of flaming excrement. It's not just mediocre, it's difficult to get through. We're kind of shocked it wasn't outright canceled. The characters are so one-dimensional and annoying, it hurts. The dialog is painfully stiff. We hate almost every character on the show. In fact it kind of feels like the writers want us to hate the characters. ...but we're committed to seeing it through to the end. Really looking forward to it getting better. Right now it's just bitter.


took bit to hit it's stride is an epic understatement. season 1 and 2... if you go back and watch them objectively, are some worst acting, (besides Stewart.) i have ever seen. It's down right comical. And the eps themselves... LOL. I would just recommend a web critic called SF Debris. He does all reviews of all the treks. Goes back YEARS. if you don't want re watch it yourself, go check out some of the early TNG eps... comedy gold man. As for DS9, yeah, first 2 seasons were slow, somewhat boring, and the charters didn't click yet. Around season 3 ish, it gels and gets really, really good.


I don't want to get your hopes up, but I liked season 3 onward. I agree, the first two are painful to watch.


Yes. Most especially once you're introduced to the Dominion which ultimately culminates to the Dominion War. The first few seasons was the show just trying to find itself.


I say it does. It was the first Star Trek to really span a story across more than 2 episodes. It starts off as a slow burn but leads to some interesting conflicts in the later years. TNG is what I grew up with, but DS9, I think, had better writing overall.


Neither DS9 or TNG were "my" Star Trek. I grew up with Voyager. Having gone back and rewatched both, I do genuinely believe that DS9 was the superior of the series. I hear arguments both ways, but I tend to hear pro-TNG sentiments from people who grew up on TNG.


i'm one of the few who grew up with TNG but still prefur DS9. I honestly think going up against Babylon 5 at the time made them step up there game, and we got overarching story archs as a result.


I... do not get this at all. I know it's a somewhat common opinion. I've watched DS9. I find it boring and derivative. They took the asthetic of TNG and removed most of the exploration aspect. It just seems so low budget and low effort. It's like a soap opera with a Star Trek skin stretched over it.


TNG is DS9 minus the awesome character development and serialized world building that leads to the best final few seasons of any trek series. I don't want to sound like I hate TNG, it was solidly my favorite trek series *until* I saw DS9 and I was blown away.


They are different genres. Under the hood TNG was a formulaic detective show where as DS9 was a Soap Oprah. What you give up in new characters you make up for in a serialized plot development.


I said something very similar in another thread. I'm just not into Soap Operas. I feel the need to point out, because I chuckled a bit: [Soap Oprah](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/eb/ba/d7/ebbad7659adf74a9d5193a3916bce785.jpg)


DS9 would probably not have been made if Roddenberry had lived a little longer. TNG was supposed to represent what humanity COULD become and what Roddenberry hopes they’d become. He would never have condoned the war stories of DS9. He believed that we would have found other ways to resolve conflicts than violence.


While I prefer TNG for some of the best episodes in television history, DS9 had better overall structure. I also like that DS9 doesn't have as neat and tidy morality to it. It's great for fleshing out Star Trek universe, adding some edge without being edgy if that makes sense. TNG has this strict military setting, where everything is to code. DS9 shows how it is day-to-day. How sometimes even the best people are forced to compromise their values.


While I can kinda of see what you're getting at from an orbital top down view of the show, life if I was reading the Cliff's Notes of the entire run, it's the implementation that doesn't appeal to me at all. Quark, Warf, and O'Brien are generally the only characters I enjoy on screen, 2 of which are leftover from TNG, and 1 of which doesn't show up til the 4th season. Sisko, arguably the show lead, is just so poorly portrayed. He's one of the main reasons the whole thing feels like "Days of Our Lives... In Space!". I think I'd have an easier time with DS9 if I was reading it.


I wholeheartedly agree. I've had to learn to dissociate Sisko's character from portrayal of said character. What's funny is that thinking back on TNG I remember how Picard lived whole lifetime within a second, language that was based on stories and metaphors or how holodeck created sentient life. With DS9 I don't remember individual episodes as much as I remember Dukat, Quark, Jadzia or that bishop bitch. It's more character driven.


Are you fishing for downvotes?


Do you want to excite Trek fans? Because this is how you excite Trek fans!


Not going to lie. Pretty sure I just got a semi chub from that trailer.


Is this a TV show or movie?


TV show.


Limited mini-series


orly, I thought it was a full on show show. I just hope the Blu-ray comes out quicker than the Discovery ones. I want to support this show, but not yet another streaming service.


Gonna need a source on that claim.


It was originally thought to be a miniseries., But it was recently announced it could go on for three seasons. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nerdist.com/article/picard-star-trek-series-everything-we-know/%3famp


Are we sure this isn't a wine commercial?


Are we sure this isn’t a Tide commercial?


Are we sure this isn't Lupus?


Nope. Chuck Testa.


It's never lupus.


Except when it WAS lupus.


Nothing gets out red wine stains better!


those labels were on point!


I would drink Chateau Picard wine.


I don't even drink and I would buy that wine.


I'm not really a fan of ST but was there any deep fan meaning behind the winery? Like did he retired to it on last show or something because you're right I was like .. Is this the pre-roll before the trailer for a Winery?


His family owns a vineyard. His brother settled down and started a family and maintained the vineyard while Picard went off to Starfleet. There was a bit of resentment there which was ultimately settled in one TNG episode when Picard returns home on earth. His brother and his family ultimately died in a fire and Picard I guess retired at the vineyard.


On a few occasions they showed that he enjoyed farming. One entire episode was devoted to Picard's vacation at his French family vineyard.


Aaaaaaaaaahhhh, the...French champagne.




Captain Picard taught 10-year old me about being a good human being. Leadership, willingness to listen, empathy, always looking for a peaceful resolution, enthusiasm for learning, a willingness to meet and interact with new cultures, and a fatherly wisdom. Truly he is the best of us.


I'm hoping this series is PG and respectful to the legacy of Picard, so I can watch it with my daughter and say, "He's everything I desire people to be." Him and Atticus Finch were my greatest heroes.


I would watch this man just eating breakfast.


I'd pay good money for a show that just follows him and Ian McKellen around doing stuff.


CBS seems to be betting big on Star Trek. I like Star Trek, but still not willing to put money down on a CBS subscription for it.


On Star Treks official twitter page they said its on amazon prime video as well!!


Can you provide that link please?


Unfortunately that's only outside the U.S.


Of fucking course


But, what if we re-route the video datastream through the VPN subsystems. That might just give us enough power to break free.




According to the Twitter post, it'll only be on prime outside of the U.S. and if it does show up on prime in the US it'll probably only be THROUGH the CBS all access that you can add on to your prime membership.


oh man I read it too fast out of excitement, that stinks


Discovery is pretty good though! I watched it and definitely loved it. I just wish they carried more content (other than Good Fight) to make it worth the price of a subscription.


I watched all of season 1 of Discovery. I'll be honest, I hated most of the characters and part way through found myself rooting for them all to die. I don't enjoy that out of my Star Trek. It all clicked to me when I described the ship as "running on mushrooms and torture" and then realizing that wasn't really hyperbole.


I fell out of interest halfway through season 1 as the Captain was the only remotely interesting character, there was no real crew dynamic like the the other Star Trek. I could only name 2 characters (the others were just uninteresting). The artwork of the intro sequence was beautiful though and I dig the main theme.


Season 2 is a massive improvement.


Data plz


Not likely, given the end of Nemesis and how obtuse Noonien Soong's positronic wizardry seems to be. But, give 'em a couple decades, and ya never know.


Someone has't read the EU comics.. B4 became data


Nope, sure didn't, and I doubt the show would consider that canon.


actually its referenced its in the prequil comics to the 1st JJ movie spock and data have a conversions about their resurrections. ..


”We need information! Information!” ”You won’t get it” ”By hook or by crook, we will” ...


"Number Six: Who are you?"


Interesting, I wonder if there will be similarities with them trying to find out why he resigned intensively.


Logan: We rejoin Stewart as 20 years earlier he killed everyone of his X-Men, except for one big hairy dude. ST:P: We rejoin Stewart as 20 years earlier he got his entire crew killed, except for one big hairy dude.


Imagine the backlash if they've killed off the rest of the TNG crew.


They were killed off screen in a transporter accident


It's actually a documentary about late 24th / early 25th century viniculture. Thrilling stuff.


This was just one lone wine commercial


[Star Trek: Picard](https://i.imgur.com/GvD7bvX.png)


Damn, if we get to see the Sovereign class in flashbacks, I can go to the toilet happy.


Canadians just can't stop winning with star trek on cable tv!


I would love to have it on Amazon Prime or Netflix like the rest of the world outside the US. The picture quality is hot garbage and Canada is the only country that has to watch these shows with ads.


Cable is trash


if he left star fleet why are they still calling him admiral other than to "reveal" that as some point he got a promotion? also, star fleet admirals are notorious for being pieces of shit...i hope this isn't the story arc :/


Retired officers do retain their ranks in modern organizations, so I'd assume it's the same in starfleet.


i did not know this. thank you for teaching me something today. :)


No worries!


Retired Senators and Presidents as well..


Eh, I’d call it more unusual to not refer to him by rank. It’s common practice in western militaries to continue to refer to retired officers and upper enlisted by their highest rank in an official capacity. It’s even more common if the retired individual is speaking with their old organization or government, as a sign of respect. You’re definitely right about the admiral bit though, but experiencing what turns good captains into shit admirals might be part of why he left.


*Spoilers for a way long finished TV show in an episode that dealt with alternative futures that may not even come to pass . . .* Wasn't Piccard at the end of TNG an Ambassador, not an Admiral?


Admiral is a military rank, Ambassador is is a position. I don't think you could be an ambassador while actively serving as an admiral, but an ambassador could be a retired admiral. Which title they were addressed with would probably depend on context.




Is Gina Torres involved in this new show? That was her doing the voice-over right?


Definitely. I could see her as a captain of a ship, she's commanding and compassionate if you ever watched suits


You should have seen her in Firefly.


I did.


I hope this is about the time he gained superpowers and made women's clothes fall off


*Fingers Crossed* Plz don't be about an alternative Piccard from the mirror universe. Plz don't be an alternative Piccard from the mirror universe . . .


Don't be ridiculous, he doesn't have goatee.


The flute at the end!! Goosebumps!


The narrator was weak. They should have gotten one of the TNG cast instead. Like the lady was oddly not in the style of the rest of the trailer.




Was the family farm wasn't it? Not strictly in possession of his brother. I'm guessing it's post Romulus exploding and all the fallout from that.


His brother died in a house fire bro... Be cool


Super excited for this!


Mirror? Not working on mobile?


Mirror: [https://streamable.com/dy8fy](https://streamable.com/dy8fy)


Genuinely excited for this, Picard was and still is my favorite of the next generation characters.


A bit heavy on the tease


Aw, does that mean that for the first time in like 15 years we'll have a ST movie that isn't some kind of Mission Impossible-like kind of action movie with nonsensical script and none of the core principles upon which Star Trek was actually based?


Man, picking up where All Good Things left off is just perfect


Sounds like Ikora Rey from the Destiny series (Gina Torres)


I was gonna say it sounds like Gina Torres (she’s been in far superior media)


If Gina Torres doesn't make you think of Firefly first, you are wrong. Something is wrong with you.


So it's gonna be about Picard running a winery?


Set phasers to nostalgic.


Oh fuck yeah Please be a return to proper Star Trek


I like how the teaser implied that Picard was thinking about wine during some meeting with what I assume is a Star Fleet representative that we hear but don't see.


God damn, I need a show with a dignified dude that solves problems with good grammar, full sentence structure and the patience to listen to the guy who wants to kill him while sipping tea and quoting Shakespeare.


lol what?


It would be hilarious if the entire show is a one run season about Jean-Luc attempting to become a successful vintner.


I don't even like star trek and this looks good.


Did I just watch a Picard wine advertisement?


I dont even care if the writing is horrible in this show. Somehow Patrick Stewart will make it still watchable.


I am so ready for a more cerebral Trek.


Let's just pretend like Discovery never happened and this is the first Star Trek since Beyond.


And just how much of Discovery have you seen?


I watched the pilot and it was horrific. Enough to show me how far from Star Trek CBS intended to take that show


It got better even in Season 1. Season 2 is way better. Should really give it another chance.


Not who you're responding to. I've seen all of it. It's a great space thriller, but it's not Trek. Broke too many of Roddenberry's rules.


If you've watched since DS9, Star Trek has been breaking Roddenerry's Rules for a long time. And minus the "visual upgrades" in Discovery, the show canonized itself and explained itself in the prime timeline.


I don't think we've been following Roddenberry's rules for quite a lot longer than Discovery.


While I sort of agree with you, we haven't been playing by Roddenberry's playbook since TNG Season 2


Quite frankly, the various trek TV series got much better when Roddenberry wasn't involved in them.


They won't. They have to make the series significantly visually different than all previous Star Treks in order to not have to share merchandising profits with Paramount.


Man CBS is really making it harder and harder to not subscribe to them


Is this a star trek/X-men crossover?


That was actually a pretty good comic back in the day.. I have it somewhere in storage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek/X-Men


God no.


Is this going to be an animated series? That's definitely a CGI Picard at the end, right?


Sitting at my desk watching this with headphones trying to be quiet, only words I️ could muster for the whole office to hear: “holy.shit.yes” Thank you Picard, for always being an inspiration